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Curvelle - 100 caps , (iSatori Technologies)
Curvelle - 100 caps , (iSatori Technologies)
Curvelle - 100 caps , (iSatori Technologies)
Curvelle -
Item Number:17430
Product Code:2520023
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Curvelle - 100 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

Curvelle was designed specifically for a woman’s needs when it comes to losing weight, healthfully. Weight loss is not only about losing inches but also looking and feeling great and, more importantly, being healthy and radiant.
  • Controls Appetite & Sugar Cravings
  • Burns Excess Calories for Energy
  • Antioxidants to Enhance Health & Radiance
Glowing, Radiant Beauty 
For this reason, iSatori, along with a trusted medical doctor, formulated a unique combination of natural ingredients to help women lose weight and reveal their genuine beauty, from the inside out.  
Safe, Effective Formula 
Each serving of Curvelle gently delivers a combination of natural, proven ingredients—a proprietary mix of raspberry, elderberry, cinnamon extract, natural caffeine, and green tea. Rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins, these familiar ingredients have been clinically shown to fight off the oxidative stress of aging, a less-than-perfect diet, and pollution to reveal radiant, glowing skin and improve your overall health. What’s more, they’re well documented to decrease cravings for sugar and rapidly burn off excess calories to help reveal your beautiful natural curves.  
Cinnamon Extract: Controls sugar cravings 
Raspberry Ketone: Decreases absorption of fat 
Elderberry Extract: Improves skin and hair 
Green Tea Extract: Promotes internal health 
Natural Caffeine: Boosts energy & metabolism
Simply take one serving (two easy-to-swallow capsules) of Curvelle with a full glass of water about 20 to 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and anytime you exercise. Taking at least two servings per day is preferential, for best results.
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Curvelle - 100 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

Cinnulin PF (Cinnamon Bark extract): Cinnulin PF is an extract of the popular spice cinnamon, which has been shown in recent studies to have positive effects on blood sugar, fats, and cholesterol. Cinnulin PF has also been shown to promote glucose metabolism in individuals with pre-diabetes and to improve body composition. In fact, patented Cinnulin PF is the only cinnamon extract standardized for the recognized active component in cinnamon: double-linked Type-A Polymers. And though researchers, including the USDA, studying the insulin-potentiating role of cinnamon have noted that when consumed consistently or in high doses, whole cinnamon and fat-soluble extracts may be toxic, Cinnulin PF, a 20:1 extract, retains the active components found in cinnamon without the potentially harmful compounds—making it safe for daily use.  
Green Tea has notably become the "supplement of choice" for many seeking greater health and control over their weight. For good reason: not only does it have an interesting, appealing flavor when prepared as tea, science defends some astounding benefits when it's used as a supplement for immune enhancement and fat mobilization. A recent study in Geneva showed that green tea is naturally packed with caffeine and compounds called "catechin polyphenols." This is of significant interest to those of us trying to reduce our weight because both of these substances have been documented to speed resting metabolic rate or, more simply stated, rev up our bodies' calorie-burning potential. You see, the caffeine found in green tea allows our bodies to use bodyfat for energy (that is, it's "lipolytic"). When stored calories are used for short-term energy, our bodies burn more fat. Recent research has shown it may offer several benefits, including increased resting metabolic rate (or the rate the body burns fat) to support weight loss.  
Razberi K: Raspberry (European red raspberry, Rabus idaeus) is a common fruit that has been widely consumed in numerous countries for centuries. Scientists have recently discovered that, like many other fruits, raspberry contains a number of biologically active constituents beneficial to health.  
Raspberry ketone (4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) butan-2-one) is one such constituent, which is unique to raspberries. It appears to have the potential to help decrease bodyfat. In a recent study by Morimoto et al (2005), raspberry ketone was fed at various dosages to growing mice for 10 weeks. Mice fed a high-fat diet (to induce obesity) plus one or two percent raspberry ketone (~ 10,000 mg per kg bodyweight) gained less bodyfat than control animals. Raspberry ketone also decreased the weights of the liver and visceral adipose tissues (epididymal, retroperitoneal, mesenteric)—i.e., fat around the organs.  
Raspberry ketone anti-obesity effects appear to be due to at least two mechanisms: 1) decreased absorption of dietary fat and 2) increased norepinephine-induced lipolysis (fat burning). Regarding decreased fat absorption, raspberry ketone given at concentrations of 1 to 20 mg/mL after oral administration of corn oil reduced the elevation of plasma triacylglycerol in mice and inhibited pancreatic lipase in rats. This suggests raspberry ketone suppresses dietary fat absorption by inhibiting trioleoylglycerol hydrolysis.  
Regarding enhanced lipolysis, raspberry ketone did not bind to beta- 1, 2, or 3-adrenergic receptors but instead enhanced glycerol release in a concentration-dependent manner. This is particularly evident at a concentration of 10-3 M, where raspberry ketone also increased the translocation of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL, the rate limiting enzyme for lipolysis) from the cytosol to the lipid droplets in fat cells.  
Finally, as reported by Morimoto et al (2005), raspberry ketone may also increase brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and lower the respiratory quotient, the end result of which is increased thermogenesis (burning calories through heat) and oxidation of bodyfat (fat burning).  
Natural and Anhydrous Caffeine, in its purest form, has been used for centuries because of its natural stimulating effects, for a jolt of energy, to fight fatigue, and to delay muscle exhaustion. Caffeine also mobilizes fat for energy, which is ideal for those exercising and seeking to reduce bodyfat. The caffeine in Curvelle is controlled released to ensure a slow yet consistent supply of caffeine to the body, eliminating the surge and crash associated with traditional caffeinated products.  
Elderberry extract: Elderberry is the berry of the black elder tree (Sambucus nigra), which originated in Europe. It's been honored for centuries in folk tradition because of its numerous health benefits. Renowned for its overall influence on wellbeing, it has been used in teas, gargles, ointments, lotions, and homeopathic remedies. Elderberry contains an anthocyanin known as cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) and thus a promise of reduced bodyfat and improved carbohydrate metabolism. (Anthocyanins are low molecular-weight plant pigments in the flavonoid family.)  
In recent studies, young male mice were fed diets normal (NF) or high in fat (HF; beef lard), with or without the C3G. The C3G-containing diet provided 0.2 percent C3G by weight. The 12-week study showed the high-fat group that did not receive C3G gained a significantly greater amount of bodyweight, despite the food intakes of both groups on the HF diet being the same.  
The average bodyweight of the normal fat plus C3G group did not differ from the control diet group (no PCE; normal fat), but regional tissue fat weights showed strong trends of being less. The average fat weight of regional tissue compartments in the high fat plus PCE group was significantly less than that in the high fat group. Scientists explained the difference as, "The expression of proteins involved in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis and adipose mass expansion were influenced in a manner that would reduce tissue fat accumulation and the attendant increase in circulating pro-inflammatory mediators released by fat cells."  
Elderberry also is an excellent sudorific (sweat inducer) and diuretic and a significant source of vitamins A, B, and C.
Curvelle - 100 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 67% 33%

