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Detoxatrim - Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution with Hoodia, 112 caps , (Maxi Health Research)
Detoxatrim - Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution with Hoodia, 112 caps , (Maxi Health Research)
Detoxatrim - Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution with Hoodia, 112 caps , (Maxi Health Research)
Item Number:30073
Product Code:2182-0050
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Detoxatrim - Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution with Hoodia, 112 caps, (Maxi Health Research)

Detoxify and Lose Weight! 
The Detoxatrim System is a new scientific approach to weight loss, designed to detoxify and cleanse your body and jump-start your fat buring furnace! Detoxatrim's specialized blends of all natural ingredients are designed to help you reach your weight loss goals safely and effectively by helping you to:
  • Cleanse your body
  • Reduce bloating
  • Increase energy
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Curb your appetite
  • Eliminate candide yeast


Why Detox 
Detoxification has been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the body for health, vitality and rejuvenation. Some people even rely on detoxification to clear symptoms, treat disease and prevent future illness. New research shows that detoxification can have tremendous weight loss benefits. In today's toxic world with growing amounts of pollutants and chemicals, more and more people are turning to detoxification programs. Aside from the many health benefits, more and more attention is also being paid to the link between toxins and obesity. Toxins can compromise key metabolic and gland functions resulting in a slower metabolism and a propensity to gain body fat. Today's overexposure to toxins causes candida yeast overgrowth in your body. This overgrowth is commonly identified with women and as vaginal yeast, but surprisingly it is most abundant and problematic in the intestines and can infiltrate your entire body. 
Centuries ago, before our environment was bombarded with pollutants and toxins, our bodies were able to keep Candida in check by sustaining the proper balance of Candida for friendly bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium. But today's world of fast foods, stress, prescription drugs and other environmental factors have tipped the scales in favor of an acidic pH environment in the digestive tract that becomes a breeding ground for Candida overgrowth. Candida overgrowth can have numerous negative effects with symptoms ranging from headaches, indigestion, fatigue and depression. 
One of the most common side effects of excessive candida is weight gain and the inability to lose weight as intestinal Candida also triggers inflammation, gas, bloating and other digestive upset. The immune system responds by trying to fight off yeast, which sets off an allergic reaction sending you into a metabolic tailspin. As the body diverts resources to fight off these invaders, the thyroid and adrenal glands work overtime. Eventually, these glands become fatigue and your metabolism comes to a screeching halt. They also cause food cravings and increase hunger, making your dieting efforts even more difficult. Increased hunger and a slower metabolism equals ‘diet disaster’ for anyone! Don't be surprised if controlling Candida is the answer to your diet dilemma! 
Detox Diet Tips 
1. Drink plenty of water. At least 6 to 8 glasses of bottled water is recommended.  
2. Avoid eating excessive amounts of animal source proteins. Animal sources are more acidic. Ideally, you want your diet to be alkaline. An alkaline diet consists of whole fruits and vegetables (steamed or raw) and grains with some poultry and fish.  
3. Eat food high in fiber. Whole fruits, vegetables and grains will also provide fiber.  
4. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.  
5. Try to eat organically grown foods.  
6. Avoid refined, processed and canned foods.

Take 2 capsules twice a day approximately 30 minutes before a meal. 
WARNING:Not intended for use by persons under age 18. Do not exceed recommended dose. Do not consume synephrine or caffeine from other sources, including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda and other dietary supplements or medications containing phenylephrine or caffeine. Contains caffeine. Do not use for more than 8 weeks.Consult your physician prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are taking medication, including but not limited to, MAOI inhibitors, antidepressants, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or other stimulants. 
Consult your physician prior to use if you have a medical condition, including, but not limited to, heart, liver, kidney, or thyroid disease, psychiatric or epileptic disorders, difficulty urinating, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, recurrent headaches, enlarge prostate or glaucoma. Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery or if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache or shortness of breath.
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Retail Price: $29.99
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Detoxatrim - Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution with Hoodia, 112 caps, (Maxi Health Research)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Serving Per size: 56
Amount per serving
Chromium(as chromium dinicotinate glycinate and polynicotinate) 240mcg 200%
Yeast/Candida Detoxification & pH Correcting Blend:
Lactobacillus acidophillus and Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Fructooligosaccharides(from chicory root), Caprylic acid, Glutamine
130mg **
Apetite Control Blend:
Glucomannan, Hoodia Gordonii extract(aerial parts)
872mg **
Metabolism Boosters:
Papaya fruit, Uva ursi (leaf), Green tea leaf extract (caffeine free), Apple Cider Vinegar, Grapefruit extract
336mg **
**Daily Value not yet established.
Detoxatrim - Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution with Hoodia, 112 caps, (Maxi Health Research)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
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Detoxatrim - Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution with Hoodia, 112 caps, (Maxi Health Research)

