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MigreLief - 60 tabs , (Quantum)
MigreLief - 60 tabs , (Quantum)
MigreLief - 60 tabs , (Quantum)
Item Number:9343
Product Code:QU0125
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Category: Migraine

MigreLief - 60 tabs, (Quantum)

Doctors and patients are finding MigreLief's "triple therapy" approach, used over a period of time, is an imporant tool for the prevention and reduction of severity. The "triple" stands for the three key ingredients: Magnesium, feverfew and riboflavin. Dr. Alexander Mauskop, one of the world's leading migraine researchers and Director of the New York Headache Clinic has been working with his own triple therapy since 1992. His research has been crucial in establishing MigreLief's credentials as a superior product. Only MigreLief contains Puracol, a specially sourced whole herb feverfew with all of its naturally occuring elements intact and a high-parthenolide content. 
MigreLief uses specific forms of each ingredient, which is one reason it is so highly regarded. The quality of the ingredients give the product its power. Using inexpensive, non-potent ingredients simply don't provide the benefits that you need. MigreLief is patented and is the first comprehensive supplement for the support of cerebrovascular tone - healthy brain blood vessel function. 
MigreLief is designed to provide benefits within three to six weeks, after which it may be used as part of a daily regime. Please not that MigreLief is not designed to provide immediate pain relief. 
All About MigreLief 
While no one knows why people get them, researchers are able to recognize many of the activites that take place in the brain at the beginning of and during an accident. To understand the role MigreLief plays, it is important to understand how the ingredients work. Only MigreLief contains Puracol, a specially source whole herb feverfew with all of its naturally occurring elements intact and a high-parthenolide content. 
The ingredients in MigreLief have been shown to help migraine sufferers in many studies. The combination MigreLief's ingredients provide a greater benefit than any of its ingredients alone. 
The benefits of magnesium are well documented. The same things that cause the body to run short of magnesium can trigger migraines. Studies using the proper form of magnesium such as that in MigreLife have shown that it can slow the cascade of body reactions that take place at the beginning. Some people with poor cerebrovascular tone have been found to have low brain levels of magnesium. Magnesium performs many of the same physiological functions as prescription medications:
  • It helps keep the blood vessels in the brain properly toned and open, allowing the blood to flow freely
  • It prevents the arteries from going into sudden spasm
  • It helps prevent blood platelets from sticking together inappropriately, causing 'sludy' slow moving blood
  • It stabilizes cell membranes
  • It slows the body's inflammation process
Many studies have been done showing the positive effect of feverfew. MigreLief is made with Puracol, a specially sourced whole herb feverfew with all of its naturally occurring elements intact and high-parthenolide content. This herb contains elements, especially parthenolide, that are believed to slow the release of serotonin from platelets (which help in blood clotting) and certain white blood cells. This in turn helps to keep the blood vessels properly toned and reduces the frequency, length, and severity. Ingredients in feverfew may also inhibit histamines (which play a role in inflammation), prostaglandin (a substance that plays a role in pain), and arachidonic acid (which is involved in the inflammation process.) 
What is Puracol? Only MigreLief contains Puracol, a whole herb, GMO-free feverfew with all of its therapeutic constituents intact and a high parthenolide content. Puracol is the most potent whole leaf feverfew available. 
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Riboflavin is involved in energy generation in each cell, and studies suggest when used over a three month period, it has dramatic benefits. Riboflavin is a precursor of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). This coenzyme is an important component of the electron-transport chain. A deficiency of mitochondrial energy reserves has been observed in some persons exhibiting poor cerebrovascular tone. This defect may theoretically be corrected by a compound such as riboflaving that improves the activity of the electron-transport chain.
Migraine has been a well known medical problem for over 5,000 years and represents one of the most investigated types of head pain. Research on large groups of people has shown that in the U.S. 18% of women and 6% of men suffer from migraine - 18 million females and 5.6 million males over the age of 12.The prevalence of migraine, according to the Center for Disease Control, has increased 60% from 1981 to 1989. The economic impact of migraine is staggering, with annual cost of the disease estimated at 18 billion dollars.  
What Causes a Migraine?  
The basic cause of migraine is still unknown. Although genetics may play a role, with 50 to 70% of migraine sufferers reporting a familial occurrence, no consistent biochemical or physiological characteristic can be recognized in the relatives of those afflicted with the condition.  
There are several theories as to what causes a migraine and what happens to us when they occur. One of these theories suggests that certain arteries in our brain contract and cause a reduction blood flow to the visual area of our brain. It is suggested that this reduction of blood flow results in the visual and other symptoms that accompany a migraine. This is why using agents to support cerebrovascular health, or maintaining blood flow, is so important.  
This theory further suggests that the pain that often follows these symptoms was the result of dilation (expansion) of the carotid artery and pressure on the nerves in the artery wall. Yet another theory proposes that nerve cells in the brain begin to lose function which causes a reduction blood flow, which reduces levels of magnesium, which in turn adds to decreasing nerve cell function and that this dysfunction spreads in a wave like fashion to all effected areas. Many researchers feel that serotonin, an important brain chemical may fuel migraines.  
Identifying Migraines  
The two most important categories are migraine without aura (common migraine) and migraine with aura (classic migraine). A diagnosis of migraine without aura is made a person has a history of five previous similar episodes, with pain lasting between 4 and 72 hours. Additionally, they must meet two of the following four characteristic symptoms: (1) unilateral head pain; (2) pain must be throbbing or pulsing; (3) an experience of moderate to severe pain which inhibits or restricts the ability to function;(4) pain is made worse by routine physical activity. Furthermore, they must have one of the following two symptoms present: (1) nausea and/or vomiting; (2) adverse reactions to light or sound.  
In contrast, migraine with aura employs the same diagnostic criteria as common migraine with the following exceptions. Patients only need a history of two prior migraine attacks and must fulfill three of the following four criteria: (1) one or more aura symptoms; (2) aura symptoms that develop over more than 4 minutes; (3) aura lasts less than 60 seconds; (4) headache follows within 60 minutes of the aura ending. Auras represent several forms of visual disturbances that are described as dark or black point(s) that may or may not expand and obscure the patient's vision. The black spot may be surrounded by lights with zigzag lines. Patients with classic migraine symptoms may exhibit stroke-like symptoms including symptoms affecting one hand, arm, or side of the face.  
For the migraine sufferer, there is a wide variety of therapeutic approaches both with and without drugs. However, for practical reasons the management of migraine can be divided into two categories; abortive and preventative. An abortive treatment of migraine simply address the symptoms via the use of drugs including aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. These pain relievers, along with sleep in a quiet, dark room, an ice pack on the head and an anti nausea drug can help relieve the pain.  
Phtyomedicines, formulas made using naturally occurring ingredients have been shown to be quite effective in preventing migraines as well as reducing the severity of the headache. MigreLief, which contains feverfew, magnesium and riboflavin seems to be especially effective, according to a number of studies.  
Certain drugs that constrict arteries are used with varying degrees of success and side effects. Another drug, sumatriptan (Imitrex), has been shown to reduce the intensity of moderate to severe migraine headaches. Propranolol is widely prescribed in the United States as a treatment for migraine prevention. Although it has proven to be effective in migraine prevention, its side effects include fatigue, depression, impotence, insomnia, dizziness, and cold extremities.  
Like drug intervention, non-pharmaceutical preventive therapies may also be effective. These include behavioral modification techniques such as stress management, biofeedback, exercise, acupuncture, trigger point injections and numerous physical therapy techniques (e.g. massage, manipulation and transcutaneous nerve stimulation).  
Dietary Approaches  
It is generally accepted that a small proportion of migraine patients will react to tyramine, a chemical found in aged cheese, yogurt, beer, wine, liver, yeast and certain other foods. In these patients, avoidance of tyramine-containing foods will often prevent recurrences of migraine. Abnormal glucose metabolism has been identified in some patients with migraines.  
Food allergy has also been implicated as an important factor in migraine. In one study, the foods most frequently causing symptoms and/or pulse changes were wheat (78%), orange (65%), egg (45%), tea and coffee (40% each), chocolate and milk (37% each), beef (35%), corn, cane sugar and yeast (33% each), mushrooms (30%), and peas (28%). When the offending foods were avoided, all patients improved.  
People with recurrent migraines should be evaluated for possible blood-sugar abnormalities and food allergies. When either of these abnormalities is found, appropriate dietary modifications should be made. In addition, a trial of a low-tyramine diet should be considered.