Curvelle - 100 caps, (iSatori Technologies)

How It Works
Curvelle was designed specifically for a woman’s needs when it comes to losing weight, healthfully. Weight loss is not only about losing inches but also looking and feeling great and, more importantly, being healthy and radiant.

Glowing, Radiant Beauty

For this reason, iSatori, along with a trusted medical doctor, formulated a unique combination of natural ingredients to help women lose weight and reveal their genuine beauty, from the inside out.

Safe, Effective Formula

Each serving of Curvelle gently delivers a combination of natural, proven ingredients—a proprietary mix of raspberry, elderberry, cinnamon extract, natural caffeine, and green tea. Rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins, these familiar ingredients have been clinically shown to fight off the oxidative stress of aging, a less-than-perfect diet, and pollution to reveal radiant, glowing skin and improve your overall health. What’s more, they’re well documented to decrease cravings for sugar and rapidly burn off excess calories to help reveal your beautiful natural curves.

Cinnamon Extract: Controls sugar cravings

Raspberry Ketone: Decreases absorption of fat

Elderberry Extract: Improves skin and hair

Green Tea Extract: Promotes internal health

Natural Caffeine: Boosts energy & metabolism
What is Curvelle?

New Curvelle is a natural, healthy weight-loss support supplement designed specifically for women, which is the first ever to use special antioxidants to enhance radiance and beauty!

What makes Curvelle unique and so different from other weight-loss products?

Curvelle is designed specifically for women, and it comes in the form of small, easy-to-swallow capsules that gently deliver its clinically proven ingredients for healthy weight-loss and enhanced radiance. The unique combination of natural ingredients found in the Curvelle formula are designed to support weight loss through multiple mechanisms. Aside from its ability to naturally help boost your metabolism and burn excess calories for energy, Curvelle also helps support optimal health of the female body with a powerful blend of antioxidants for radiant skin, hair, and beauty. No other weight-loss formula on the market contains the unique combination of ingredients found in Curvelle.

Does Curvelle contain ephedra or other stimulants?

No! Curvelle does not contain ephedra or any other unhealthful stimulants. Curvelle supports healthy weight loss without undesirable side effects, such as over-stimulation (a primary cause of those unwanted jittery feelings). Curvelle does, however, contain a small amount of natural caffeine (about as much as found in a cup of coffee), so if you are sensitive to caffeine, you may want to start with one-half the recommended dosage to assess your tolerance.

