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H-Blocker - 30 Servings , (iSatori Technologies)
H-Blocker - 30 Servings , (iSatori Technologies)
H-Blocker - 30 Servings , (iSatori Technologies)
Item Number:17427
Product Code:2520009
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Category: Sports Nutrition

H-Blocker - 30 Servings, (iSatori Technologies)

  • Increases Explosive Power by 77.2%
  • World's First and Most Powerful Beta-Alanine Formula/Carnosine Booster
  • Delivers Immediate, Explosive Strength and Power Gains!
  • Produces On-Going, Permanent Muscle Growth
Unfortunately, during intense exercise, the release of hydrogen ions are accelerated, followed by a decrease in pH levels—a process called muscular acidosis—which is directly associated with muscle fatigue, weakness, and ultimately physical exhaustion. 
New research indicates the patent-pending nutrient matrix, found only in H+Blocker, rapidly aids in the synthesis of carnosine, which soaks up muscle-fatiguing hydrogen ions like a sponge and stabilizes pH levels in skeletal muscles... thereby allowing you to experience immediate, explosive strength gains, greater muscular contractions, and noticeably delay the onset of muscular fatigue. That means you'll be able to push out more reps and heavier weights with less fatigue and faster recovery. As a result, the total workload and intensity you normally train at will now dramatically increase. 
Translated: H+Blocker—from the very first dose—promotes muscular power and strength, so you can pack on more new muscle, faster and easier, than you ever imagined. 
H+Blocker Facts You Need to Know:
  • World's First, and Most Powerful Beta-Alanine Formula/Carnosine Booster
  • Delivers Immediate, Explosive Strength and Power Gains!
  • Produces On-Going, Permanent Muscle Growth, Through the Influence of Type IIx Muscle Fibers
  • Works From the Very First Dose and Every Time Afterward
  • Patent-Pending Nutrient Matrix—Cannot Be Duplicated!

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H-Blocker - 30 Servings, (iSatori Technologies)

H-Blocker - 30 Servings, (iSatori Technologies)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

H-Blocker - 30 Servings, (iSatori Technologies)

How It Works
New Muscle Growth. It's what you train for, right?

Unfortunately, during intense exercise, the release of hydrogen ions are accelerated, followed by a decrease in pH levels—a process called "muscular acidosis"—which is directly associated with muscle fatigue, weakness, and ultimately physical exhaustion.

New research indicates the patent-pending nutrient matrix, found only in H+Blocker, rapidly aids in the synthesis of carnosine, which soaks up muscle-fatiguing hydrogen ions like a sponge and stabilizes pH levels in skeletal muscles... thereby allowing you to experience immediate, explosive strength gains, greater muscular contractions, and noticeably delay the onset of muscular fatigue. That means you'll be able to push out more reps and heavier weights with less fatigue and faster recovery. As a result, the total workload and intensity you normally train at will now dramatically increase.

Translated: H+Blockerfrom the very first dosepromotes muscular power and strength, so you can pack on more new muscle, faster and easier, than you ever imagined.

H+Blocker Facts You Need to Know:

World's First, and Most Powerful Beta-Alanine Formula/Carnosine Booster

Delivers Immediate, Explosive Strength and Power Gains!

Produces On-Going, Permanent Muscle Growth, Through the Influence of Type IIx Muscle Fibers

Works From the Very First Dose and Every Time Afterward

Patent-Pending Nutrient Matrix—Cannot Be Duplicated!

What is H+Blocker?

H+Blocker is the world's first carnosine synthesizer/muscle intensifier... used before intense exercise to block hydrogen, stabilize pH, and prevent "metabolic acidosis."

The main active compound, found only in H+Blocker, is an exclusive bonded form of beta-alanine and L-histidine with aspartic acid called beta-alanyl-l-aspartyl-l-histidine.

These nutrients are the natural biological precursors for carnosine. When you take H+Blocker, beta-alanyl-l-aspartyl-l-histidine ride a metabolic express lane all the way to your muscles, where they are used to increase the muscle carnosine stores in your muscles.

This results in enhanced high-intensity workout performance, increased strength and muscle mass, and faster recovery, when combined with intense weight training and a good, healthy diet.

