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Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs , (Baywood)
Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs , (Baywood)
Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs , (Baywood)
Diosmin 500 mg -
Item Number:34177
Product Code:YW0005
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Varicose Veins

Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs, (Baywood)

Diosmin is a naturally occurring flavonoid glycoside that can be isolated from various plant sources or derived from the flavonoid herperidin. Diosmin was first isolated in 1925 from Scrophularia nodosa, and first introduced as a therapeutic agent in 1969. Diosmin is considered to be a vascular-protecting agent used to treat chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids, lymphedema, and varicose veins. As a flavonoid, diosmin also exhibits anti-inflammatory, free-radical scavenging, and antimutagenic properties. 
Diosmin differs moleculary from hesperidin by the presence of a double bond between two carbo atoms in diosmin's central carbon ring. Diosmin can be manufactured by extracting hesperidin from citrius rinds, followed by conversion of hesperidin to diosmin. Diosmin had been used to be investigated for other therapeutic purposes, including abnormal cell growth, premenstrual syndroms, colitis, and diabetes.

Biochemistry and Pharmacokinetics 
Flavonoids are a large group of plan pigments sharing the same basic chemical structure; i.e., a three-ringed molecule with hydroxyl (OH) groups attached. Diosmin ([C.sub.28][H.sub.32][O.sub.15]) occurs naturally as a glycoside, meaning it has a sugar molecule attached to its three-ringed flavonoid structure. 
Pharmacokinetic investigations have shown diosmin is rapidly transformed by intestinal flora to its aglycone form, diosmetin. Diosmetin is absorbed and rapidly distributed throughout the body with a plasma half-life of 26-43 hours. Diosmetin is degraded to phenotic acids or their glycine-conjugated derivatives and eliminated through the urine. Diosmin of diosmetin not absorbed is eliminated in the feces. 
Mechanisms of Action 
Diosmin's mechanism of action include improvement of venous tone. Increased lymphatic drainage, protection of capillary bed microcirculation, inhibition of inflammatory reactions, and reduced capillary permeability. Certain flavonoids, including diosmin, are potent inhibitors of prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane A2 as well as being inhibitors of leukocyte activation, migratino, and adhesion. Diosmin causes significant decrease in plasma levels of endothelial adhesion molecules and reduces neutrophil activation, thus providing protection against microcirculatory damame. 
Clinical Indications 
Varicose Veins/Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Chronic venous insufficiency is characterized by pain, leg heaviness, a sensation, and cramps, and is correlated with varicose veins. A multicenter international trial, carrid out in 23 countries over two years, in which 5,052 symptomatic patients were enrolled, evalutated the efficacy of flavonoids in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Patients were treated with 450 mg diosmin and 50 mg hesperidin daily for six months. Continous clinical improvements was found throughout the study, as well as improvements i quality of life scores for patients. 
Diosmin-containing flavonoid mixtures have also been effective in treating severe stages of chronic venous insufficiency, including venous ulceration and delayed healing. In a radomized multicenter trial, 900 mg diosmin and 100 mg hesperidin plus standard venous ulcer management was compared with standard venous ulcer management alone. Standard ulcer management included cleaning, compression therapy, and skin care of adjacent skin. Forty-seven percent of patients in the treatment group compared to 28 percent in the standard management group experienced complete healing of ulcers less than 10 cm in diameter. 
Several lage clinical trials have demostrated diosmin to be effective in the treatment of acute and chronic symptoms of hemorrhoids. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 120 patients showed improvement of pain, pruritis, discharge, edema, erythema, and bleeding on examination. The treatment group was given a flavonoid mixture (90% diosmin and 10% hesperidin) at a dose of two 500 mg tablets daily for two months. 
The use of diosmin in the treatment of hemorrhoids associated with pregnancy did not adversely affect pregnancy, fetal development, birth weight, infant growth, or infant feeding. Pregnant women suffering from acute hemorrhoids were treated eight weeks before delivery and four weeks after delivery. More than half of the women participating in the study reported relief from symptoms by the fourth day. Diosmin is a non-mutagenic and dose not have any significant effect on the reproductive function. 
Diosmin acts on the lympathic system by increasing lymph flow and oncotic pressure. A flavonoid mixture containing diosmin was used to treat upper limb lymphedema secondary to conventional therapy for breat cancer. Results showed improvement of symptoms and limb volume; the mean decrease in volum of the swollen limb reached 6.8 percent. In addition, lymphatic functional parameters assessed with scintigraphy were improved. Animal studies of high-protein lymphedema, such as in burns and lung contusions, showed significant improvement with diosmin. 
Diosmin has been shown to improve factors associated with diabetic complications, Blood parameters of glycation and oxidative stress were measured in type 1 diabetic patients before and after invervention of a diosmin-containing flavonoid mixture. A decrease in hemoglobin Ale was accompanied by an increase in glutathione peroxidase demonstrating long-term decreased blood glucose and increased antioxidant activity. 
Diosmi can normalize capillary filtration rate and prevent ischemia in diabetics. Rheological studies of type 1 diabetics show diosmin can facilitate hemortheological improvements due to decreased RBC aggregation, which decreased blood flow resistance, resulting in reduction of both stasis and ischemia. 
Diosmin has been investigated in a number of animal models and human cancer cell lines, and has been found to be chemoprevertive and antiproliferative. More clinically oriented research in this area is warranted to determine effect dosage and protocols. 
Other Clinical Indication 
Studies have also investigated the use of diosmin for stasis dermatitis, wound healing, premenstrual syndrome, mastodysia, dermatofibrosclerosis, viral infection, and colitis.

The standard dose of diosmin is 500 mg twice a day. For acute dosing, a loading dose of 1,000 mg three times daily for four days is recommended, followed by 1,000 mg twice daily for three days, and a maintenance dose of 500 mg twice daily for two months.
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Retail Price: $31.69
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Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs, (Baywood)

Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs, (Baywood)

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Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs, (Baywood)


What are Varicose Veins? 
Varicose veins, a condition closely related to venous insuffciency, occur when veins near the surface of the skin are damage. They visibly dilate and become distored, resulting in varicose veins and hemorrhoids (acutally, the latter are varicose veins, just in a different place), which afflict countless millions of people, especially in Westen societies where the incidence is believed to be about 50% of all people over 50 years of age. Researchers aren't completely sure why some veins become varicose. Heredity is believed to play a part, as are hormones. Tha's one of the reasons varicose veins may be more common in pregnancy.
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Diosmin 500 mg - Supporting Healthy Viens, 60 tabs, (Baywood)