Take one caplet twice daily. MigreLief is designed to provide benefits within four to six weeks. Once results are noted, MigreLief may be used as part of a daily supplement regime and comprehensive wellness program. Each bottle contains a 4 week supply. 
Side effects due to any ingredients in MigreLief are rare. Mild gastrointestinal upset and loose stool may occur in some persons using magnesium. This product is not recommended for use during pregnancy or lactation and should not be used in children under the age of two years. Person taking potassium-sparing diuretics or with renal failure should not use this product.
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Retail Price: $29.99
Other Spec:
MigreLief - 60 tabs, (Quantum)

Two Tablets Provide: 
Riboflavin 400mg 
Magnesium 360mg 
Puracol (Feverfew Whole Leaf) 100mg 
Contains no yeast, milk, corn, wheat, gluten, soy sodium, salt, sugra, flavorings, preservatives or artificial colors.
MigreLief - 60 tabs, (Quantum)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Jackie  "No more Aura Migraines"
i received my order right away! i started taking Migrelief 2 wks ago after a string of aura migraines. although i know i should wait a few more weeks to see how i feel.. my lightheadedness is gone and no migraines. i think it's imperative to try Natural/Herbal healing along with positive lifestyle changes before trying prescriptions.

I have found the product to be effective in approximately 80% of patients whom I have prescribed MigreLief.

No one could have been more skeptical than I was. Having been disappointed time after time, I almost didn't try MigreLief. What a mistake that would have been! If anyone is still skeptical after reading your scientific information, have them call me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! If MigreLief was ten times the price, it would still be worth it.

I've tried everything. Nothing worked like MigreLief.

Dietrich, M.D.  
MigreLief has been highly effective for the prevention and reduction of severity in my practice.
MigreLief - 60 tabs, (Quantum)

Case Studies
"It's been years since I enjoyed such freedom. MigreLief has truly changed my life. Thank you a million times over." - CW  
"I've tried everything. Nothing worked like MigreLief." - JS  
"No one could have been more skeptical than I was. Having been disappointed time after time, I almost didn't try MigreLief. What a mistake that would have been! If anyone is still skeptical after reading your scientific information, have them call me." - JB  
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! If MigreLief was ten times the price, it would still be worth it." - QK
MigreLief is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.