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Healing Balm - Relief For Hard-Working Hands, 0.75 oz , (Badger Balm)
Healing Balm - Relief For Hard-Working Hands, 0.75 oz , (Badger Balm)
Healing Balm - Relief For Hard-Working Hands, 0.75 oz , (Badger Balm)
Healing Balm -
Item Number:26447
Product Code:21312 (12)
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Availability:In Stock: Ships in 3 days
Category: Hands & Nails

Healing Balm - Relief For Hard-Working Hands, 0.75 oz, (Badger Balm)

Relief For Hardworking Hands 
Badger is the best stuff for your cracked, chapped, rough and weathered skin. This is the stuff you want with you if you are lost in some vast, uncharted wilderness. It has the mild, wintergreen-like scent of Sweet Birch, which has been traditionally used as an antiseptic, a muscle rub, and to ease the occasional symptoms of skin problems like psoriasis and eczema.
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Retail Price: $5.50
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Healing Balm - Relief For Hard-Working Hands, 0.75 oz, (Badger Balm)

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Natural Beeswax, Castor Oil, Organic Aloe Vera Extrac, and Essential Oil of Sweet Birch.
Healing Balm - Relief For Hard-Working Hands, 0.75 oz, (Badger Balm)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%

Healing Balm - Relief For Hard-Working Hands, 0.75 oz, (Badger Balm)

Can I use Healing Balm on my lips/face or is it just for hands? 
The Original Badger Healing Balm and the Unscented Badger Healing Balm can be used on any body part that needs it. We Badgers use it on hands as well as legs, elbows, feet, faces and lips. Badger will soothe any parched and thirsty skin. 
Most of our products are safe to use anywhere on your body. Do use caution on sensitive areas because essential oils may be irritating. Be especially cautious with Sore Muscle Rub and Sore Muscle Oil, because they contain an extract of Cayenne Pepper which is especially painful if you get it in your eye. 
What is the shelf life of an unopened tin of Badger? 
An unopened tin of Badger stored at moderate temperatures should be good for two to three years. If you open it and it smells good, it is good. Extremes in temperature and humidity will affect shelf life, so it is not possible to give an exact expiration date. The date of manufacture is imprinted on the side of the tin to give you a reference point. 
How long will an opened tin last? 
As soon as you open a tin of any product and stick your fingers in, the life span varies; again it depends on storage temperature and humidity as well as how clean the fingers are that scoop out the product. Essential oils will slowly but surely evaporate from an open tin; that’s the pleasant fragrance you smell when you open one. You can expect your opened balm to stay good for 1-2 years.  
How can I make sure my Badger stays fresh? 
Keep it covered when not in use. Keep your product out of direct sun when possible. Refrigeration is not necessary, but it will certainly prolong the life of a product.  
The balm in my tin of Badger looks different this time than the last time I bought it. Why? 
Because Badger uses only natural ingredients, the ingredients are never exactly the same from one batch to another. Normal variance in sunshine, rain, or temperature from year to year or country harvested can all subtly affect natural ingredients. One year’s pressing of organic extra virgin olive oil may be greener in color than another’s or you may experience a stronger or subtler scent with an essential oil. These are all normal and to be expected with natural ingredients.  
I'm pregnant, are your products safe for me? 
Pregnant or nursing moms should always check with their doctors. Badger uses only the highest quality natural ingredients. No chemicals or chemical derivatives are used, and the essential oils used are in low percentages, therefore moderate use should be safe for all. As with all new products, it is best to do a Skin Patch Test* to test for possible allergic reactions.  
Can I use your products on my children? 
Sure. We have received feedback from Moms, Dads and Grandparents that Badger Healing Balm and Baby Balm are safe and effective when used on even the littlest Badger’s skin irritations, cradle cap and diaper rash. Many people also use our Anti-Bug Balm, Sleep Balm and Bali Balm as natural alternatives for their children. As with all new products it is best to do a Skin Patch Test* prior to full usage to test for any skin allergies and if you have any questions please check with your doctor.  
My dog, cat, lizard ate my tin of Badger, will he/she be OK? 
All the ingredients contained in Badger products are natural and in most cases if consumed by a pet will not be harmful. It never hurts to check with your vet since different animals have different sensitivities to essential oils.  
Is it ok to use Badger on my cat? 
No, it is not okay to use any product containing essential oils on a cat. They cannot process essential oils in the same way that dogs or humans do and it may make them sick.  
Do you do animal testing? 
Nope. W.S. Badger conducts absolutely no product testing on animals, as all the ingredients are safe and “food grade” when used in the proper amounts. (Essential Oils are always properly diluted.) We test all prototype products on families, friends, volunteers and ourselves. It’s fun. If the new product does not pass our tough standards it does not make it to the marketplace. We have also gone through the process of getting certified by Leaping Bunny which means that not only do we not test our products on animals, but we have confirmed that none of our suppliers test their ingredients on animals either.  
Do Badger products contain any animal ingredients? Do you use oil made from badgers in your products? 
No, our products do not contain any animal ingredients and this includes badger oil. Most of our products do contain beeswax, which is produced by bees.  
Do Badger formulas contain any chemical ingredients? 
Absolutely not! Read our labels and you will not see any of the following: petroleum derived products, sodium lauryl sulfate, chemical additives, chemical preservatives, synthetics, dyes or fragrances, parabens, or carcinogens. We are committed to being chemical-free and 100% natural. And to top it off we also use at least 70% Certified Organic ingredients in all our products. 
What happens if one of my Badger products freezes or melts? Can I still use it? 
Absolutely. You may find that the consistency will change a little. Sometimes the product becomes much softer and creamier if it freezes and then thaws, but it is still absolutely fine to use.  
Do Badger products contain antioxidants, particularly vitamin E? 
Yes, Badger products have antioxidants and vitamin E, which is naturally occurring in the oils, butters, waxes, and extracts we use to formulate our powerfully pure products. We never add synthetic or laboratory produced anti-oxidants or other vitamins; we believe that the best place to get these is from the plants they naturally occur in. 
What is Castor Oil and where does it come from? 
It is a soothing and emollient, cold-pressed oil extracted from Castor “Beans.” The Castor plant is a lovely semi-tropical shrub or tree whose common name is “Palma Christi.” By the way, Castor Beans are poisonous, but Castor Oil is not. The toxic part of the bean is water-soluble and is not present in the oil. 
What makes Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extra “Virgin”? 
It is a “First cold-pressed” oil of olive that has been pressed while the olive fruit is still fresh, resulting in a low-acidity oil (this is what qualifies it as “extra virgin”) that is a lovely greenish color, fragrant, flavorful and nutritious, and when applied topically, very soothing and healing for your skin.
Healing Balm is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
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