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Incarnate - Joint and Muscle Strength & Recovery, 180 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Incarnate - Joint and Muscle Strength & Recovery, 180 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Incarnate - Joint and Muscle Strength & Recovery, 180 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Incarnate -
Item Number:35509
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Category: Sports Nutrition

Incarnate - Joint and Muscle Strength & Recovery, 180 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

Ever wondered what makes world class athletes as explosive, massive and dominating as what they are? The simple answer is a much higher ratio of explosive fast twitch muscle fibers to endurance driving slow twitch muscle fibers compared to the average or good athlete. It's a cold hard fact that only 1% of people are born with the genetics to be a pro-athlete or competitive bodybuilder. This elite group was born with a significantly higher percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers, allowing them to get stronger, run faster and put on leaner, denser muscle than you.  
Unfortunately we don't have the ability to change our own genetics, but we certainly have the ability to dramatically enhance them and force them to perform at their absolute peak levels. If you've ever felt that you were overmatched by other bodybuilders or athletes because of “better genetics”, then listen up. Now is the time to finally level the playing field. Introducing INCARNATE, the ground-breaking new product designed to radically augment explosive performance, promote extreme muscle growth, strength and endurance while encouraging joint, ligament and muscle recovery through the Introduction of KETOSTERONES and the substantial boosting of Carnosine levels in fast twitch muscle fibers.  
Fast twitch muscle fibers are the explosive power plants in our muscles that allow us to pack on ultra dense muscle quickly or outrun another player down the field. The greater the ratio of fast twitch fibers to slow twitch fibers determines how powerful and muscular we can become. The ultimate goal of people with normal genetics must be to train their existing levels of Fast Twitch fibers to their peak levels. The ability to effectively train our muscles is greatly controlled by the Carnosine levels in these muscles. Increased levels of Carnosine in fast twitch muscle fibers act as buffers and aid in dramatically slowing down metabolic acidosis which is the leading cause of muscle fatigue – the killer of the intensity and duration of your workout sessions.  
Step 1: Fast-Twitch Muscle Amplifier 
Incarnate saturates your existing fast twitch muscle fibers with Carnosine, delaying metabolic acidosis (the biological process behind muscle fatigue) which allows you to train at much higher intensity levels and for much longer duration. Two recent clinical studies have shown that supplementation with the key components of incarnate enables athletes to increase strength by more than 70% compared to creatine while increasing maximum workload and intensity by more than 16%.Another clinical study of Carnosine supplementation versus Creatine supplementation has shown that Carnosine boosting of fast twitch muscle fibers produces 193% greater gains in lean muscle mass compared to creatine alone.  
So what does this all mean? In short, use of Incarnate will translate to amazing gains in size, strength and explosive power.  
Step 2: Anabolic Activator - Stimulates Joint & Ligament Recovery 
Incarnate introduces KETOSTERONES, a potent steroidal like compound, that stimulates anabolic activity and produces increased muscle growth, all the while promoting an ideal environment for ligament, tendons, bone tissue and joint support and repair.  
When training with Incarnate you will be able to train longer, push your body through exhaustion and pump out those extra reps that you could never do before. Incarnate will help you break through those infuriating training plateaus by allowing you to blast through fatigue and train longer and harder. So now you’re rapidly building more muscle mass and power, but what about those little connectors that we call joints, tendons and ligaments? Injuries are the black sheep of sports... leaving you on the sideline and keeping you from the iron or playing field for days, even weeks. Unfortunately, muscle fiber grows faster and stronger than the fragile ligaments and tendons that bind muscles together in order to provide us with complex movement. Incarnate employs the introduction of KETOSTERONES into your body to make it a fortress.  
KETOSTERONES are potent steroidal like compounds that stimulate anabolic activity, but unlike anabolic steroids, KETOSTERONES actually help to nourish your valuable ligament, tendons, bone tissue and joints. Incarnate promotes an environment for optimal health of joints, ligaments, and cartilage. What makes these KETOSTERONES so special is that they not only promote joint health but they also have anabolic properties that will help drive testosterone levels allowing you pack on lean dense mass. KETOSTERONES are exclusively found in Cissus Quadrangularis and Incarnate use an extremely potent version standardized to 20% KETOSTERONES.  
With Incarnate those aches and pains you feel in your muscle and joints will be a thing of the past. Now you can train harder than ever and have the back up you need. Pack on pounds and pounds of lean dense muscle mass and never worry again about the pain that follows those sweat drenched work outs because Incarnate has your back.  
Once you train with Incarnate you will never train with another strength and recovery product again!!! 
With Incarnate you will experience:
  • Dramatic Increases in Explosiveness & Raw Strength
  • Significant Lean Muscle Gains
  • Increased Intensity & Capacity During Workouts
  • Stronger, Healthier Joints & Ligaments
  • Substantially Decreased Muscle Fatigue

