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Leviathan Reloaded - Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Potentiator, 90 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Leviathan Reloaded - Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Potentiator, 90 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Leviathan Reloaded - Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Potentiator, 90 caps , (Palo Alto Labs)
Leviathan Reloaded -
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Leviathan Reloaded - Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Potentiator, 90 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

It's there. Right below the surface. Just waiting to be released: The lean, shredded body you've always wanted.  
As Seen In... 
All you have to do is unleash the Monster within.  
The Next Generation of Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Building Technology 
Introducing Leviathan Reloaded, the first product to ever successfully combine ultra-intense fat burning potential with explosive lean muscle building while dramatically increasing focus and mood. Typical run of the mill fat burning products are designed to only burn fat at the sacrifice of also burning off hard gained muscle mass. 
Not Anymore...... 
With Leviathan Reloaded, a cutting phase is no longer necessary to make sure you are lean and ripped enough for competition or the beach. Leviathan Reloaded represents the next generation in fat burning technology combining ultra intense fat burning potential, while regulating insulin and blood sugar levels. Reloaded will shred you up fast while enabling you to continue to pack on the slabs of ultra dense lean muscle. Never again will you have to sacrifice those hard fought for muscle gains in order to severly cut fat.  
Leviathan Reloaded was engineered unlike any other product to provide you with the following extreme fat burning and lean muscle building benefits:
  • Produces extreme Anti-Catabolic Fat Burning which results in Fat Lipolysis while preserving lean muscle mass.
  • Increases Norephinephrine production, the single most important hormone for burning fat, by over 50%.
  • Promotes Neuro Intensification & Aggressive Focus for powerful energized workouts.
  • Stimulates the body's natural testosterone production Non-Hormonally causing your body to constantly be in an anabolic state, allowing optimal lean uscle gains and overall Muscle Hardness.
  • Increases the levels of “good estrogens” (2-hydroxyestrogen) while reducing the level of "bad" estrogens (16-hydroxyestrogen). Not only does increased production of 2-hydroxyestrogen result in higher levels of testosterone output but 2-hydroxyestrogen also has been shown to rapidly metabolize fat.
  • Regulates blood sugar and Insulin levels helping curb appetite and the energy crashes from high carbohydrate meals
The 5 key fat burning components of Leviathan Reloaded help’s significantly increase fat loss by stimulating the increased production of Norephinephrine by the body while acting as an Alpha Receptor blocker on adipose tissue cells. With the majority of alpha receptors blocked, greater numbers of beta receptors are left open for the increased volume of the fat burning hormone Norephinephrine to attach to. The binding of the Norephinephrine to the adipose tissue beta receptors stimulates Lipolysis of greater numbers of the fat cells. What separates Leviathan Reloaded from all fat loss products is the addition of 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine. 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine provides increased lipolysis (the breaking down of fat) but unlike regular Yohimbine-Hcl which has a half life in the body of only 2 hours 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine stay active in the body for 6 to 8 hours. This increased activity from 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine allows the body to stay in an optimum fat burning state for significantly longer periods then your typical fat burner.  
Normal fat burning products are designed to only burn fat at the sacrifice of also burning off hard gained muscle mass. Leviathan Reloaded is the first product to ever successfully combine ultra-intense fat burning potential with explosive muscle building. With Leviathan Reloaded, a cutting phase is no longer necessary to make sure you are lean and ripped enough for competition. Increased production of Testosterone and 2-Hydroxyestrogen keeps the body in a constant anabolic state, allowing for increased muscle gains and improved overall muscle density. Leviathan Reloaded will shred you up while enabling you to continue to pack on slabs of ultra dense lean muscle. 
With Leviathan Reloaded you can discover the lean, rippling body that legends are made of.

