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Butterbur Root Wildharvested - Petasites hybridus, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Butterbur Root Wildharvested - Petasites hybridus, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Butterbur Root Wildharvested - Petasites hybridus, 1 lb , (Mountain Rose Herbs)
Butterbur Root Wildharvested -
Item Number:96166
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Category: Butterbur

Butterbur Root Wildharvested - Petasites hybridus, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

While early studies on the use of butterbur for easing the symptoms of seasonal allergies show promising results, the research is not sufficient to draw a firm conclusion in its favor. There have been studies of the effectiveness of butterbur root extract on the symptoms of asthma, which are again, promising, but further study is necessary.  
In at least one study, people who reported a history of migraines had significantly fewer migraines than a control group given a placebo, and those migraines that they did get were shorter and less severe. In Germany, butterbur extract is approved for the treatment of spasmodic urinary pain, particularly when there are stones present. Overall, modern research seems to support the traditional uses of butterbur root extract, but further research, particularly large, randomized, double blind studies, are needed.  
Besides its medicinal use, according to A Modern Herbal by Mrs.Grieve, butterbur has also been used in divination. An unmarried woman could see her future husband if she took the seeds and went to a "lonesome place". A half hour before sunrise on a Friday, she had to scatter the seeds while repeating, "I sow, I sow! Then, my own dear, come here, come here, and mow and mow!" If there was a husband in her future, she would see a vision of him with a scythe mowing grass. 
Documentation for medicinal use of butterbur can be found as long ago as 100C.E. where the Greeks used it to relive inflammation due to fever and headaches, as well as respiratory conditions. Butterbur root was used extensively during the Middle Ages, when it was suggested that mixing the powdered root with wine would help to cure the plague. During Colonial times, housewives often used the enormous leaves to wrap around butter to keep it cool and fresh. The plant is native to the wet, Marshy lands of Europe, Northern Asia, and even in parts of Scandinavia. It grows best in shady places, by waterways, marshes, or wet meadows.  
One variety is also native to North America. Traditionally, butterbur has been used to treat fever, wheezing and colds, as an antispasmodic to help ease menstrual cramping, as a heart stimulant and as a treatment for the plague. There is a history of its use to treat intestinal worms and kidney/urinary tract stones. Modern clinical trials in Germany indicate that an extract of butterbur may be an effective and well tolerated treatment of migraines in children and adolescents, as well as adults.  
Also known as: Petasites hybridus, Lagwort, Plague-flower, Butterdock, Butterfly Dock, Butter-dock, Bog Rhubarb, Flapperdock, Umbrella leaves, and Bogshorns,
Ethanolic (alcohol) or lipophilic (oil) extractions; Not recommended for use in teas or infusions. 
Precautions: Butterbur contains Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and its internal use is not recommended. There have been some reports of liver damage associated with the use of butterbur root extract. It should not be used by pregnant or nursing women. Not recommended for long term use.
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Retail Price: $30.13
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Butterbur Root Wildharvested - Petasites hybridus, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

Pyrrolizidine type alkaloids, mainly senecionine and integerrimine; flavonoids, including quercetin, astragalan and isoquercitrin; petasin, neopetasin; tannins; mucilage; volatile oil; sesquiterpene
Butterbur Root Wildharvested - Petasites hybridus, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

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Butterbur Root Wildharvested - Petasites hybridus, 1 lb, (Mountain Rose Herbs)

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