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Super Lysine Plus Cream - 7 gm , (Quantum)
Super Lysine Plus Cream - 7 gm , (Quantum)
Super Lysine Plus Cream - 7 gm , (Quantum)
Super Lysine Plus Cream -
Item Number:9356
Product Code:QU0005
Amazon ASIN:
Category: L Lysine

Super Lysine Plus Cream - 7 gm, (Quantum)

Clinically proven to heal cold sores quickly, naturally, and painlessly, Quantum’s leading all-natural cold sore treatment contains lysine and 14 other vitamins, herbs, and minerals. Apply directly to cold sores at the first sign of tingling. Doesn’t burn, goes on clear and provides immediate soothing relief. America’s #1 natural choice for the prevention, relief and healing of cold sores. Can be used in conjunction with tablets, tincture or capsules.
Apply liberally as needed.
Chinese Name:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $6.99
Other Spec:
Super Lysine Plus Cream - 7 gm, (Quantum)

L-lysine, Homeopathic Lithium Carbonate 3X, Propolis Extract, Calendula Flower Extract, Echinacea Flower Extract, Zinc Oxide, Goldenseal Extract, Vitamin A, D, E, Cajeput Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Gum Benzoin Tincture, Prepared in a Beeswax and Olive Base for maximum absorption.
Super Lysine Plus Cream - 7 gm, (Quantum)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Great stuff; used it during the flu and my abrasion was the smallest ever.

An excellent, effective treatment for cold sores. It works!
Super Lysine Plus Cream - 7 gm, (Quantum)


How do I use Super Lysine+?  
Cream and Coldstick: A tingling sensation on the lip often precedes a cold sore outbreak. Apply Super Lysine+ Cream at the first tingle. Our customers tell us that outbreaks which normally last 1-2 weeks can be prevented, or shortened to 2-3 days. Use Super Lysine+ Coldstick daily to keep lips moist and to prevent cold sores. Tablets: Many of our customers take three Super Lysine+ tablets daily to prevent outbreaks, or to battle chronic fatigue, or simply as an immune booster. If the actually have an outbreak, many double or triple the dosage to reduce the duration and severity of symptoms.  
What’s the advantage of Super Lysine products over other brands of lysine?  
A strong immune system is vital to preventing cold sores. Quantum’s Super Lysine+ is packed with immune boosting herbs as well as lysine. You get more for your money. No other lysine cream or tablet has Quantum’s track record.  
Should I use the Super Lysine+ Cream or the Coldstick?  
The Coldstick is great for every day use, and protects the lips from the sun, which may cause cold sores. The cream is slightly stronger in terms of active ingredients, and is great when someone actually has a cold sore.  
What are the "active ingredients" on the Super Lysine+ Coldstick label?  
The Octyl methoxycinnamate and Benzophenome - 3 are sunblocks. They are not "natural" ingredients, because there are no natural sunblocks.  
Is Super Lysine+ cream safe to use inside the mouth?  
Yes. All of the ingredients are "food grade".  
What is your l-lysine derived from? Is it suitable for vegetarians? 
Sugar beets. It is suitable for vegetarians.  
Can Super Lysine+ be used for shingles, genital herpes, or other forms of the herpes virus?  
Super Lysine+ cream is an OTC product, approved for use for cold sores. However, Herpes Simplex 1 Virus and Simplex 2 Virus are very similar, and many of our customers use Super Lysine+ for a variety of purposes.
Super Lysine Plus Cream is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.