Scientific Breakthrough Leads To Rapid Fat Loss 
Leviathan Reloaded’s two key ingredients, Yohimbine HCl and 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine increases the amount of non-esterfied fatty acids (NEFAs), a product of lipolysis (the breaking down of fat), in the bloodstream in both lean and obese individuals. Yohimbine HCl & 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine have also been shown to possess appetite suppressant potential and decreases energy intake which allows you to exercise longer. Leviathan Reloaded’s precise ratio of Yohimbine HCl & 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine encourages fat loss by stimulating the increased production of Norephinephrine by the body while acting as an Alpha Receptor blocker on adipose tissue cells. With the majority of alpha receptors blocked, greater numbers of beta receptors are left open for the increased volume of the fat burning hormone Norephinephrine to attach to. The binding of the Norephinephrine to the adipose tissue beta receptors stimulates Lipolysis of greater numbers of the fat cells. Now you to can experience profound body transforming results with Leviathan Reloaded’s fat burning technology. 
Experience the Leviathan Reloaded Difference 
Through a precise ratio of fat burning stimulators including the ultra-powerful Yohimbine HCl and 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine, brand new ingredients Phyllanthus Niruri & Ficus Bengalensis Extract and 3,3’ Diindolylmethane, Leviathan Reloaded is designed to give you extreme long lasting energy with high octane fat burning potential. But Leviathan Reloaded’s unique fat burning potential doesn’t stop there, through regulation of bad estrogen levels, which sky rocket in men and women as they age, Leviathan Relaoded is able to provide you with extreme weight loss potential that has never before been offered in a weight loss product. Leviathan Reloaded doesn’t just burn fat it annihilates it by attacking weight gain at the source of the problem in increased estrogen levels and a slowing metabolism. 
Muscle Mass Atrophy? 
You’ve busted your ass in the gym for years to build up a mountain of muscle mass. Now you want to get totally ripped. The last thing in the world you want is to see is all that muscle mass begin to atrophy due to reducing caloric intake and cutting fat with run of the mill fat burners. For years, cutting products were designed to rapidly burn fat at the expense of stripping away hard gained muscle density. Not Any More….  
Leviathan Reloaded Results 
1. Extreme Anti-Catabolic Fat Burning  
2. Increases Norephinephrine production by up to 60%,  
3. Jitter Free, Sustained Energy 
4. Stimulates natural testosterone production  
5. Increases the levels of “good estrogens” (2-hydroxyestrogen) 
6. Keeps the body in a constant anabolic state 
7. Promotes Ultra Dense Lean Muscle Gains  
Lean Muscle Potentiator 
Unlike other Fat Burners, Leviathan Reloaded doesn’t just stop at incinerating fat. Leviathan Reloaded has been designed to stimulate the body’s natural testosterone production non-hormonally causing your body to constantly be in an anabolic state, allowing optimal lean muscle gains and overall increased muscle hardness. Recent scientific evidence has shown that the ingredients in Leviathan Reloaded can help boost the production of natural testosterone by as much as 300% over normal fat burning products. Forget muscle atrophy, Leviathan Reloaded will shred you up like no other product while enabling you to continue to pack on slabs of ultra dense lean muscle mass.


Day 1: 1 capsule in the am, and 1 capsule in the mid afternoon 
Day 2: repeat day 1 
Day 3: 1 capsule in the am, 1 capsule around noon or 1, and one capsule around 5pm 
Day 4: repeat day 3 
Day 5: 2 capsules in the am, 1 capsule around noon or 1 ,and one capsule around 5pm 
Day 6: repeat day 5 
Day 7: 2 capsules in the am, and 2 capsules in the late afternoon -- this would be your standard consumption  
Leviathan Reloaded is most effective when the insulin levels in your body are lower. Due to this, take two capsules in the morning AT LEAST 45 minutes before meals and two capsules early in the afternoon AT LEAST 45 minutes before meals. If you rather take Leviathan Reloaded after meals, dose Leviathan Reloaded 1 hour after a smaller meal. 
Do Not take Leviathan Reloaded after 5pm to avoid sleeplessness. For optimal results you should maintain use of Leviathan Reloaded for at least eight weeks.
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Retail Price: $49.99
Other Spec:
Leviathan Reloaded - Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Potentiator, 90 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

