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Xian - 100 tabs , (Jason Winters)
Xian - 100 tabs , (Jason Winters)
Xian - 100 tabs , (Jason Winters)
Item Number:6422
Product Code:LL0007
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Xian - 100 tabs, (Jason Winters)

Legend states that Xian renews your sex life, brings contentment and relieves despair.  
The Tibetans informed Sir Jason that when Bayan of a Thousand Eyes came out of Mongolia leading his great army, many of them were sick and wounded from the continuous battles across the continent.  
Once arriving in the ancient capitol of Xian, they were amazed to see so many residents of very old age. Evidently the physicians gave each citizen an herbal combination each day to ensure their health and strength.  
When the wounded soldiers started taking this special formula, they gained strength quickly and soon became healthier than ever before.  
According to legend, these soldiers lived to a very old age. The ancient Tibetans also told Sir Jason, "This Xian herb mixture allows men to enjoy sexual intercourse well over the age of 100 years of age, and keeps their minds active and alert."  
It also allows women to remain beautiful, feminine and above all, content into very old age.
As an herbal supplement, take 2 tablets 1/2 hour before dinner.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $21.85
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Xian - 100 tabs, (Jason Winters)

Indian Sage, Selenium and Capsicum.
Xian - 100 tabs, (Jason Winters)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


A terminal cancer patient given just three months to live, Jason Winters refused major surgery and traveled the world in search of an herbal remedy. He now has total remission and shares his experiences for the benefit of cancer patients and others seeking to avoid this dreaded illness. 
Born in England to a working-class family, Jason Winters was 17 before riding in a car for the first time, or ate in a restaurant. But he had dreams and immigrated to Canada in 1947 where he worked on a farm in Saskatchewan. He then worked in Northern British Columbia as a lumberjack and the Salmon Fisheries Commission.  
Seeking adventure, Jason crossed the Canadian Rockies by hot air balloon. For Canada's centennial celebration he retraced Sir Alexander McKenzie's footsteps down the McKenzie River by canoe, a trip of more than 2,000 miles. Still not satisfied in his zest for adventure, Jason crossed the Sahara Desert by camel before working for the New Zealand government testing seat belts by crashing cars into brick walls.  
Jason attempted to be the first man to cross the Atlantic Ocean by balloon but crashed half way. Unlike most balloonists, Jason removed the typical basket from beneath the balloon and replaced it with a small boat, a fact that may have saved his life as it took several days for him to be rescued after crashing into the Atlantic.  
The lure of Hollywood brought fame in the role of Geronimo in the movie "Apache Agent." As a stunt man, Jason performed in all of Audie Murphy's films. His adventures spanned 20 years, but then came the biggest of all tests...facing death from terminal cancer. 
In 1977 a large, cancerous growth appeared on the side of Jason's neck. Normal cancer treatments had little effect on the growth and Jason was told to prepare to die. 
But Jason didn't give up on life. He turned to the alternative health field and natural remedies. He found special herbs on three different continents that had been used for centuries to combat cancer. The individual herbs had little effect on Jason, but when he mixed the three herbs together in a tea (known as his Classic Blend Tea) his tumor began to shrink in size. Sir Jason remains in remission today. 
During the time since this discovery of the special herbs and the tea that contains them, Jason has written numerous books and has been invited to speak to hundreds of thousands of people all around the world. Presidents, prime ministers and congressmen have come to him to talk about physical problems in their families. Through television and radio, Jason has reached millions more with his thoughts about alternative health care. 
Jason has won awards from six foreign governments and the U.S. He was knighted in Belgium in 1985 for his work in the health field. He has received the Medal of Honour in Madrid and laureates of Belgium, the Netherlands and south Africa. 
He was also awarded by Congressmen James H. Bilbray & Richard A. Gephardt of the United States Congress! Jason enjoys a happy home life with his spouse Pat. They are the proud parents of two young boys. Jason also has four grown sons and a daughter. Today Sir Jason continues to help people through out the world and is willing to visit with anyone who is concerned with leading a healthy life. 
Jason has been written about, talked about, admired and loved by people in every country where his book, "Killing Cancer," and herbal formulas are used. His products are available in over 70 countries and used by people worldwide. His sincerity, knowledge and compassion have been the comfort of many a lost or sick soul.


