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Olbas Oil 10cc - 0.32 oz , (Olbas)
Olbas Oil 10cc - 0.32 oz , (Olbas)
Olbas Oil 10cc - 0.32 oz , (Olbas)
Item Number:8735
Product Code:OL0001
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Common Cold

Olbas Oil 10cc - 0.32 oz, (Olbas)

  • Easy to Use Aromatic Inhalant Relieves Cold & Allergy Symptoms Naturally
  • Pure Essential Oil Formula Soothes Aching and Painful Muscles
  • Helps You Breathe Easily So You Get a Good Night's Sleep
Olbas Oil has long been a household name that families reach for at the first sign of a cold. It can be dropped onto a handkerchief or into water for inhalation during the day, at night a drop on a tissue tucked inside a pillowcase can help you to breathe easily so that you get a good night's sleep. 
Applied to the skin, Olbas Oil produces a feeling of warmth and a local anaesthetic action, which makes it particularly effective in relieving muscular discomfort and arthritis pain.  
Olbas Oil originated in Basel, Switzerland over 100 years ago, and continues to be a European and worldwide favorite. The natural essential oils in Olbas Oil are extracted from six medicinal herbs, the basis of healing in cultures around the world for centuries. This synergistic combination of six essential oils provides amazing relief on multiple levels.
Inhalation: Inhaling through a tissue sprinkled with Olbas Oil restores free breathing and provides fast relief when suffering from a cold, flu, or allergies. Or, add 10-20 drops of Olbas to a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head, and breathe the vapors deeply for about 5 minutes. For nighttime relief, sprinkle 10 drops on your pillow... keeps nasal passages clear all night long. The natural essential oils are non-greasy and won’t stain most natural fabrics.  
Massage: Apply Olbas Oil generously and gently massage the body. Can be used for a full massage or spot massage at pressure points for quick effect. Provides FAST relief as it penetrates deeply to soothe aches and pains from simple backache, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle strains, bruises, sprains and tired sore feet.  
Sports & Exercise: Apply Olbas Oil to muscle areas BEFORE jogging, bicycling, or workouts to help relax tight muscles. Apply AFTER sports or exercise and massage gently to help reduce soreness and soothe overworked muscles. Bumps and bruises can be relieved by massaging a few drops on the affected area. Apply to sprains immediately and repeat 3 to 4 times daily. 
Home & Work: Apply Olbas Oil to aching muscles in the arms, legs or back after a hard day on the job or working around the house. Apply to hands, fingers or feet to soothe and relieve aches and pains in the joints caused by arthritis, rheumatism or neuralgia. Massage a drop or two on temples and forehead to help relieve headaches. (Be careful to keep away from eyes.) 
Family Use & Travel: Take some with you whenever you travel- great for those bumps, bruises and insect bites that inevitably come along. Massage on tired, sore feet and legs after prolonged periods of walking, standing or sports activity.
Chinese Name:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $9.50
Other Spec:
Olbas Oil 10cc - 0.32 oz, (Olbas)

Essential oils of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Cajeput, Wintergreen, Juniper and Clove.
Olbas Oil 10cc - 0.32 oz, (Olbas)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


RG  "Olbas Oil Relieves Neck Pain, Allergies & Sinus Problems"
Words can not describe the miraculous relief that your product has given my husband and me. Several years ago, my husband ruptured several discs in his neck. Other than surgery, lots of hope and prayers that the surgery would be successful was the only alternative that was given to Steve for some pain relief. He is a painter. With his physical work schedule, we have tried every product available to rub on his neck. At my place of employment, we have several Naturopathic Doctors on staff. One of the Doctors told me about the OLBAS oil and highly recommended the product. We had nothing to lose by trying. Steve loves the feeling of the deep, soothing, warmth and relief from your product. We both have allergies and sinus problems. Steve has the stuffy symptoms and I have the endless runny nose symptoms. After putting the oil on Steve's neck for the first time, I took a good smell of my hand. Then, I had Steve take a good deep breathe of my hand. Oh my gosh..........talk about relief!! It was so good to be able to breathe so freely. I have told everyone one I know about your products. It is their loss if they want to suffer from all the “garbage” products that are available at the local drug store. In today’s world, we are all so quick to criticize but find plenty of excuses not to take that extra minute to say Thank you!

Anonymous  "Olbas Oil Relieves Lumbar Pain"
Olbas Oil is an excellent product. We've been using it since 2002 with great results in relief of lumbar pain and also in respiratory processes. We live in Brazil and we recommend it to all friends.

SP  "A Blessing Beyond Belief"
Years ago, I bought Olbas oil on a whim. My neck was always getting stiff and I had tried many other remedies. To my great surprise, the pain and stiffness was almost immediately relieved. I told my chiropractor about the product, but he dismissed it and recommended yet another product. I tried it and wound up pitching the half empty bottle. It had absolutely no effect on my pain. Olbas was clearly the better product. It has been at least 10 years now since I first used Olbas oil and begun recommending it to many others. In fact, I just took several Olbas products to a friend who is prone to pneumonia. He was quite ill and probably should have been hospitalized. Yesterday, he could barely walk two steps without stopping to catch his breath. Today, only 2 days after I introduced him to Olbas, he called his doctor to tell him that he was feeling better. Olbas products are a blessing beyond belief.

Heights  "Most Important First Aid Medication"
I went to the rain forests in Borneo, Indonesia, and used Olbas Oil to treat bee stings, muscle sprains and strains, insect bites, rashes, headaches, and as a mosquito repellant...the single most important first-aid medication used.

JM  "Makes Earaches Go Away"
I love Olbas. When I start to get an earache, I put Olbas behind my ear and it goes away.

Hill  "Helps Sore Wrist"
I was at a friend's house and mentioned that I had a sore wrist, they gave me Olbas oil & it worked.
Olbas Oil 10cc - 0.32 oz, (Olbas)

Olbas Oil 10cc is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.