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Nasaline Junior - Nasal Irrigator for Children, 1 pcs , (Nasaline)
Nasaline Junior - Nasal Irrigator for Children, 1 pcs , (Nasaline)
Nasaline Junior - Nasal Irrigator for Children, 1 pcs , (Nasaline)
Item Number:20211
Product Code:discontinued
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Sinus Cleanse

Nasaline Junior - Nasal Irrigator for Children, 1 pcs, (Nasaline)

Nasaline Junior is a unique, patented drug-free nasal irrigation treatment product designed by a team of Swedish ear, nose and throat specialists. Endorsed by pharmacies and hospitals throughout the world, Nasaline Junior provides and easy, comfortable, and safe method for children to irrigate the nasal cavities. Nasaline Junior was designed for simple home use using saline solution that can easily be made with clean tap water and ordinary salt. 
[ ...Click here to see a video demo for how to use Nasaline... ]
Who can use Nasaline Junior? 
Unless advised otherwise by a licensed physician, Nasaline Junior can easily be used by most children – but should only be performed under strict adult supervision. Never force a child to use Nasaline Junior if he or she does not cooperate! Children suffering from ear infection(s) or other ear conditions should see a physician before using Nasaline Junior. 
What is Nasaline Junior made of? 
Nasaline Junior consists of two parts: a 35 cc syringe and a silicone tip attached to the top of the syringe. The silicone tip was designed to fit most noses in such a way as to completely seal the nostril opening. The channel inside the tip was formed in the shape of an hourglass, producing a gentle whirl stream when the saline solution enters the nose. The silicone tip does not contain latex as it was specifically designed for direct contact with the skin. The saline solution can be purchased at any local pharmacy or simply be prepared in your own home at your convenience. 
Why use Nasaline Junior? 
Many children, today more than ever, suffer from allergies and many grow up with sever breathing and nasal problems. Children can sometimes have just as much mucous in their nasal cavities as adults do – but suffer to a greater extent as their nasal cavities are smaller and narrower. Nasaline Junior, with its patented, latex free, silicone tip, produces a gentle stream that soothes dry nasal passages and gently washes away dust, pollen and irritants – naturally. It will help your child decongest and drain his or her blocked nasal passages and provide instant relief from pressure and pain. Under doctor supervision and direction, Nasaline Junior can be used as follow up treatment to sinus or nose surgery.


Mix half a (1/2) teaspoon of salt into one (1) cup of water (ca 2.5 grams salt into 1/4 liter water). Stir to dissolve the salt.


Extract the saline solution completely
into the syringe

Stand (or sit) slightly bent over a bathroom sink, washbasin, or bathtub. Put the silicone tip against the nose so that it completely seals the nostril. Slowly push the saline solution up into the nostril. Breathe normally (or say aaah...) through the mouth and refrain from swallowing. 
When the saline solution reaches the back of the nasal cavity, the palate closes automatically by reflex. The saline solution fills the nasal cavity and proceeds to pour out of the other nostril as it brings along unwanted mucous and crusty secretions. 
Occasionally, some of the saline solution can trickle down the throat. This is not harmful. A proper flushing should take anywhere from 3-7 seconds per nostril depending on level of congestion, narrowness of ones nasal passages or personal preference. Repeat the process for other nostril. 
STEP 4: use a tissue to gently blow out any remaining solution in the nose. Some of the saline solution can remain in the nose and trickle out a few hours later. Tilting your head forward and turning side to side immediately after flushing can prevent this. If you are severely congested, the saline solution can reach the sinus channels and can occasionally drip out of the eyes. This is not harmful and can be prevented by flushing more slowly. 
Dosage: Use one full syringe (60 mI) for in each nostril in the morning and in the evening or at any time as necessary. 
Cleaning: Rinse Nasaline thoroughly with hot water and let air-dry. Nasaline can also be c1eaned with a mild dishwashing detergent, but it should not be necessary for cleaning. If the piston does not easily slide back into the chamber, put a drop of cooking oil on the black piston tip. The piston may be left in the chamber during cleaning and drying to prevent the black membrane from become swollen. 
Durability: With frequent use, the Nasaline product should last approximately 4 months after which time it should be disposed of (hygienic and functional reasons). During this time, discoloration may occurwhich has no impact on its effectiveness. 
Saline solution recipe: 
Heat up fresh clean tap water or use water directly from the tap. The water should be at body temperature and feel comfortable to the touch. Mix one (1) teaspoon of salt into two (2) cup of water (ca 5 grams salt into 1/2 liter water). Stir to dissolve the salt. IMPORTANT: If the child is experiencing a light stinging feeling in his or her nose when flushing, the saline solution might have too much or not enough salt in it. 
We recommend that you consult your physician before using this product. 
WARNING: This product contains small parts. Keep out of reach of children.
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Retail Price: $16.69
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Nasaline Junior - Nasal Irrigator for Children, 1 pcs, (Nasaline)

