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Passion Rx - Supports Healthy Libido In Men & Women, 30 caps , (Physician Formulas)
Passion Rx - Supports Healthy Libido In Men & Women, 30 caps , (Physician Formulas)
Passion Rx - Supports Healthy Libido In Men & Women, 30 caps , (Physician Formulas)
Passion Rx -
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Passion Rx - Supports Healthy Libido In Men & Women, 30 caps, (Physician Formulas)

Passion Rx is our #1 bestselling product, with a high rate of reorder. 
Passion Rx is formulated for men and women who wish to enhance sexual pleasure, libido, erection, stamina, orgasms, lubrication, climaxes, and overall sexual satisfaction and performance. Passion Rx really works! 
What you are likely to notice: always start with a lower dose such as half a capsule. Most men who take Passion Rx notice increased sexual energy and libido, harder, longer lasting erections, more pleasure when touched, and more powerful and frequent orgasms. Most women notice stronger sexual desire, more engorgement, sensation, better lubrication, and intense climaxes. Enhanced sexual passion can lead to closer intimacy with your partner and can revive relationships where sexuality has lost its passion. 
Passion Rx provides results that are often seen within hours, but continue to improve over several days of use. Our feedback thus far indicates more than 85% user satisfaction. 
Our clinical experience shows Passion Rx supports:
  • Healthy sensation and stamina
  • Healthy libido and sexual thoughts
  • Healthy erectile function
  • Healthy orgasms and climaxes
Passion Rx supports and maintains many aspects of the human sexual experience. 
Dr. Sahelian says: "Passion Rx gives me special feelings, sensation, and stamina. Viagra works quicker, but it only helps erectile function, not much else. I personally prefer the overall natural sexual wellbeing Passion Rx provides. At first I needed one or two capsules to notice the benefits. Now I find half, or even a third, of a Passion Rx capsule taken two mornings in a row - upon awakening on an empty stomach - suits my needs. The majority of my patients loves Passion Rx"
Start with one capsule on an empty stomach in the morning. Women may take 1 or 2 capsules. Men may take 1, 2, or 3 capsules. Effects begin several hours after ingestion, and may last all day. For best results, take 2 days on, 2 days off.
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Passion Rx - Supports Healthy Libido In Men & Women, 30 caps, (Physician Formulas)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule

Amount per serving

Proprietary Blend 240 mg *
Muira Puama Root 4:1 Extract (Ptychopetalum olacoides), Cniddium Seed 4:1 Extract (Cniddium monnieri), Catuaba Bark 4:1 Extract (Erythroxylum catuaba), Tongkat Ali Extract (Eurycoma longifolia), Eurycoma LJ100™ (Eurycoma longifolia)
Ashwaghanda Root Blend 110 mg *
(Standardized to contain 5% withanolides and a 4:1 extract)
Tribulus Fruit Extract 55 mg *
(Standardized to contain 40% iicarin), (Tribulus terrestris)
Yohimbe Bark Extract 55 mg *
(Standardized to contain 4% Alkaloids), (Pausinystalia yohimbe)
*Daily Value not yet established.
Other Ingredients: Rice Flour, Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Maltodextrin, Water. 
All the ingredients in Passion Rx have been personally tested by Dr. Sahelian to assure top notch quality control. This product is made by a GMP certified manufacturer, NHK Labs in Santa Fe Springs, CA.
Passion Rx - Supports Healthy Libido In Men & Women, 30 caps, (Physician Formulas)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


After several years of research, renowned physician Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D., author of Natural Sex Boosters, has formulated Passion Rx, a unique combination of exotic herbs from the Amazon jungle, India, China, Malaysia, and Africa.  
Ray Sahelian, M.D. is known in the natural supplement industry for his honesty and scientific integrity. He is widely recognized as an expert on supplements, and has been quoted by Newsweek, AARP, Health, USA Today, Washington Post, Le Monde (France) and other magazines and newspapers, and featured several times on CNN, Dateline NBC, CBS and other major TV media. As an expert on herbal aphrodisiacs, he is frequently interviewed by reporters.


I was skeptical since the first day I took it the only thing I noticed was being more alert and later in the afternoon my vision seemed clearer. The next morning I took another capsule when I woke up. Not much happened till late afternoon when I was with my girlfriend and initially it seemed I had a little hard time getting an erection, just like I am normally, but when she stimulated me further, I got a really hard erection and it stayed hard, seemed like forever. The third day I did not take a pill but I was still aroused and there was no doubt that my penis was trying to have spontaneous erections, and that is not normal for me. My sexual interest seemed much higher. I'm anxious to see what happens when I continue taking PassionRx a few more days.

