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MenoCare/Menosan - 120 vcaps , (Himalaya)
MenoCare/Menosan - 120 vcaps , (Himalaya)
MenoCare/Menosan - 120 vcaps , (Himalaya)
MenoCare/Menosan -
Item Number:2284
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Category: Menopause

MenoCare/Menosan - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

Nature's balanced menopausal comfort formula 
MenoCare is a unique complex herbal formula that helps women cope with the discomfort and unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause. It promotes physical and emotional comfort in menopausal and post-menopausal states. As well as assisting with mood swings and sleeplessness, MenoCare is a nervine tonic for those who experience irritability or “hot flashes”. 
MenoCare offers a broad approach to women’s health concerns by improving hormone utilization and providing an overall hormonal balance. MenoCare also promotes a healthy urinary tract function in relation to menopause and has an overall soothing effect to help produce an optimum sense of well-being.

Scientific validation 
The combination of herbs in MenoCare (Menosim) has been subjected to many clinical studies. In one study, the response was evaluated by monitoring up to 15 signs of menopausal discomfort, with marked improvement in the majority of women. 

Take 1 or 2 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals. Allow several weeks for full benefit. The use of natural products provides progressive but long-lasting results.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $19.95
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MenoCare/Menosan - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

Ashwagandha (Latin name: withania somnifera) 
Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years as a rejuvenating treatment. It is one of the best health tonics and restorative agents that have been used to treat general debility, exhaustion, stress induced fatigue and insomnia. Studies have shown its rejuvenating effect, particularly for the muscles and marrow. Various alkaloids and withanoloides in Withania somnifera have shown impressive results in scientific testing, two of them as stimulants for the immune system. 
Haritaki (Latin name: terminalia chebula) 
Haritaki is known in Ayurveda as an adaptogen and anti-aging agent. The fruits are credited with laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. It is also a known adaptogen and anti-stress, hepato-protective drug. It is a safe and effective purgative, expectorant and tonic. It is a component of the classic Ayurvedic combination called 'Triphala' and known to have strong anti-mutagenic activity. 
Licorice (Latin name: glycyrrhiza glabra) 
Licorice helps support the genitourinary tract. It is a versatile medicine which soothes and tones the mucous membranes and relieves muscle spasms. Clinical studies have proven Licorice extracts to be as effective as many synthetic alternatives. Licorice is rich in flavonoids and is currently under intense investigation as an antioxidant and as a cancer-protecting botanical boosting certain immune functions such as interferon production. Its mode of action is as an anti-mutagen, which prevents damage to genetic material. 
Cinnamon (Latin name: cinnamomum cassia) 
Cinnamon's specific traditional use is as a support of uterine muscular fiber, making it useful for menopausal women. Most Americans consider cinnamon a simple flavoring, but in traditional Chinese medicine, it's one of the oldest remedies, prescribed for everything from diarrhea and chills to influenza and parasitic worms. Cinnamon offers a broad range of health benefits that help support of the function of the bowel and stomach. 
Arjuna (Latin name: terminalia arjuna) 
Arjuna is a heart tonic that has been used to support cardiovascular functions since ancient times when it was discovered to have cardio-protective benefits. It has been used as a tonic for both heart and liver. Recent studies have investigated the mechanism of this activity and has shown a dose-dependent regulation of blood pressure and heart rate. There was also an increase in the HDL-to-total cholesterol ratio and an overall improvement in the cardiovascular profile. Overall, Arjuna regulates blood pressure, heart rate and lipid metabolism.
MenoCare/Menosan - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

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MenoCare/Menosan - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

MenoCare is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.