Nasaline Junior - Nasal Irrigator for Children, 1 pcs, (Nasaline)

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Nasaline Junior - Nasal Irrigator for Children, 1 pcs, (Nasaline)


Can I use Nasaline if pregnant or breastfeeding? 
Nasaline can be safely used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In fact, since pregnant women should not be taking drugs for pregnancy congestion, nasal irrigation with saline solution is considered one of the best healthy natural alternatives to many over the counter and prescription drugs. 
Are there any side effects to using Nasaline? 
There are no known side effects. 
How durable is the Nasaline product? 
With frequent use, the Nasaline product should last approximately 4 months after which time it should be disposed of for functional and hygienic reasons. During this time, discoloration may occur which has no impact on its effectiveness.  
Who can use Nasaline? 
Anyone can safely use Nasaline, unless advised otherwise by a doctor. Children may also use Nasaline under the advice of a physician and under strict parent supervision. Individuals suffering from ear infections(s) or other ear conditions should consult a physician before using Nasaline. 
My child is 2 years old, can I use Nasaline Junior on him/her. 
We recommend that the child should be able to perform the irrigation on himself/herself. However, if recommended by the child's physician and under strict parent supervision, almost any child can safely use Nasaline Junior. NEVER FORCE A CHILD TO USE NASALINE IF HE OR SHE DOES NOT COOPERATE!  
I've been using a Neti Pot for years, how is Nasaline® different from the Neti Pot? 
With Nasaline, the user actually controls the amount of pressure used, depending on the level of congestion. The patented silicon tip provides for a complete seal to the nostril, preventing any saline solution from pouring back through the same nostril for a more effective nasal wash. Also, because you don't rely on gravity with Nasaline (as with a neti pot), you don't have to tilt your head awkwardly to the side, you simply stand upright, leaning slightly forward over your sink.  
Is it safe to rinse the nasal passages with saline solution? 
Rinsing the nasal passages with saline solution is an ancient technique that has been recommended by doctors for centuries, all over the world.  
When making the saline solution, why is it important to use 1 tsp of salt and 2 cups of warm water? 
By mixing 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water creates a physiological saline solution. This solution is now isotonic - 0.9% salt content - which is the same salt content the body naturally produces. This is important for several reasons:
  • As not to disturb the natural production of salt in the body.
  • To prevent any stinging sensation. If too little (hypotonic) or too much (hypertonic) salt is used, a slight stinging feeling can be experienced.
  • By using a saline solution that contains less than 0.9% salt, will also tend to have the mucous membranes absorb the water from the saline, and hence you will experience swelling of the mucous membranes. Conversely, using a little more salt (which is sometimes recommended by doctors) tends to shrink the membranes slightly, shrinking the mucous membranes, and hence improve breathing by allowing air to better flow through the nostrils.
Is the tip safe for contact with the skin? 
The ENTIRE Nasaline unit is latex free and completely safe as it was specifically designed for direct contact with the skin. 
The saline solution can simply be prepared in your own home at your convenience.  
Can I use regular tap water? 
Unless advised otherwise by your physician, you can heat up fresh CLEAN tap water or use water directly from the tap. If you are unsure of the cleanliness of your tap water, we recommend that you use distilled water.  
Can I use ordinary table salt or where do I obtain saline solution? 
You can use ordinary salt, but if you are planning to use Nasaline for an extended period of time, you should use salt that is non-iodized and free of preservatives or anti-caking agents. We recommend using Nasaline salt, which is free of additives such as iodine or anti-caking agents. Iodine or additives such as anti caking agents have been known to produce allergic reactions. If you decide to buy salt in the supermarket, we recommend that you use kosher salt.  
Can I use sea salt to irrigate? 
Although typically safe for digestion, sea salts are generally not clean and should not be used for nasal irrigation. Some sea salts have been known to contain algae - which could result in allergic reactions.  
How often can I use Nasaline? 
Use one full syringe (2 oz.) for in each nostril in the morning and in the evening, or at any time as necessary.  
How should I clean Nasaline? 
Pull out the piston from the syringe and flush both parts thoroughly with hot water and let air-dry. Nasaline can also be cleaned with a mild dishwashing detergent, but it should not be necessary for cleaning. If the piston does not easily slide back into the chamber, put a drop of cooking oil on the black plunger tip.  
Where and how should I store Nasaline? 
Nasaline should be stored in a dry environment at room temperature.
Nasaline Junior is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.