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Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Item Number:96537
Product Code:n/a
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Category: Sesame Seed

Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

Sesame seeds are a source of sesamin, a recently discovered remedy for high blood pressure and the early stages of high cholesterol. In traditional Chinese medicine, sesame seeds fortify both the liver and the kidneys, relieve b lured vision, tinnitus, and dizziness, and help patients recover from lengthy illnesses. Sesame seeds also relieve constipation caused by inactivity. 
One of the oldest (and least understood) of pop culture phrases, "open sesame" was provided to the world by Scheherazade in her telling of the story "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" in "One Thousand and One Nights", a collection of Middle Eastern tales that go back to at least the 10th century. In the story, the phrase "open sesame" was used to open up a sealed cave where a group of thieves resided. The reason this term was used is because a ripe sesame seed pod will burst open at the slightest touch. This common phrase has since permeated our culture and has been used in a wide variety of contexts.  
Sesame seeds are thought to be the world's oldest condiment, and have been an integral part of the cuisine of India, Sumer, Egypt, and the Asian subcontinent for thousands of years. A creation legend from Assyria tells us that one night the Gods drank their fill of sesame wine, the next day they created the earth, forever intertwining the two.  
Archeological evidence shows that the use of sesame oil as a food goes back to at least 3000 BCE in the Middle East, and that Babylonians were using it for a base for their perfumes as early as 2100 BCE. It may seem as if sesame seeds on bread may be a new idea, but there are Egyptian paintings depicting bakers sprinkling them on dough. And although sesame seeds are a well known food, they are also a medicine, used at least since the time of the writing of the Divine Husbandman's Classic of the Materia Medica, written over 2,000 years ago. Historically, they have been used as a tonic for kidney and liver ailments, and as a mild laxative.  
Also known as: Sesamum indicum, Benne, Ajonjoli, Til, Tahini (when ground)
Whole seed, often dry toasted or steamed just prior to use. May be sprinkled liberally on food. 
Precautions: Avoid when there is diarrhea, and if you are allergic.
Chinese Name:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $15.52
Other Spec:
Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

Sesamin, sesamolin, sesamol, sesami indicin, oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, arachic acid, glycerol, calcium, vitamin E.
Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
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Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

Organic Sesame Seeds Whole - Sesamum indicum, 1 lb is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.