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Pancreatic Support - 2 oz , (Natures Inventory)
Pancreatic Support - 2 oz , (Natures Inventory)
Pancreatic Support - 2 oz , (Natures Inventory)
Item Number:26014
Product Code:pancreatic2
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Category: Pancrea Care

Pancreatic Support - 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

Pancreatic Support - The pancreas is a very important organ which is often overlooked and highly misunderstood. We have compiled a small variety of information about the pancreas. Much more research will be added to this web page in the following weeks/months. 
Bottom line: Clearly, restoring optimal pancreatic function is key to the treatment of many health issues and central to the holistic approach of Integrated Medicine 
Essential oil of Basil, Vetiver, and Cypress all support the pancreas and help it to normalize it’s function. 
The human pancreas is an amazing organ with two main functions: [1] to produce pancreatic endocrine hormones (e.g., insulin & glucagon) which help regulate many aspects of our metabolism and [2], to produce pancreatic digestive enzymes. The hormone function of the pancreas is the emphasis of this portion of Endocrine Web ~ this is referred to as the Endocrine Pancreas. Pancreatic production of insulin, somatostatin, gastrin, and glucagon plays an important role in maintaining sugar and salt balance in our bodies and therefore any problem in the production or regulation of these hormones will manifest itself with problems with blood sugar and fluid / salt imbalances. 
The digestive portion of the pancreas makes up more than 90 percent of its total cell mass. The digestive (or exocrine) pancreas is responsible for making digestive enzymes which are secreted into the intestines to help digest (break down) the food we eat. These enzymes digest proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into much smaller molecules so our intestines can absorb them. The picture above is an accurate representation of the pancreas which lies next to the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine right after the stomach). The actual size of the pancreas is similar to a banana which has been stepped on...it has a slight curve to it, and its about the same length, width, and thickness. The yellow "tube" running through the middle of the pancreas is called the pancreatic duct. It drains all the digestive enzymes from the pancreatic cells where they are made into the duodenum where they mix with food as it comes out of the stomach. 
The Endocrine Pancreas 
The emphasis of the remainder of these pages within Endocrine Web is on the Endocrine Pancreas. Approximately 5 percent of the total pancreatic mass is comprised of endocrine cells. These endocrine cells are clustered in groups within the pancreas which look like little islands of cells when examined under a microscope. This appearance led to these groups of pancreatic endocrine cells being called "Pancreatic Islets". Within pancreatic islets are cells which make specific pancreatic endocrine hormones, of which there are only a few (the most famous of course being insulin). These cells within the islets are called "Pancreatic Islet Cells". 
Pancreatic islets are scattered throughout the pancreas. Like all endocrine glands, they secrete their hormones into the bloodstream and not into tubes or ducts like the digestive pancreas. Because of this need to secrete their hormones into the blood stream, pancreatic islets are surrounded by small blood vessels. This relationship is shown in the picture of a pancreatic islet where islet cells are secreting their hormones into nearby blood vessels. Remember, the purpose of endocrine cells is to make hormones which are secreted into the blood stream where they gain access to other cells very far away with the goal of making those cells respond in a specific fashion. 
Pancreatic Endocrine Hormones and Their Purpose 
Purpose: Regulate blood glucose (sugar) in the normal range (lots more about this) Action: Forces many cells of the body to absorb and use glucose thereby decreasing blood sugar levels Secreted in response to: High blood glucose Secretion inhibited by: Low blood glucose Disease due to deficient action: Diabetes (large section of Endocrine Web is devoted to Diabetes). Disease due to excess action: abnormal Hypogycemia cell called: Insulinoma. Please see this link for more information "Insulinoma.Net". 
Purpose: Assist insulin in regulating blood glucose (sugar) in the normal range (actions are opposite of insulin) Action: Forces many cells of the body to release (or produce) glucose (increasing blood sugar) Secreted in response to: Low blood glucose Secretion inhibited by: High blood glucose Disease due to deficient action: Some times nothing, sometimes hypoglycemia Disease due to excess action: Hyperglycemia abnormal cell growth called: Glucagonoma (new page about this soon) 
Purpose: Regulate the production and excretion of other abnormal endocrine cells Action: Slows down production of insulin, glucagon, gastrin, and other abnormal endocrine cells Secreted in response to: High levels of other endocrine hormones Secretion inhibited by: Low levels of other endocrine hormones Disease due to deficient action: Poorly defined Disease due to excess action: Diabetes (inhibits insulin production), gallstones, and dietary fat intolerance. abnormal cell growth called: Somatostatinoma 
Purpose: Assist in digestion within the stomach Action: Induce acid producing cells of the stomach to produce acid Secreted in response to: Food in the stomach and intestines Secretion inhibited by: Absence of food in stomach and intestines Disease due to deficient action: Poorly defined, some times no symptoms at all Disease due to excess action: Stomach ulcers due to excess stomach acid abnormal cell growth called: Gastrinoma (also called Zollinger Ellison Syndrome) 
