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Eating For Life -Bill Phillips - 1 book , (Eating For Life)
Eating For Life -Bill Phillips - 1 book , (Eating For Life)
Eating For Life -Bill Phillips - 1 book , (Eating For Life)
Eating For Life -Bill Phillips -
Item Number:18194
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Eating For Life -Bill Phillips - 1 book, (Eating For Life)

"There are two keys to eating right: First, you have to know what to do, and second, you must do what you know!" explains Bill Phillips, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Body-for-LIFE.

That's what this book is all about: first discovering how to nourish your body the right way and then learning to apply this information, so you can enjoy greater health, reduce bodyfat and gain energy!

Bill Phillips' Eating for Life is not about dieting. It's about feeding your body, not starving it. It's a celebration of the abundant variety of nutritious, delicious foods that support your health, while satisfying your appetite. It's a safe and sound lifestyle based on the most up-to-date scientific findings. And, it's a practical, commonsense approach which takes the guesswork out of eating right, once and for all.

Did you truly enjoy the food you ate today? Do you really like the way you look and feel? Are you consistently enjoying great health and high energy?

Bill Phillips believes your answer to all of the above questions should be, "Yes!" He feels that food should be a source of pure pleasure. A source of positive, abundant energy! A "sure thing" in a hectic world.

Phillips, who's widely regarded as today's most successful fitness author, has firm beliefs which go against the grain of today's popular weight-loss methods. "Diets, all of them, are potentially dangerous, most always dumb and ultimately a dead-end street!" he insists. "Eventually, anyone and everyone who's at all concerned with their health must learn how to feed their body, not how to starve it."

Instead, Phillips encourages a safe and sound solution which includes eating balanced, high-nutrient meals, frequently throughout the day. "This is what works in the long run," he explains. Rich with common sense and science, Eating for Life has rhyme and reason. It is specific. There are very clear dos and don'ts which help people enjoy food and improve their overall fitness.

Bill's approach, which he calls the "Eating for Lifestyle," has already helped thousands of people break free from the dieting dilemma and discover that, contrary to pop-culture belief, food is friend, not foe. Used intelligently, it nourishes the body and mind, satisfies the appetite, calms cravings, renews health and lifts your energy.

Like Bill Phillips’ Body-for-LIFE, this is a tell-it-like-it-is book. There's no promise of a quick fix. No metabolic tricks or so-called miracles. Just straightforward, clear, concise, practical and appropriate principles for eating right... for life.

Eating for Life Is Two Complete Books in One

Eating for Life is two books in one. The first 10 chapters of the book destruct the dieting dilemma, crush the low-carb myth and show how common sense and science converge in what Bill calls "the Right Recipe" for losing bodyfat while gaining energy and strength. The next 250 pages of this 405-page book are dedicated to teaching the reader how to prepare delicious, nutritious breakfasts, unches, dinners, desserts, nutrition shakes and more.
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Eating For Life -Bill Phillips - 1 book, (Eating For Life)

Eating For Life -Bill Phillips - 1 book, (Eating For Life)

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Eating For Life -Bill Phillips - 1 book, (Eating For Life)