How does H+Blocker work?

During intense exercise, the release of hydrogen ions (H+) are accelerated in the muscle; followed by a simultaneous decrease in pH levels—a process called "metabolic acidosis"—which is directly associated with muscle fatigue, weakness, and ultimately physical exhaustion (often referred to as "muscle failure"). This increase in H+ and decreased pH slows both the production of ATP—our bodies' natural source of energy—and inhibits the actual process of contraction within the muscle.

New research indicates H+Blocker's patent-pending nutrient matrix increases the synthesis of carnosine. Carnosine is a di-peptide that binds to the fatigue-causing hydrogen ions, thereby delaying the decline in pH and the inevitable onset of muscular fatigue. As a result, the total workload and intensity you normally train at will now dramatically increase.

What does the research say about carnosine synthesis and muscular performance?

Two recent clinical studies have indicated that carnosine is preferentially concentrated in the Type II muscle fibers. This is even more apparent in the Type IIx fibers, which provide the fast-twitch muscle characteristics needed to propel world-class sprinters like Maurice Greene. Or, better stated to those who lift weights, Type II muscle fibers are what most of the top professional bodybuilders have more of, versus Type I fibers. This, in theory, might be why it could be easier for them to build faster, larger, and more muscular bodies than the rest of us.

If I'm trying to increase my muscle carnosine levels, why doesn't H+Blocker contain carnosine?

Carnosine is made up of the amino acids beta-alanine and L-histidine. H+Blocker contains these carnosine precursors in a special bond with aspartic acid (beta-alanyl-l-aspartyl-l-histidine) that represents the absolute most efficient way to supplement for carnosine loading. A carnosine-boosting supplement containing actual carnosine would cost a lot more, without being any more effective (simply because your gut destroys most of the carnosine before it ever reaches the muscles, rendering it literally useless).

How do I take H+Blocker for optimal results?

As the label recommends, consume one serving (a single scoop) of H+Blocker, mixed with eight ounces of water, about 20 to 30 minutes prior to intense exercise. On non-training days, consume one serving immediately following your morning meal. If you're over 200 lbs in bodyweight or want to magnify your workout intensity, however, we suggest you consume two scoops before exercise.

What kind of results can I expect from using H+Blocker?

You will feel the muscle-stimulating effects of H+Blocker from the very first dose. You will immediately experience stronger muscle contractions, greater muscle fullness, and a noticeable delay in the onset of muscular fatigue, allowing you to train harder, longer, with less recovery time between reps, sets, and workouts. These benefits will become rapidly more pronounced for three to four weeks, but, according to the latest research, will likely continue to accumulate for many more weeks.

Even more exciting, research involving the active ingredients in H+Blocker shows that benefits are still on an upward slope for as long as you continue to supplement with it. It's for this reason we believe H+Blocker is the most exciting muscle-building performance enhancer to come along since the arrival of creatine in 1993.

Do I need to "load" or "cycle" H+Blocker?

If you have taken a creatine supplement, chances are the product label has instructed you to start with a higher dosage (usually 20 grams per day) for several days and then ease back to a lower dosage (usually five grams per day) for continued supplementation.

Taking a higher initial dosage of a supplement such as creatine is called "loading." Research has shown that the fastest and most efficient way to increase muscle creatine stores is to divide supplementation into separate loading and long-term supplementation phases.

However, when it comes to carnosine-boosting supplementation, loading is not necessary. The same dosage of H+Blocker recommended for initial loading, a single serving taken daily, is also recommended for long-term supplementation.

Most creatine users are also familiar with the practice of "cycling." This refers to the strategy of taking the supplement daily for many weeks and then discontinuing supplementation for a shorter period before resuming daily supplementation.

Research has shown that cycling prevents creatine users from developing a high tolerance for creatine supplementation that makes it less effective in the long term.

We need to do more research before we know whether cycling is necessary with carnosine-boosting supplementation, and if so, what sort of schedule works best. Until these questions are answered, cycling should be considered optional with H+Blocker.