Joe  "More Energy!!!"
Even after only 2 weeks my energy level increased. At first I felt more tired than normal and was wondering but what a difference a week or two made. I'm anxious to see the results after 3 months.

MIN  "hope he gets better soon."
i have treating a stroke patient for the past 21/2 yrs. recently his condition has been quite worrying. a friend recommended that i try xian on him. after 2 dys taking it, his hpb went down and looks much better. his family was quite happy w the change in him. now he is also taking the jw tea and the chlorophyll.

Tony  "I experienced it myself"
I suffered severe fatigue which caused me to be hospitalized. My doctor find out I have an irregular ECG, High blood pressure and High cholesterol. The doctor wanted me to stay a little longer in the hospital for further check-up which results to higher hospital bills. After reading "Killing Cancer book" I took 1 bottle of XIAN faithfully for 1 month and I feel so alive and so well. Although I skip taking it on a certain time I will faithfully start taking it again now because I strongly believe on the very strong health benefits XIAN gives.

Luis  "arrested the symptoms"
I thought that I had symptoms leading to Alzhiemers - I'm quite forgetful, forgetting even the most important events of my life; birthday, wedding anniversary, etc. With your Xian, I think I have arrested the symptoms. Not only that the deterioration stopped but, better yet, I think I am slowly recovering some of my memories. Hope the recovery will further continue with further intake of Xian. Thanks for you wonderful product.
Xian - 100 tabs, (Jason Winters)


Are SJW Products All Natural?  
YES! Unlike many products that claim to be natural, but still have synthetic ingredients, ALL SJW products are 100% Natural. Our products use a unique process which allows them to release into the body slowly, allowing the body ample time for proper and complete absorption. Unlike synthetic products, which dissolve all at one time, leaving the body unable to absorb most of it. Our products also contain no preservatives, no wax, no sugar, no starch and no artificial colors. 
Does SJW Tea Cure Cancer?  
All of our products are considered a "food" not a "drug" by the Food & Drug Administration (F.D.A.). Because of this, we are prohibited to make any claims about the effects our tea has on your health. The information we provide is not intended for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. However, it is widely believed by many herbalists, as well as physicians and doctors, that the main ingredients in our tea are known for their blood purifying capabilities and powerful antioxidant properties. After performing a thorough scientific analysis on our tea, Dr. Ian Pierce (a Scottish oncologist) concluded that the herbs helped to purify Sir Jason's blood. His purified blood allowed his natural immune system to start working properly, which helped his body to heal itself. You may read a report by Dr. Ian Pierce Here.  
What's The Difference Between Chaparral & Indian Sage?  
On his journey to find a natural remedy, Sir Jason discovered that Indian sage and chaparral have very similar blood purifying capabilities. Indian sage tea is every bit as effective as the tea with chaparral. Indian sage tea has been around since 1984 and many people have used it with positive results. Chaparral is available to international customers. The US distributors do not carry chaparral. 
Does SJW Tea Contain Caffeine?  
Jason Winters bulk tea contains NO caffeine.  
Jason Winters tea bags contain about 1/2 of 1 percent. (or .5 %) 
Can I Give SJW Products To My Pet?  
Over the past 25 years, we have heard from people who gave Tribalene to their pets. We have not heard of any problems relating to this, however, we do not recommend it because we have never tested the effects our products may have on pets. Also the recommended usage is for humans, not pets. 
How Can I Sweeten SJW Tea?  
You may use an all natural honey to sweeten the tea. We do not recommend adding any sugars or milk. 
How Many Cups Of SJW Tea Should I Drink?  
The recommended usage is stated on the container. However, each person is different. Some people drink more or less, depending on your personal preference.  
Does SJW Tea Get Toxic After The Expiration Date?  
NO. The tea may taste a bit stale after the expiration date, but it does not get toxic. The expiration date is printed on every SJW product.  
What Is The Difference Between Colon Cleanser and Intestinal Cleanser?There is no difference. The colon and the intestine are the same organ. The actual product name is Intestinal Cleanser, however, it is referred to as Colon Cleanser by some people.
Xian 800mg is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.