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Shardunikha Leaf Powder Wildcrafted - Gymnema sylvestre, 1 lb , (Bazaar of India)
Shardunikha Leaf Powder Wildcrafted - Gymnema sylvestre, 1 lb , (Bazaar of India)
Shardunikha Leaf Powder Wildcrafted - Gymnema sylvestre, 1 lb , (Bazaar of India)
Item Number:26125
Product Code:100A55
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Constipation

Shardunikha Leaf Powder Wildcrafted - Gymnema sylvestre, 1 lb, (Bazaar of India)

Shardunikha is a woody, climbing plant, native to India. The leaves of this plant have been used in India for over 2000 years to treat madhu meha, or 'honey urine.' Chewing the leaves destroys the ability to discriminate the 'sweet' taste, giving it its common name, gurmar, or 'sugar destroyer.' The hypoglycemic (blood sugar-lowering) effect of Shardunikha leaves was first documented in the late 1920s.  
This action is gradual in nature, differing from the rapid effect of many prescription hypo-glycemic drugs. Shardunikha leaves raise insulin levels, according to research in healthy volunteers. The leaves are also noted for lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Shardunikha has been used in India for the treatment of diabetes for over 2,000 years.  
The primary application was for adult-onset diabetes (NIDDM), a condition for which it continues to be recommended today in India. The leaves were also used for stomach ailments, constipation, water retention, and liver disease. Shardunikha's antidiabetic activity appears to be due to a combination of mechanisms. Two animal studies on beryllium nitrate- and streptozotocin-diabetic rats found Shardunikha extracts doubled the number of insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreas and returned blood sugars to almost normal. 
Shardunikha increases the activity of enzymes responsible for glucose uptake and utilization, and inhibits peripheral utilization of glucose by somatotrophin and corticotrophin. Plant extracts have also been found to inhibit epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia. The primary clinical application for this botanical is as an antidiabetic agent.  
Shardunikha has been the object of considerable research since the 1930s, with promising results for types 1 and 2 diabetes. Twenty-two type 2 diabetics were administered 400 mg Shardunikha extract daily for 18-20 months in addition to their oral hypoglycemic medications. This group experienced significant decreases in average blood sugar and HbA1c, and an increase in pancreatic release of insulin. 
Medication dosages were decreased, and five were able to discontinue drugs entirely. Numerous animal studies have confirmed the hypoglycemic effect of Shardunikha.
Use as needed.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $24.27
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Shardunikha Leaf Powder Wildcrafted - Gymnema sylvestre, 1 lb, (Bazaar of India)

Gymnema sylvestre
Shardunikha Leaf Powder Wildcrafted - Gymnema sylvestre, 1 lb, (Bazaar of India)

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Shardunikha Leaf Powder Wildcrafted - Gymnema sylvestre, 1 lb, (Bazaar of India)

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