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Truman’s Edema Tea - 8 oz , (Health Herbs)
Truman’s Edema Tea - 8 oz , (Health Herbs)
Truman’s Edema Tea - 8 oz , (Health Herbs)
Item Number:25881
Product Code:4135-008
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Category: Edema

Truman’s Edema Tea - 8 oz, (Health Herbs)

Also known as dropsy. It is the accumulation of fluid in the body; it may affect all parts of the body although it commonly occurs in the feet and ankles. The bloating and swelling causes muscle aches and pains. Edema may be caused by allergies or disorders of the kidney, bladder, heart, or liver. 
What are the symptoms of edema? 
People with edema may notice that a ring on their finger feels tighter than in the past, or they might have difficulty in putting on shoes, especially toward the end of the day. They may also notice a puffiness of the face around the eyes, or in the feet, ankles, and legs. When edema is present, pressure on the skin, such as from the elastic band on socks, may leave an indentation that is slow to disappear. Edema of the abdomen, called ascites, may be a sign of serious underlying disease and must be immediately evaluated by a doctor. 
Medical options for edema 
Over the counter diuretics containing ammonium chloride and caffeine (Aqua-Ban®) may be used to relieve symptoms related to edema or water retention when taken five to six days before menses. More severe edematous conditions require medical attention. 
Treatment of edema with prescription medications is limited to the use of diuretics, commonly referred to as “water pills.” Agents often used include the thiazide diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL®), indapamide (Lozol®), and metolazone (Zaroxolyn®); loop diuretics including furosemide (Lasix®), bumetanide (Bumex®), and torsemide (Demadex®); and potassium-sparing diuretics, such as spironolactone (Aldactone®), triamterene (Dyazide®, Maxzide®), and amiloride (Midamor®). 
Commonly, treatment consists of managing the underlying condition, which may include inadequate nutrition; liver, heart, and kidney disease; or obstruction of blood or lymph flow. In some cases, a salt-restricted diet may be recommended. 
Dietary changes that may be helpful 
High salt intake should be avoided, as it tends to lead to water retention and may worsen edema in some people. A controlled trial found that a low-salt diet (less than 2,100 mg sodium per day) resulted in reduced water retention after two months in a group of women with unexplained edema. 
Lifestyle changes that may be helpful 
If the edema is affecting one limb, the limb should be kept elevated whenever possible. This allows fluid to drain more effectively from the congested area. To decrease fluid buildup in the legs, people should avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time without moving. 
Vitamins that may be helpful 
Several double-blind trials2 3 4 5 have found that 400 mg per day of coumarin, a flavonoid found in a variety of herbs, can improve many types of edema, including lymphedema after surgery. However, a large double-blind trial detected no benefit using 200 mg coumarin twice daily for six months in women who had arm edema after mastectomy (surgical breast removal). (Coumarin should not be confused with the anticlotting drug Coumadin®.) 
A group of semi-synthetic flavonoids, known as hydroxyethylrutosides are also beneficial for some types of edema. One double-blind trial found that 2 grams per day of hydroxyethylrutosides reduced ankle and foot edema in people with venous disorders after four weeks. Another double-blind trial found that 3 grams per day of hydroxyethylrutosides significantly reduced lymphedema of the arm or leg and lessened the associated uncomfortable symptoms. 
A combination of the flavonoids diosmin (900 mg per day) and hesperidin (100 mg per day) has been investigated for the treatment of a variety of venous circulation disorders. However, in a double-blind trial, this combination was not effective for lymphedema caused by abnormcal cell growth of the breast treatments. 
In a preliminary study, individuals with lymphedema of the arm or head-and-neck region were treated with approximately 230 mcg of selenium per day, in the form of sodium selenite, for four to six weeks. A quality-of-life assessment showed an improvement of 59%, and the circumference of the edematous arm was reduced in 10 of 12 cases. 
Because coumarin, hydroxyethylrutosides, and diosmin are not widely available in the United States, other flavonoids, such as quercetin, rutin, or anthocyanosides (from bilberry), have been substituted by doctors in an attempt to obtain similar benefits. The effect of these other flavonoids against edema has not been well studied. Also, optimal amounts are not known. However, in one study, quercetin in amounts of 30–50 mg per day corrected abnormal capillary permeability (leakiness), an effect that might improve edema. A similar effect has been reported with rutin at 20 mg three times per day. Doctors often recommend 80–160 mg of a standardized extract of bilberry, three times per day. 
Whereas vitamin B6 is sometimes recommended for reducing edema, no research has investigated its effectiveness. 
Are there any side effects or interactions? 
Refer to the individual supplement for information about any side effects or interactions. 
Herbs that may be helpful 
A double-blind trial found that a formula containing butcher’s broom extract, the flavonoid hesperidin, and vitamin C, which is used in Europe to treat venous and lymphatic system disorders, was superior to placebo for reducing lymphedema. The amount of butcher’s broom extract typically used is 150 mg two or three times per day. 
Herbs that stimulate the kidneys were traditionally used to reduce edema. Herbal diuretics do not work the same way that drugs do, thus it is unclear whether such herbs would be effective for this purpose. Goldenrod (Solidago cnadensis) is considered one of the strongest herbal diuretics. Animal studies show, at very high amounts (2 grams per 2.2 pounds of body weight), that dandelion leaves possess diuretic effects that may be comparable to the prescription diuretic furosemide (Lasix®). Human clinical trials have not been completed to confirm these results. Corn silk (Zea mays) has also long been used as a diuretic, though a human study did not find that it increased urine output. Thus, diuretic herbs are not yet well supported for use in reducing edema. 
Aescin, isolated from horse chestnut seed, has been shown to effectively reduce post-surgical edema in preliminary trials. A form of aescin that is injected into the bloodstream is often used but only under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. 
Horsetail has a diuretic (urine flow increasing) action that accounts for its traditional use in reducing mild edema. Although there is no clinical research that yet supports its use for people with edema, the German government has approved horsetail for this use. The volatile oils in juniper cause an increase in urine volume and in this way can theoretically lessen edema; however, there is no clinical research that yet supports its use for people with edema. 
Cleavers is one of numerous plants considered in ancient times to act as a diuretic. It was therefore used to relieve edema and to promote urine formation during bladder infections.
Add 1-2 tablespoons of the tea into 1 quart of boiling water. Cover the pot. Remove from burner. The tea will be ready in 5 minutes. Drink the tea hot or cold throughout the day.
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Retail Price: $27.45
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Truman’s Edema Tea - 8 oz, (Health Herbs)

Hawthorne Berries, Bilberry Fruit & Leaf, Shavegrass (Horsetail), Juniper Berries, Uva Ursi, Horse Chestnut Seed, Corn Silk, Butchers Broom, Dandelion Leaf, Lobelia, Marshmallow Root, Parsley Herb, Pau D' Arco Bark, Goldenrod, Cleavers. C/S Tea Grade Certified Kosher, Organic or Wild Crafted
Truman’s Edema Tea - 8 oz, (Health Herbs)

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Truman’s Edema Tea - 8 oz, (Health Herbs)

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