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Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag , (Fullife Natural Options)
Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag , (Fullife Natural Options)
Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag , (Fullife Natural Options)
Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea -
Item Number:27008
Product Code:078817-4
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Bitter Melon Tea

Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag, (Fullife Natural Options)

Commonly known in the USA as the Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia Linn.), the Ampalaya is both a nutritious vegetable and a trusted medicinal herb that grows abundant in many regions in Asia. Unlike most herbs, Ampalaya is commonly eaten as a dish, proof positive of its safety. The Ampalaya plant is a creeping vine that loves the sun and welcomes the rain, and is often used to adorn trellises for shade. During season, large yellow flowers add accent to this common vine, accompanying its much-valued fruit.

Charantea is made from 100% dried whole Ampalaya [Bitter Melon] fruits, known for its nutrional value and health benefits. Natural, safe and effective, Charantea helps fortify a low-fat, high-fiber diet recommended for maintaining normal blood sugar levels
For best results, drink a cup of Charantea Ampalaya Tea after every meal, three times a day. With regular daily use, you can see the results in your blood sugar in as little as two weeks to one month.
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Retail Price: $17.79
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Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag, (Fullife Natural Options)

100% dried Ampalaya bitter Melon fruits.
Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag, (Fullife Natural Options)

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Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag, (Fullife Natural Options)

How It Works
Since as early as the 1940s, scientific research conducted in many countries has supported the traditional belief in the Ampalaya's health benefits.

Scientists have identified several key compounds found in the Ampalaya fruit such as charantin, vicine, peptides and polypeptide-p (a plant insulin). It is believed that the interplay of these compounds is what gives the herb its potency.

Although more studies are needed to completely unlock the secrets of this herb, this much researchers do agree on: taken regularly, the Ampalaya is an effective supplement to the low-fat, high-fiber diet recommended by doctors for maintaining a normal sugar level.
Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Ampalaya Bitter Melon Tea - Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels, 30 bag, (Fullife Natural Options)