Is there any scientific research behind Curvelle?

Yes. With the help of a trusted medical doctor, iSatori spent countless hours researching and developing the Curvelle formula. The natural ingredients uniquely combined to create the Curvelle formula have been heavily researched and were included based on the positive results of several clinical trials. For instance, Cinnulin PF®, a patented cinnamon extract (US PATENT #6,200,569), is included in the formula to improve the body’s ability to regulate healthy glucose levels and, as a result, helps control appetite, especially cravings for sugars and carbohydrate-containing foods.

Another study recently presented impressive data that showed Razberi-K™, a specific ketone unique to red raspberries, found only in Curvelle, significantly enhanced weight loss and decreased bodyfat by reducing the absorption of dietary fat and supporting the body's own natural ability to burn fat. In addition, Curvelle contains a special blend of green tea extract and elderberry, which are rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins and have been clinically shown to fight the oxidative stress of aging, poor diet, and pollution to reveal radiant, glowing skin and hair, and improve your overall health. This is the type of solid scientific support that's behind the Curvelle formula.

[Reference: Khan, A., et al., Diabetes Care 26:3215-3218 (2003).]

What kind of results can I expect from taking Curvelle?

Curvelle is very safe and gentle, when used as directed, but it does work exceptionally fast. However, it's impossible to say exactly how much bodyfat each person will lose from using Curvelle—obviously, as individuals differ, so will results. Still, before too long, you should notice an improvement in your overall health markers; a reduction in your cravings for sugars and other “diet-sabotaging” foods; your skin and hair should become more radiant, glowing; and lost inches from your hips, waist, thighs, and anywhere you have stubborn bodyfat or unwanted "bulges." Curvelle is different from anything you’ve tried before because it’s the only weight-loss supplement that works on your inner and outer beauty—to radically change how your body looks on the outside and how you feel on the inside.

Is it a good idea to follow a nutrition and exercise plan when taking Curvelle?

Yes. Curvelle is intended to be used as part of a healthful nutrition and regular exercise plan to help enhance your weight-loss results and keep you looking beautiful!

How should I start taking Curvelle?

Curvelle is very easy to use! There is no need to refer to any type of complicated dosing schedule. Simply take one serving (two easy-to-swallow capsules) of Curvelle with a full glass of water about 20 to 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and anytime you exercise. Taking at least two servings per day is preferential, for best results.

If I want better results, can I just increase the serving size?

No. As in most cases, more is not always better. The key ingredients found in each serving of Curvelle have been carefully selected and scientifically researched to be extremely effective at helping you lose weight, healthfully, without over-stimulating the body, when following the recommended instructions for use. As a result, there is no reason to consume more than the suggested amount of Curvelle. Of course, you should always carefully read the label in its entirety before using any dietary supplement.

How do I know Curvelle is made with the highest quality standards and ingredients?

The manufacturing facility where Curvelle is produced is registered with the FDA and is one of the first few to receive the National Nutritional Food Association's (NNFA) Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) Seal of Approval. The production of Curvelle follows a stringent set of regulations that encompass every aspect of the manufacturing process to ensure that only materials that meet the highest quality standards and are of the highest purity and potency are used.

Can I take Curvelle with medications?

If you are using any prescription medication or over-the-counter drugs, we always suggest you consult a medical doctor before using Curvelle or any other supplement. And always remember to read the entire label and warnings before use and ensure you follow the directions properly.

Can I take Curvelle if I am pregnant or nursing?

No. As with most supplements, Curvelle should not be taken if you are pregnant, nursing, or considering pregnancy.

Does Curvelle come with a guarantee?

We are so sure of Curvelle’s impressive results, it's backed by an unconditional 100% 60-day money-back guarantee when ordered direct from iSatori. Which means if you don't feel thinner and more beautiful—from the inside out—after you've tried Curvelle, you can contact us for details on how to obtain a full refund of the purchase price. No questions asked. That means there's no risk to you, whatsoever, for trying it. We wouldn’t have it any other way!

If I have more questions about Curvelle, who can I contact?

If you have any additional questions, whatsoever, about Curvelle, or your nutrition and exercise program, we are always available to answer them. You can contact us between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., MST, at our toll-free number, which is 1-866-688-7679 to speak with one of our certified nutritionists, or you can email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help you out!


Not intended for individuals under the age of 18 unless instructed by a doctor. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or contemplating pregnancy. If you, or your doctor, have any questions about this product, please call 303-215-9174. Consult your physician if you are taking any over-the-counter or prescription medications. Seek the advice of a health-care professional before beginning any supplement or exercise program. The product contains caffeine and should not be taken by those wishing to eliminate caffeine from their diets. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Improper use of this product will not improve results and is not advised. Keep out of reach of children.
Curvelle - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.