You can either wait until you reach a strength or performance plateau and then cease H+Blocker supplementation for two or four weeks, or follow a traditional eight- to 12-week "on" period followed by a two- to four-week "off" period. However, taking H+Blocker for any extended period of time, well beyond eight weeks, should continue to produce results that are consistent and keep you satisfied and wanting to continue taking it. As long as you keep getting greater and greater benefits from H+Blocker, you may want to keep supplementing with it.

Are there any known side effects?

There are no known negative health effects associated with carnosine-boosting supplementation. In fact, in studies, using beta-alanine supplementation of up to five grams per day has revealed no negative effects on a variety of health markers. Short-term supplementation lasting one month showed no impact on liver, kidney, or heart function or on blood chemistry.

As with most supplements, more research is needed to determine the effects of long-term supplementation, but based on the known effects of these amino acids in the body, and considering they are naturally found in certain foods, like turkey, there is no reason to anticipate that any problems would ever be discovered.

What is that tingling sensation I experience after taking H+Blocker?

Approximately half of H+Blocker users notice a tingling sensation. It's technically called parathesia. It usually starts during the workout following H+Blocker supplementation and goes away after a few minutes.

Most people feel it in the upper extremities—especially the face, chest, shoulders, and upper arms and hands. This harmless side effect of H+Blocker is due in part to beta-alanine's actions as a neurotransmitter. In non-scientific terms, beta-alanine basically "tickles" your brain cells, producing that tingling sensation in the most extreme nerve endings throughout the body. Those who do experience parathesia at first generally report that it diminishes or disappears altogether after two or three weeks of consistent supplementation.

It's important to understand that parathesia is totally independent of H+Blocker's effects on muscle carnosine. The tingling sensation that some H+Blocker users experience is not a sign that the product is working. Likewise, the absence of parathesia in other H+Blocker users is not a sign that the product is not working. Nor is the disappearance of parathesia after several weeks of supplementation a sign that H+Blocker has stopped working.

I weigh more than 200 pounds. Do I need to adjust the dosage for my size?

Yes. If you're over 200 pounds in bodyweight, or want to magnify your workout intensity, we'd suggest you consume two scoops before exercise, which would allow you to get 6.4 grams in total of the active components in H+Blocker. Remember, though, as with all supplements, more is not necessarily always better.

H+Blocker is engineered to work optimally with a single usage each day. Taking any more than two scoops a day is unlikely to produce better results.

I heard the taste of H+Blocker has a bit of a "kick"; can you explain that?

Most amino acids are hard to work with from a flavor standpoint, but beta-alanine is perhaps the most pungent and bitter amino acid of all. We worked really hard to create a drink mix that people will find palatable, and we made a lot of progress, but we'll be honest: H+Blocker's "Spiked Fruit Punch" flavor is an acquired taste. It's not something the average person would drink on the front porch for refreshment on a hot summer day. That said, most users find that the taste does grow on them over time. (And, we're currently developing a reformulated H+Blocker, with improved flavor.)

Can I take H+Blocker with a creatine product?

Yes. In fact, supplements such as creatine, consumed post-workout, may actually increase the overall effectiveness of H+Blocker. If you are going to use a creatine supplement, I recommend 3-XL™.

Also developed by iSatori, 3-XL is, by far, the most advanced creatine formula on the market. 3-XL is a powdered drink mix, engineered to improve the absorption and retention of creatine using a novel form of creatine hydrochloride. What's great about creatine ester is that it requires a lower dosage than monohydrate, and there's no "cycling" or "loading" required... and best of all, it doesn't cause the famous creatine "water bloat" either.

You can use H+Blocker before your workouts and 3-XL immediately following your workouts, and you'll find they work marvelously well together. To date, we've heard of nothing less than spectacular results from people who have used these two research-based supplements together.


Do not exceed the suggested daily dose. The contents of this formula may cause a blood-flow "flush" and/or a tingling sensation in the extremities of the body (e.g., fingers, ears, toes, etc.). This is normal, and you should not be alarmed. This "flush" sensation should subside after one to two weeks of continuous use. Not intended for individuals under the age of 18, unless instructed by a doctor. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or contemplating pregnancy. If you, or your doctor, have any questions about this product, please call 1-303-215-9174. Keep out of reach of children.
H-Blocker - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
H-Blocker - 30 Servings, (iSatori Technologies)