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VigorCare for Women - 60 vcaps , (Himalaya)
VigorCare for Women - 60 vcaps , (Himalaya)
VigorCare for Women - 60 vcaps , (Himalaya)
VigorCare for Women -
Item Number:2290
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VigorCare for Women - 60 vcaps, (Himalaya)

Nature's balanced female vitality formula 
VigorCare for Women is a natural herbal dietary supplement that helps support a normal sex life. It is a safe, non-hormonal sex stimulant that has been proven effective in cases of age- or menopause-related low sexual desire.  
VigorCare for Women brings about an overall improvement of sexual function, helps overcome loss of libido and generally enhances sexual pleasure. 
Addressing age-related female libidinal hypofunction will benefit all the spheres of a person’s marital, family and social life. By ensuring a satisfactory sex life, VigorCare for Women restores self-confidence and quality of life. 
VigorCare for Women is an effective and safe formula for all age-related sexual deficiencies.
In a study of 25 female volunteers with age- or menopause -related depressed libido, 68% of the participants who had used VigorCare For Women showed an excellent response and 36% had a good response. This report is due to be published in the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India. 

Take 2 capsules daily one hour before bedtime. Allow several weeks for full benefit. The use of natural products provides progressive but long-lasting results.
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Retail Price: $24.95
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VigorCare for Women - 60 vcaps, (Himalaya)

Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) 
Ashwagandha improves the body's ability to maintain physical effort and helps the body adapt to various types of stress. Perhaps the most famous ayurvedic rejuvenative botanical, Ashwagandha is used in many tonics and formulas. 
Nut Grass (cyperus rotundus) 
Nut Grass has been traditionally used as a perfume. Its phytoestrogenic properties makes it valuable as a general tonic for the female reproductive system. 
Lodh tree (symplocos racemosa) 
Lodh Tree has been traditionally used as a uterine tonic. Numerous references attest to its value in maintaining optimum women's health. Additionally, the plant and its formulations have been effective in healing wounds and controlling bleeding. 
Nutmeg (myristica fragans) 
Nutmeg has been traditionally used in the food of convalescents as a stimulant spice to provide broad benefits and to maintain optimum bladder and urinary tract health. Both Nutmeg and its part, Mace, have been shown to have expectorant and aphrodisiac properties. It is also a nervine tonic and can be helpful in maintaining female sexual vitality. 
Pellitory (anacyclus pyrethrum) 
Pellitory has been traditionally used for sexual stimulation. Pellitory supports circulation in the area of the reproductive system and has shown to have phytoestrogenic activity. 
Ginger (zingiber officinate) 
Ginger is the delicious common spice used traditionally to improve digestion and prevent nausea. These properties result from helping bowel movements and relaxing the muscles controlling the digestive system. Ginger is considered an adjuvant in many Ayurvedic formulas that enhance absorption and prevent gastrointestinal side effects.
VigorCare for Women - 60 vcaps, (Himalaya)

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VigorCare for Women - 60 vcaps, (Himalaya)

VigorCare for Women is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.