Less than 1% of all people have the genetics to become a professional athlete or competitive bodybuilder. Through the introduction of Ketosterones and Carnosine Supplementation, Incarnate gives the common athlete the ability to compel his genetics to perform at there absolute peak levels. 
The Olympian versus You  
We've all watched Professional Athletes or Olympians on TV and been in awe over their raw speed, incredible strength and amazing physiques. Even in our own gym or on the high school football field we've seen or played against guys that were so athletically superior to us that we can only categorize them as "Genetic Freaks". For the majority of us, we train extremely hard. Pro Athletes aside, compared to those specimens in our own gym or high school playing field, we probably trained considerably harder than them because of how easy everything has come for them. The big question here is "What enables these individuals to be athletically superior to me, even though I train so much harder than them?" 
The answer is Type IIx Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers. Every human possesses Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers, as well as Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers . The exciting news is fast-twitch muscle fibers have a far greater potential for muscle growth than Type I Fibers (Slow-Twitch Fibers). Incarnate saturates your existing fast twitch muscle fibers with carnosine, delaying muscle acidosis which allows you to train at much higher intensity levels and for much longer duration. In two recent clinical studies the key components of Incarnate, in comparison to creatine, has been shown to increase muscular strength by 70% and lean muscle mass by 193% more than creatine alone. Also users have experienced a 82% decrease in body fat percentage in comparison to creatine alone.  
Now what does this mean to you? Well it means that for the first time in a very long time there is a product that goes beyond hype and actually provides overwhelming scientific support and real-world testing that could set the standard for sports nutrition products for years to come.

As a dietary supplement, take one serving twice daily. Incarnate can be taken with or food. If consumed with food the tingling sensation should be lessoned. 
On Training Days: 
Take 3 Capsules 45 to 60 minutes prior to exercise and take 3 capsules within 60 to 90 minutes post workout. The post workout consumption is essential for muscle growth and support of healthy joints and ligaments.  
On Non-Training Days: 
Take 3 Capsules twice daily. Once in the late morning with food and once in the late afternoon or evening. 
NOTE: The extreme muscle building effects of Incarnate may cause a slight tingling sensation in some users. This is natural characteristics of the ingredients Beta-Alanine. As you take Incarnate your body will become more used to the dosage of Beta-Alanine and this sensation should lessen.
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Retail Price: $59.99
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Incarnate - Joint and Muscle Strength & Recovery, 180 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

Supplement Facts :  
Serving Size: 3 Capsules 
Beta Alanine 2,000mg 
Cissus Quadrangularis 20% Ketosterones 600mg 
Proprietary Blend: 244mg 
(L-Histidine HCl, Betaine HCl) 
Beta Alanine: Beta-Alanine is an amino acid. Beta-Alanine combines with L-Histidine to form the naturally-occurring dipeptide Carnosine. Beta-Alaine, as a means of elevating Carnosine concentrations in muscle, is useful for anyone participating in explosive sports, such as sprinting, basketball, football and weight training. Carnosine is found primarily in type II muscle fibers. These are the "fast-twitch" fibers that are important for explosive sports, such as sprinting and weight training. Increasing the concentration of carnosine in muscle is important to athletes because Carnosine increases intramuscular hydrogen ion (H+) buffering capacity. The production of H+ leads to painful muscle fatigue and slow recovery time. Carnosine significantly increases your ability to work harder by preventing your muscle from becoming too acidic during intense physical exercise. The more Carnosine your muscle maintains the lower levels of acidity muscle, allowing you to train harder and longer.  
Cissus Quadrangularis 20% Ketosterones: Cissus Quadrangularis provides a unique array of vitamins, minerals, and plant sterol compounds (ketosterones) that work to develop and fortify muscle, bone and cartilage. While acting as conduit for nutrient delivery to tendon related injuries, Cissus Quadrangularis works to reduce pain from injuries to joints, muscles and cartilage. Studies have shown anabolic/androgenic compounds are well known to act as antagonists to the glucocorticoid receptor, it has been postulated that Cissus Quadrangularis possesses anabolic and/or androgenic properties. 
L-Histidine HCl: L-Histidine is an amino acid. It combines with Beta-Alanine to form the naturally-occurring dipeptide Carnosine. L-Histidine, as a means of elevating Carnosine concentrations in muscle, is useful for anyone participating in explosive sports, such as sprinting, basketball, football and weight training. Carnosine is found primarily in type II muscle fibers. These are the "fast-twitch" fibers that are important for explosive sports, such as sprinting and weight training. Increasing the concentration of carnosine in muscle is important to athletes because Carnosine increases intramuscular hydrogen ion (H+) buffering capacity. The production of H+ leads to painful muscle fatigue and slow recovery time. Carnosine significantly increases your ability to work harder by preventing your muscle from becoming too acidic during intense physical exercise. The more Carnosine your muscle maintains the lower levels of acidity in muscle, allowing you to train harder and longer.  
Betaine HCl: Betaine hydrochloride is a non-essential nutrient and a source of hydrochloric acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the stomach that helps digest food by breaking up fats and proteins. In particular, Betaine HCL is necessary for adequate absorption of protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and iron. It is also known as hydrochloric acid and stomach acid. The low pH of the stomach's hydrochloric acid also destroys ingested bacteria and microorganisms.
Incarnate - Joint and Muscle Strength & Recovery, 180 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

