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Vitamin A 10,000 IU - 100 capsules , (Health Herbs)
Vitamin A 10,000 IU - 100 capsules , (Health Herbs)
Vitamin A 10,000 IU - 100 capsules , (Health Herbs)
Item Number:25909
Product Code:2803-100
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Vitamin A

Vitamin A 10,000 IU - 100 capsules, (Health Herbs)

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Some functions of vitamin A in the body include helps build resistance to respiratory infections, helps to maintain the health of the eyes, counteracting night blindness and weak eyes, maintains health of the skin, hair, teeth, gums, mucus membranes,and various glands, helps to heal skin disorders such as acne, impetigo, boils, carbuncles, and open ulcers (used externally for the ulcers), aids the immune system and shortens the duration of disease, necessary for bone growth, testicular and ovarian function, embryonic development, and tissue differentiation, and aids in the treatment of emphysema and hyperthyroidism.  
Beta-carotene is a previtamin A compound found in plants, the human body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A. Earl Mindell prefers the beta-carotene form of vitamin A because it does not have the same toxicity potential as does vitamin A. Also, beta-carotene is a preventative for certain abnormal cell growths and helps to lower cholesterol. The RDA for vitamin A is 5,000 IU's for males over 11 years and 4.000 IU's for females over 11 years. Smokers may need to supplement with vitamin A because tobacco decreases its absorption. Alcohol also diminishes the body's ability to use vitamin A. Deficiency of this vitamin may lead to the loss of vitamin C.
One capsule daily, as a dietary supplement. RDA 200%. Approved for allergy sensitive individuals.  
CAUTION: Pregnant women should not exceed 6,000 IU's daily because this may cause birth defects in the fetus, especially in the first trimester. If a woman is taking the contraceptive pill, then her need for vitamin A is decreased because the oral contraceptive increases the concentration of vitamin A in her body. Patients who take mega doses of this vitamin for dermatological treatment may exhibit chronic hypervitaminosis A. Toxicity symptoms include: hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, scaly skin, blurred vision, rashes, bone pain, irregular menses, fatigue, headache, and liver enlargement.
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Case Quantity: 0
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $5.99
Other Spec:
Vitamin A 10,000 IU - 100 capsules, (Health Herbs)

Vitamin A from fish oil. Contains no corn, salt, yeast, wheat, egg products,sugar, starch or preservatives.
Vitamin A 10,000 IU - 100 capsules, (Health Herbs)

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Vitamin A 10,000 IU - 100 capsules, (Health Herbs)

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