Proprietary Blend: 1000 Mgs 
Tribulus Ext 80% Saponins, 20% Protodioscin 
Coleus Forskohili 20% Forskolin 
Acacia Rigidula 
PEA (Phenylethylamine) 
Velvet Bean Extract 20% l-dopa 
Phyllanthus Niruri 10% 
Ficus Bengalensis Extract 10:1 
Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine, 9mgs 
Diindolylmethane may help support the activity of specific enzymes that improve estrogen metabolism. Research shows diindolylmethane helps increase the level of "good" estrogens (2-hydroxyestrogen) while reducing the level of "bad" estrogens (16-hydroxyestrogen). Diindolylmethane helps to eliminate active estrogen from the male body by actively promoting its conversion into the "good" metabolites. These "good" metabolites then work to free up testosterone by bumping it off the testosterone-binding proteins. The end result of this is a healthier balance of testosterone to estrogen and increased free testosterone circulating in the body. The ‘good' estrogen metabolites, along with increased free testosterone promoted by DIM, increase fat mobilization and fat-burning metabolism  
Tribulus Terrestris 80% Saponins 20% Protodioscin: 
The Tribulus Terrestris used in Leviathan is standardized to 80% Saponins, 20% Protodioscin...the highest grade extract available, and it has been shown to raise testosterone levels safely and naturally, and is rumored to be the secret behind the success of many top Bulgarian weightlifters. By raising testosterone levels safely and naturally, and then keeping them elevated for long periods, Tribulus Terrestris will increase lean muscle, strength and sexual performance. Instead of being a hormonal testosterone precursor, Tribulus Terrestris leads to a rise in the production of luteinizing hormone. When luteinizing hormone levels are increased, the natural production of testosterone also increases.  
Yohimbine HCl: 
Yohimbine HCl increases the amount of non-esterfied fatty acids (NEFAs), a product of lipolysis (the breaking down of fat), in the bloodstream in both lean and obese individuals. Yohimbine has also been shown to possess appetite suppressant potential and decreases energy intake which allows you to exercise longer. Yohimbine stimulates fat loss by stimulating the increased production of Norephinephrine by the body while acting as an Alpha Receptor blocker on adipose tissue cells. With the majority of alpha receptors blocked, greater numbers of beta receptors are left open for the increased volume of the fat burning hormone Norephinephrine to attach to. The binding of the Norephinephrine to the adipose tissue beta receptors stimulates Lipolysis of greater numbers of the fat cells.  
11-Hydroxy Yohimbine 
Brand new to the industry and at least 5 times more expensive then regular Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine still produces all the same great fat burning effects of Yohimbine but instead of only staying active in your system for 1 to 2 hours like Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine actually stays active in your system for 6 to 8 hours. This increased duration of activity allows for significantly more fat oxidation to occur. 
Caffeine Anhydrous: 
Caffeine is a general central nervous system stimulant that increases mental stimulation and incites the release of epinephrine (adrenaline). Through a process called Lipolysis, Caffeine stimulates mobilization of fatty acids which may have effects on fat oxidation for weight loss or endurance performance. Caffeine also encourages the release of calcium into muscle cells, where it can stimulate more powerful muscle contractions that helps in increased athletic performance.  
Coleus Forskohili 20% Forskolin: 
Forskolin, the active component of Coleus Forskohili, works by activating the enzyme adenylate cyclase. When adenylate cyclase is activated in the body it then converts to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Dramatically increasing levels of cAMP has many effects for fat loss purposes. The main purpose revolves around the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which in turn activates hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), which ultimately breaks down fat and releases it as free fatty acids in the bloodstream through lipolysis. In addition, there is an added bonus; forskolin also acts as a thyroid stimulant, most likely through a cAMP-mediated process. As most of us know, the thyroid is responsible for metabolic rate via the hormones it releases in to the blood stream. Therefore, increasing production of the thyroid through Forskolin supplementation results in an increase in metabolism. 
Acacia Rigidula: 
A very new ingredient to the industry Acacia Rigidula has show promising benefits in helping to stimulate metabolic rate and suppressing appetite. Leviathan Reloaded is one of the very first products to bring this powerful new ingredient to market.  
Hordenine has been included in Reloaded for multiple reasons. The first and most important reason for Hordenine’s inclusion was its ability to stimulate production of Norephinephrine. As we know from the write up on Yohimbine HCl and 11-Hydroxy-Yohimbine the binding of the Norephinephrine to the adipose tissue beta receptors stimulates Lipolysis of greater numbers of the fat cells. When Lipolysis occurs, the released lipids are burned for energy and a reduction in body fat percentage begins to take place. Two other functions of Hordenine are its ability to slow digestion, which leads to appetite suppression, and its ability to increase athletic performance due to classification of being a bronchodilator. Bronchodilator’s expand the airways and improve the breathing capacity of humans.  
PEA (Phenylethylamine) 
PEA is a neuromodulator naturally derived from the cocoa bean involved in elevating mood, focus, mental alertness, concentration, energy and well being. PEA enhances the transmission of dopamine and norepinephrine and is your body’s most powerful natural stimulant. PEA provides the body with energy and focus without your body building up a tolerance or makin you crash. 
Velvet Bean Extract 20% l-dopa (Mucuna Pruriens) 
The Velvet Bean in Leviathan Reloaded stimulates increased dopamine levels through the dopamine precurser l-dopa. L-Dopa-induced GHRH release leads to the pituitary gland increasing the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). An increase in HGH levels can increase the body's ability to build lean muscle and break down fat. Velvet bean also increases testosterone levels, through prolactin (testosterone regulating hormone) inhibition. Too much prolactin in your body can lead to testosterone suppression. Velvet bean has also been shown to help you maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels while showing promising diuretic effects. 
Phyllanthus Niruri 10% 
New to the fitness community, Phyllanthus Niruri has been a well know tonic in natural health communities for some time. Phyllanthus Niruri is rich in numerous types of lignans which are the key to the potent effectiveness of this ingredient. Just asmall sampling of the Lignen’s present in Phyllanthus Niruri are Linum flavum, L. leonii, and urinatetralin. Phyllanthus Niruri was included in Leviathan Reloaded for its hypotensive effects. Numerous studies have been done on Phyllanthus Niruri that shows its ability to help lower blood pressure. This is essential to Leviathan Reloaded’s effectiveness because it helps counter act Yohimbine’s tendency to raise blood pressure. Phllanthus Nirruri has also shown significant diuretic properties as well as an ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. 
Ficus Bengalensis Extract 10:1 
Ficus Bengalensis was included in Leviathan Reloaded based on it clinical effectiveness in balancing blood sugar and Insulin levels. While brand new to the bodybuilding community (Leviathan Reloaded is the first product in the industry to include this ingredient), Ficus Bengalensis has been extensively studied in conjuncture with diabetes. Ficus Bengalensis has been show to help regulate insulin and blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Now what does this mean to the individual looking to lose weight? Basically by restoring insulin sensitivity and regulating Blood sugar levels you are able to lose weight in a healthy manner. Ficus Bengalensis has been shown to have a positive effect on controlling Reactive Hypoglycemia, a recurrent episode of excessive insulin release triggered 2 to 4 hours after a high carbohydrate meal, which contributes heavily to weight gain and obesity.
Leviathan Reloaded - Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Potentiator, 90 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

