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Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz , (Natures Inventory)
Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz , (Natures Inventory)
Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz , (Natures Inventory)
Sleep Aid -
Item Number:26031
Product Code:SLEEPAID2
Amazon ASIN:
Availability:In Stock: Ships in 1 day
Category: Insomnia

Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills. They also are non-habit forming and all natural. We have added those two oils plus sandalwood to enhance your sleeping quality. This oil is so popular, it's almost hard to keep in stock! A customer favorite! 
Here's what our customers are saying: 
With your Sleep Aid I rub it into the back of my neck at night, and I now sleep pretty much through the night, instead of tossing and turning and getting up at least every hour!! I am very much into all natural products, and these products have been a big help! 
Great stuff, I can't live without it! 
We have been selling your oils in our clinic for 4 months now and our clients just are crazy about your oils! The Sleep Aid is always out, each time I order I increase the number of oils that I purchase! 
I used to toss and turn at night. I'd often wake up after 1 hour of sleep and have a hard time going back to sleep. I sleep like a rock with your Sleep Aid Wellness Oil thank you. LOVE the insomnia oil! It not only helps me sleep like a rock it smells fabulous. I can't wait to crawl into bed at night to smell it! 
My husband and I were going through a very stressful time with the loss of a child. I purchased your sleep aid and we both used it before going to bed. That night we got the best night's sleep we have had in over 6 months, thank you! 
The smell of your sleep aid is intoxicating! Each night I look forward to my new routine of rubbing this oil into my shoulders, then crawling into bed and getting a deeper sleep then I thought possible. Thank you- your products are wonderful! 
My husband is a deep sleeper, and he always falls asleep before me and begins snoring. For awhile, we slept in seperate beds so that I could get some rest! Now I use your sleep aid and on most nights I fall asleep first for a change. What a difference this has made for me. Not only am I GOING to sleep, I am STAYING asleep and waking up feeling completely rested!
Directions: If you suffer from insomnia, you will adore this oil. Just massage it into your neck and shoulders and get ready to sleep like a baby!
Chinese Name:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $15.95
Other Spec:
Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

Ingredients: grapeseed oil and an essential oil blend of sandalwood, lavender, jasmine
Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Ben  "Great Stuff!"
works on the 2nd day on...
Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

Sleep Aid is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Sleep Aid - Recent studies have shown jasmine and lavender to be more effective as a sleep aid than sleeping pills, 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

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