Since I'm 62, I wanted to go slow, so I opened a capsule and poured half in a glass and mixed it with orange juice. I saved the other half for next day. The first day I noticed somewhat of an increased interest in sex. It was the second day, when I took the other half, that boy... i could stay hard so much longer, and it felt really good to be touched... definite sensation boost.

I'm a 48 year old male who took 1 capsule of the sample packet in the morning before breakfast. I noticed some sexual thoughts about 2 hours after I took the capsule, slight blurred vision, but by noon the vision improved and the rest of the day it was very clear. By evening I again noticed more sexual thoughts and my penis was making attempts at getting a spontaneous erection. That evening I had a little trouble sleeping. The next day I took half a capsule since I did not want to have shallow sleep, and by evening, I was really horny. I slept well, and the third day I did not take a pill, but I was extremely aroused and had a wonderful, intense time with my wife, better intimacy than I have had with her in months. My erecton seemed like it lasted forever and I could be re-aroused in a shorter period of time. I now take passion rx 2/3 of a capsule 2 days on, 1 or 2 days off.

Due to work stress, I have neglected being intimate with my boyfriend lately. So a female friend suggested Passion Rx. I took one capsule in the morning and I don't think I noticed much that first day. The second day I did not a capsule since the instructions said to take it every other day. I was surprised, though, how horny I was. By midday I had to go to the bedroom (fortunately I work from home) and had to relieve myself and had an intense orgasm. Karen, age 42.

I am a 60 year old male who has tried so many products to combat ED without success - until now. I purchased a sample packet of Passion Rx - and wow, did I get results! I took 1/2 capsule and then after one day off, I took a full capsule and I experienced rapid results. That night, I could hardly sleep. I had a full erection - but even more - I had physical and emotional feelings I haven't had in years. The sensitivity continued and I feel like a twenty year old. Today is December 29, 2005 and I just ordered a full bottle of Passion Rx. Thirty capsules is two month's supply and I am most happy with the price. I had almost given up. My wife is a very happy woman! Thank you, Physician Formulas!

Taking one capsule Prostate Power Rx one day and Passion Rx the next day and skipping the third day works so well! I can say the erections are 80% as good as the erections I get on Viagra, but sensation seems so much better. When I take Viagra, I get an erection but it sex is not that much more enjoyable since my erection doesn't feel good. Passion Rx makes touching my penis so much more pleasureable and ejaculation is more intense.

The first day of a full capsule made me feel good, but at night i was still too alert. So the next day I took 3/4 capsule which was better, and I really felt something was stirring. The third morning I woke up to a very strong erection, which was unusual for me. I took 2/3 capsule and felt aroused towards the end of the day. The fourth day I took 1/2 capsule and in an hour or two I reallly started noticed the full sexual enhancement... erection, desire, sensation, thinking about sex, were all there. I really felt in the mood and sensation was great. On the fifth day I took a break and realized I was still so horny. This stuff does work!

started with a full capsule in the morning and as I remember it was later the very same day that I started feeling the effects (desire), which increased over the next day or two. I had been having some intermittent erection problems so even feeling a bit anxious, I got superb results when my wife and I we were intimate 3 days after starting. Everything improved, erection, sensation, and ability to sustain. I've backed off to one half capsule every other day and will see how that goes. I also did a few breaks of 5 days and 7 days and it seems that it all comes back very quickly if I start up again with a full capsule for one day. If the one-half capsule every other day doesn't work would you suggest going to a full one every other day or to one-half every day with say one short break per week - or am I just going to have to experiment and keep good records.

At 52, I thought I had lost all my sex drive and my husband and I hardly spent any time in bed in any intimate way. I ordered Passion Rx and took 2/3 of a capsule since I wanted to go slow. On the fourth day I really starting feeling my vaginal area to be so much more sensitive and I definately had a stronger interest in sex, which my husband appreciated when I initiated contact.
Passion Rx - Supports Healthy Libido In Men & Women, 30 caps, (Physician Formulas)

How It Works
Some users notice the effects within a few hours, while for the majority of users it starts working the second, third, or fourth day. Those with very low libido or weak sexual vitality may need 1 or 3 weeks to fully appreciate this product. 
The first benefit most users will notice is increased sexual desire or libido. This often occurs the second day. Erectile function, sensation, and orgasms/climaxes are enhanced on the third, fourth or fifth day. You are likely to notice positive effects even on days that you don't take a capsule. There is often a delayed effect of a day or two.
Passion Rx - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.