Editor's rating: 8.2 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Eric D  "Already making progress"
I've tried pretty much every weight loss product on the market and none have ever really worked. I started using Leviathan Reloaded and I've started to make some progress. I've already lost a couple of pounds.
Leviathan Reloaded - Fat Incinerating, Lean Muscle Potentiator, 90 caps, (Palo Alto Labs)

How It Works
Leviathan Reloaded has synergistically combined lean muscle stimulators with a four stimuli approach to fat burning. Through dramatically increased norepinephrine production, estrogen balancing, enhanced metabolic response and insulin and blood sugar regulation Leviathan Reloaded has significantly distanced itself from all other weight loss products on the market. Leviathan is a first of its kind; no other product can offer the extreme hardcore results that it produces. Never settle for fat loss at the expense of losing hard earned muscle again, now you can eradicate unsightly fat deposits while continuing to pack on lean muscle mass.

Leviathan Reloaded is the first and only product designed to rapidly eliminate fat while advancing the continuation of lean muscle mass building during a cutting phase. 
Leviathan Reloaded Function:
  • Extreme Anti-Catabolic Fat Burning – Fat Lipolysis while Preserving Muscle
  • Pro-Testosterone Enhancement/Estrogen Blocking and Regulation
  • Promotes Lean Mass Building & Muscle Hardness
  • Intensifies Training Performance
  • Increases Norephinephrine production
  • Promotes Neuro Intensification & Focus
What Makes LEVIATHAN RELOADED Different From Other Fat Burners? 
Normal fat burning products are designed to only burn fat at the sacrifice of also burning off hard gained muscle mass. Leviathan Reloaded is the first product to ever successfully combine ultra-intense fat burning potential with explosive muscle building. With Leviathan Reloaded, a cutting phase is no longer necessary to make sure you are lean and ripped enough for competition. Leviathan Reloaded will shred you up while enabling you to continue to pack on the slabs of ultra dense lean muscle you're going to need to dominate. 
How Does LEVIATHAN RELOADED Work To Burn Fat? 
The key fat burning component of Leviathan Reloaded stimulates fat loss by stimulating the increased production of Norephinephrine by the body while acting as an Alpha Receptor blocker on adipose tissue cells. With the majority of alpha receptors blocked, greater numbers of beta receptors are left open for the increased volume of the fat burning hormone Norephinephrine to attach to. The binding of the Norephinephrine to the adipose tissue beta receptors stimulates Lipolysis of greater numbers of the fat cells.
Leviathan Reloaded is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.