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) 
Purpose: Help control water secretion and absorption from the intestines Action: Causes intestinal sells to secrete water and salts into the intestines (inhibit absorption) Secreted in response to: Unclear Secretion inhibited by: Unclear Disease due to deficient action: No symptoms at all Disease due to excess action: Severe watery diarrhea and salt (potassium) imbalances abnormal cell growth called: VIPoma 
Acute Pancreatitis 
An estimated 50,000 to 80,000 cases of acute pancreatitis occur in the United States each year. This disease occurs when the pancreas suddenly becomes inflamed and then gets better. Some patients have more than one attack but recover fully after each one. Most cases of acute pancreatitis are caused either by alcohol abuse or by gallstones. Other causes may be use of prescribed drugs, trauma or surgery to the abdomen, or abnormalities of the pancreas or intestine. In rare cases, the disease may result from infections, such as mumps. In about 15 percent of cases, the cause is unknown. 
What Are the Symptoms of AP? Acute pancreatitis usually begins with pain in the upper abdomen that may last for a few days. The pain is often severe. It may be constant pain, just in the abdomen, or it may reach to the back and other areas. The pain may be sudden and intense, or it may begin as a mild pain that is aggravated by eating and slowly grows worse. The abdomen may be swollen and very tender. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, fever, and an increased pulse rate. The person often feels and looks very sick. 
About 20 percent of cases are severe. The patient may become dehydrated and have low blood pressure. Sometimes the patient's heart, lungs, or kidneys fail. In the most severe cases, bleeding can occur in the pancreas, leading to shock and sometimes death. 
Pancreatic Support for type 1 and type 2 diabetes 
Pancreatic Support and Hormone Balancing 
Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by the glands of the endocrine system (the pituitary, pineal, thyroid and parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries and testes) directly into the bloodstream. The endocrine system regulates the functioning of every tissue, organ and gland in the body and affects the way we think and feel. The master gland, the pituitary, is situated in the brain and is linked to the hypothalamus, which is the control centre for the autonomic nervous system. 
Nerve impulses or chemical changes in the blood trigger the release of a cascade of hormones that carry messages to target cells throughout the body. This process is controlled by complicated feedback mechanisms that continually monitor and adjust levels of circulating hormones. 
Hormones influence our physical, emotional and psychological health and vice versa. Major life events, such as serious illness, pregnancy and childbirth, divorce, a change of job or financial status, death of a loved one or retirement, often precipitate hormone imbalances. The mental and physical stresses caused by such events, as well as the inevitable aging process itself, can result in the body's sensitive regulating mechanisms being unable to maintain equilibrium. 
There are two categories of hormone: those responsible for the building up of cellular structures (anabolic) and others responsible for the breaking down of matter (catabolic). Thereby, hormones control the body's metabolism - the vital functions of continual tissue turnover, energy production and regeneration. 
To maintain good health the body must always strive to keep a balance between anabolic and catabolic processes. If there is too much or too little of one type of hormone, production of others will be adjusted to compensate. An over or under supply in any one part of the endocrine system has a knock-on effect, causing a chain reaction. This may become apparent in numerous ways as is evidenced by the diversity of health problems associated with thyroid disorders, adrenal fatigue and insufficiencies in sex hormone production. 
Consistently high insulin output, which occurs in response to excess carbohydrate in the diet, provides a common example of the far-reaching influence of hormonal imbalance. Chronic high insulin levels result in a decrease in other anabolic hormones particularly human growth hormone, controlling growth, maintenance and repair of the body and DHEA – an important precursor from which testosterone, progesterone and oestrogen are derived. It also causes an increase in the catabolic hormone cortisol, normally produced in response to emotional and physical stress. This accelerates the aging process and inhibits production of eicosanoids, the short-lived chemical messengers that actually implement the orders from hormones. In turn excess cortisol causes a further decrease in the production of DHEA, low levels of which are linked to impaired immunity, chronic fatigue syndrome, osteoporosis and coronary artery disease. 
Clearly, restoring optimal pancreatic function is key to the treatment of many health issues and central to the holistic approach of Integrated Medicine 
Essential oil of Basil, Vetiver, and Cypress all support the pancreas and help it to normalize it’s function.
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Pancreatic Support - 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

Essential oil of Basil, Vetiver, and Cypress all support the pancreas and help it to normalize it’s function.
Pancreatic Support - 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

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Pancreatic Support - 2 oz, (Natures Inventory)

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