Editor's rating: 8.2 out of 10
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Incarnate - Joint and Muscle Strength & Recovery, 180 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

How It Works
Incarnate works by dramatically raising carnosine levels in fast twitch muscles. By increasing carnosine levels in your fast twitch muscles Incarnate buffers H+ - hydrogen ions that make your muscles burn and fatigue. By buffering these Hydrogen ions Incarnate allows you to train longer and much more effectively, helping you produce the eye popping results seen in the aforementioned clinical trials. Incarnate also increases carnosine levels in Type I fibers (slow twitch muscle fibers), these are the muscle fibers responsible for aerobic performance..ie, long distance jogging and swimming. So not only can you lift more weight and increase muscle size you can now jog or swim for longer stretches of time.

Incarnate is a ground breaking new product that combines the explosive muscle building performance of Carnosine supplementation with the Anabolic lean mass production and Joint & Ligament Recovery provided by KETOSTERONES.  
Incarnate Results:
  • Dramatic Increases in Explosiveness & Raw Strength
  • Significant Lean Muscle Gains
  • Increased Intensity & Capacity During Workouts
  • Stronger, Healthier Joints & Ligaments
  • Substantially Decreased Muscle Fatigue
What exactly is Carnosine and what is its role in my muscles? 
Carnosine is a naturally occuring di-peptide consisting of Beta Alanine and Histidine found in varying degrees throughout human skeletal muscle tissue. In general, Carnosine can be found in much greater levels in Type IIx Fast Twitch muscle fibers versus slow twitch muscle fibers used for endurance. Carnosine's primary role in sketal muscle function is to act as a buffer against metabolic acidosis (the process leading to muscle fatigue). The higher the level of Carnosine found in the Fast Twitch Fibers, the slower metabolic acidosis is to set in. 
What causes Metabolic Acidosis? 
Technically speaking, metabolic acidosis is caused by the body's natural break down of ATP into constituent H+ ions. As greater levels of H+ ions form, the net PH level of the muscle tissue becomes more and more acidic. The lower the PH (acidic) of the muscle goes, the faster muscle fatigue sets in. As expected, this process is greatly exacerbated during periods of intense exercise. The harder we workout, the higher the rate of metabolic acidosis.  
How do we slow down the muscle fatigue caused by Intense Exercise?  
In scientific terms,we must create or introduce into the muscle tissue negatively charged buffers that will attach to the free floating hydrogen+ ions. This will help to stabilize or slow down ph decline. In skeletal muscle, clinical studies have shown the most effective buffer to be carnosine (beta alanine/histidine peptide). 
What are Ketosterones? 
Ketosterones are plant sterols. The ketosterones found in Incarnate come from cissus quadrangularis standardized to 20% ketosterones. The ketosterones in Cissus Quadrangularis have been shown to help support optimal joint, tendon and cartilage health, enhance recovery, and stimulate anabolic activity.  
How does Incarnate help with joint health? 
Cissus Quadrangularis, one of the key components of Incarnate, provides a unique array of vitamins, minerals, and plant sterol compounds (ketosterones) that work to develop and fortify muscle, bone and cartilage. While acting as conduit for nutrient delivery to tendon related injuries, Cissus Quadrangularis works to reduce pain from injuries to joints, muscles and cartilage. 
What Separates Incarnate from other Carnosine Products? 
Most companies would have stopped when they produced a product that works as effectively at increasing lean muscle mass and delaying muscle fatigue as well as Incarnate does but not us at Palo Alto Labs. We realized that by allowing the users of Incarnate to train significantly harder and longer it would put them at an increased risk of sports related injuries. In an attempt to make sure that your body can withstand the added reps and intensity produced in your Incarnate enhanced workouts we added the ultimate joint, ligament and muscle fortifier Cissus Quadrangularis. But we didn't just give you a Cissus Quadrangularis powder we secured an extract standardized to 20% ketosterones allowing for extreme fortification of your joints and muscles. The 20% ketosterones used in Incarnate is one of the highest extracts available in world. We chose to use a 20% extract because we felt it left a significant portion of the herb intact helping to keep its overall antioxidant effects. Now you can train as hard and as long you want and know that you have the proper nutrients working to help support your joints, cartilage, and muscles.
Case Studies
In clinical studies performed on the effect of Carnonsine supplementation Versus Creatine, Carnosine Supplementation provided the the test subjects with the following results:
  • 70% Greater Increases in Strength than creatine
  • 193% Greater Production of Lean Muscle Mass than creatine
Incarnate is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.