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Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules , (Life Extension)
Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules , (Life Extension)
Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules , (Life Extension)
Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy -
Item Number:76488
Product Code:01210
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Availability:In Stock: Ships in 5 days

Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules, (Life Extension)

Aging individuals frequently encounter a weakening of the bladder and its sphincter muscle that controls the release of urine. 
Laboratory and human clinical studies demostrate that ingestion of water-soluble pumpkin seed extract (with soy isoflavones) can significantly improve the structural support of the bladder and the function of the sphincter muscles. 
The data supporting the value of the water soluble pumpkin seed extract (with soy isoflavones) is particularly strong in studies performed in women. A clinical study of aging men also demonstrated positive results. 
The pumpkin seed has a long history of use in helping to maintain healthy bladder function. Japanese scientist have patented a method to obtain the water soluble constituents of the pumkin seed, which are absorbed far more effciently into the bloodstream. These water soluble pumpkin seed extracts appear to be the active constituents to help with the urinary discomforts endured by so many maturing women and men. 
Clinical studies on women and men have used capsules containing 262 mg of water soluble pumpkin seed extract and 50 mg of soy isoflavones taken two times each day. The results from human studies show the maximum benefits occuring after six to eight weeks of continued use.
Take one capsule three times daily for the first two weeks. After two weeks, reduce to two capsules daily or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. This product can be taken with or without food. 
WARNINGS: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED USE. When using nutritional supplemetns, please consult with your physician if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or lactating.
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Retail Price: $22.00
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Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules, (Life Extension)

Go Less Powder Blend 312 mg 
Supplying: water-soluble pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) and SoyLife soy (Glycine Max) extract (providing isoflavones from soy germ) 
Other Ingredients: rice flour, vegetable cellulose (capsule), maltodextrin, stearic acid, silica, vegetable stearate.
Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules, (Life Extension)

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Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules, (Life Extension)

Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually takes about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract with Soy - 60 vegetarian capsules, (Life Extension)