How It Works
The Detoxatrim Detoxifying Weight Loss System is Comprised of Two Phases 
Phase 1: The Detoxatrim 24 Hour Liquid Fast Flush 
Phase 2: The Detoxatrim Daily Capsules 
Phase 1: The 24 Hour Detoxatrim Liquid Fast Flush (Blood & Organ Toxin Removal) 
The first phase of the Detoxatrim System is a liquid 24 Hour Fast Flush drink specifically designed to jump start the detoxification and weight loss process immediately. It is a fast-acting well-tolerated formula designed to help detoxify, cleanse and rid your body of the harmful toxins for improved general health, increased energy and weight loss. The highly concentrated Detoxatrim Fast Flush uses fiber, fruits, vegetables, vitamins and herbs to help loosen up toxins while also incorporating heavy metal chelating agents to help carry toxins out of the body! The removal of toxins from your body will help restore proper organ functions, boost your metabolism, and help you feel energized! 
The Fruit & Vegetable Blend in the 24 Hour Detoxatrim Fast Flush Contains the Following Active Ingredients: 
Whole apple concentrate, white grape extract, stevia leaf extract, xanthan gum, fruit blend (pineapple, apple, orange, blueberry, grape, grapefruit, plum, raspberry, strawberry, lemon, lime, cantaloupe, cherry, papaya, peach, pear). vegetable blend (carrots, tomato, beet, celery, spinach, leek, yellow pepper), grape skin extract.  
The Liver & Kidney Detoxifying Blend in the 24 Hour Detoxatrim Fast Flush Contains the Following Active Ingredients: 
Aloe vera leaf extract, milk thistle seed extract, citrus bioflavonoid complex, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, radish, watermelon, Goji berry (Wolfberry) extract, barberry root.  
The Heavy Metal Chelating Blend in the 24 Hour Detoxatrim Fast Flush Contains the Following Active Ingredients: 
Apple pectin, green tea leaf extract, spirulina algae, onion. 
Phase 2: The Detoxatrim Daily Capsules 
Once you have completed The Detoxatrim 24 Hour Fast Flush you can start using the revolutionary Detoxatrim Detoxifying Weight Loss Solution capsules formula! Detoxatrim capsules are designed to further assist weight loss through the continual removal of toxins and candida yeast, while helping to restore the proper internal environment necessary for fast, effective, safe weight loss and general good health!
Case Studies
One of the main underlining causes of weight gain affecting 70% of all women is TOXIC BUILD UP. Toxins can compromise key metabolic and glandular functions resulting in a slower metabolism and a propensity to gain body fat. Yes, harmful toxins in our air, water and food are causing you to gain weight. It is important to understand that since the day you were born you have been expoing your body to poison and toxins. These toxins make it harder for your organs to function optimally and slow down your metabolism resulting in increased body fat and low energy levels. 
Finally, you can lose weight, rid your body of harmful toxins and feel energized with The Detoxatrim System. The Detoxatrim System is not just a quick fix detox program; it is a revoluationary detoxifying weight loss system designed to help you cleanse you body, boost your metabolism and melt away pounds in the process. DetoxaTrim's highly specialized nutrients blends provide you with the first ever, detoxifying weight loss solution for quick results AND long term success! 
There is not diet without detox! The Detoxatrim System will help you look and feel your best, quickly!
Detoxatrim - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.