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AdvaCal - Bone Building Calcium, 150 vegicaps , (Lane Labs)
AdvaCal - Bone Building Calcium, 150 vegicaps , (Lane Labs)
AdvaCal - Bone Building Calcium, 150 vegicaps , (Lane Labs)
Item Number:6451
Product Code:discontinued
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Calcium

AdvaCal - Bone Building Calcium, 150 vegicaps, (Lane Labs)

Advanced calcium. Fight harder! Actually builds bone density! Lane Labs, The Innovative Company. Extraordinary Calcium Complex. Extraordinary Clinical Results. Clinical research has shown that AdvaCal can actually build natural bone density, not merely prevent bone loss as with ordinary calcium supplements. Because the calcium is better absorbed, AdvaCal helps you fight bone loss harder!
  • World-famous AdvaCal researcher reports… AdvaCal Users Have Fewer Fractures!
  • Clinically proven to fight Osteoporosis
  • Safe, small, easy-to-swallow AdvaCal capsules

For Maintenance: Take 2-3 capsules once daily, preferably with meals.  
For Maximum Benefit: Take 2-3 capsules twice daily, preferably with meals. Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.
Chinese Name:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $39.95
Other Spec:
AdvaCal - Bone Building Calcium, 150 vegicaps, (Lane Labs)

Calcium Hydroxide, Calcium Oxide, Citric Acid, Algae Amino Acid Extract, Gelatin, Water, Glycerin.
AdvaCal - Bone Building Calcium, 150 vegicaps, (Lane Labs)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Ethel  "Nothing But Praises"
I have nothing but praise for LaneLabs. Their calcium product has natural bone-building nutrients, with no side effects.

After my bone scan, I was advised by my doctor to take a calcium supplement. I had been taking another calcium product, but decided to switch to AdvaCal because of a recommendation that I was given. I consider myself lucky to be feeling so well. I have no problems with side effects taking your products.

I don’t intend to have a bone density test, ever. AdvaCal is the best source of calcium, as a preventive measure. I have used other calcium products and this is the one I think is the best.

I hadn’t taken any hormone replacements but I have been taking AdvaCal. My doctor was so sure I’d have osteoporosis he insisted on a bone density test. But I was in good health using AdvaCal. It’s more easily digestible than other products. I’d like to give it my son, who is allergic to dairy.
AdvaCal - Bone Building Calcium, 150 vegicaps, (Lane Labs)

How It Works
AdvaCal is new to the United States, but it has been available for some years in Japan under the name AAACa, where it is recommended by Dr. Takuo Fujita, President of the Osteoporosis Foundation of Japan and founder of the Calcium Research Institute. 
Challenging the commonly held notion that Osteoporosis is a “woman’s problem” related to changing hormone levels, Dr. Fujita observed that men, too, suffer from this debilitating condition. Recognizing this, he set out to find a solution that relied not on manipulating hormones but on helping your body break down and use calcium more efficiently. 
And he did it. In studies with women whose average age was 82 — the age at which bones are often so weak they break spontaneously — AdvaCal not only halted bone loss, it produced increases in bone mineral density of up to 3% a year over a period of years. 
Everybody knows calcium is essential for strong teeth and bones. But not everyone realizes that calcium is vital for other body systems as well. Your body uses calcium to help maintain a steady heartbeat and promote normal nervous system function. That’s why you need 1000 to 2000 milligrams of calcium every day. And if your diet does not supply that much, your body taps its emergency supply — the calcium that’s stored in your bones.

How do I reduce my risk of Osteoporosis?  
You can reduce your risk through weight-bearing exercise, not smoking, and eating foods rich in calcium such as: milk, broccoli, yogurt, salmon, and dark green vegetables.  
How much calcium should I be taking?  
The recommended calcium intake is 1000-1500 mg/day for adults. However, national surveys indicate that most Americans are not meeting their required calcium intake through diet. A calcium supplement may be beneficial.  
What is advanced calcium AdvaCAL?  
AdvaCAL (AAACa) is natural calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide with HAI, a patented amino acid extract from Japanese seal algae – an extraordinary bone building calcium unlike any other. AdvaCAL is also available in a complete bone health formula, called AdvaCAL Ultra with magnesium, vitamins D and C, copper, boron, silica, zinc, and manganese.  
How does AdvaCAL compare to other calciums?  
AdvaCAL is the #1 bone building calcium, clinically proven to build strong, healthy bones.  
Can I take AdvaCAL with Osteoporosis prescribed drugs such as Fosamax, Premarin, HRT or Evista?  
Yes. AdvaCAL is both safe and recommended with these products.  
When should I take AdvaCAL for best results?  
For maximum benefit, take 3 AdvaCAL or AdvaCAL Ultra caps twice daily (in the morning and in the evening), with a meal/snack to enhance absorption.  
How soon will I see results?  
AdvaCAL clinical studies have shown up to a 10% increase in bone mass in as little as six months. The best way to monitor your results is by having bone density tests done twice yearly.  
What are AdvaCAL’s other benefits?  
AdvaCAL caplets are small and easy to swallow. AdvaCAL is safe and well tolerated in the stomach.
AdvaCal is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.