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Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs , (iSatori Technologies)
Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs , (iSatori Technologies)
Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs , (iSatori Technologies)
Item Number:17424
Product Code:2520006
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Energy

Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs, (iSatori Technologies)

Life. It Can Be Hard. We've all been there - overworked, stressed, mentally and physically burned out. To the point where exhaustion reaches a peak. 
Day in and day out, you feel like you've "hit the wall" - too tired to work out, dragging through the day, and continually exhausted even when you first wake up. 
We're overdoing it. It's just a fact of life, and we need to live with it, right? 
Mental and physical exhaustion is the body's natural response to physical exertion, emotional stress, or lace of sleep. Normally, we reach for a quick fix by drinking coffee, sugared energy drinks, or resorting to pep-up pill like ephedrine. The prolem is, those stimulants provide only a temporary boost - lasting an hour at best. Worse, after they wear off, your energy levels crash - leaving you even more exhaused than before. 
Energize was developed to safely give your body back the energy it needs and to keep your energy levels up longer. In fact, for most people, one dose of ENERGIZE in the morning keeps them energized all day long.
Simply take one dose of Energize (two tablets) 
Consult with your primary physician prior to use if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, including high blood pressure, thyroid problems, nervous disorders, or if you are using MAO inhibitors or taking any prescription drug. Individuals who are sensitive to caffeine should begin use with one-half the recommended dosage and limit the use of other caffeine-containing foods and drinks while taking this product because too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, and sleeplessness. Do not use if pregnant or lactating. Not intended for use by persons under 18. Keep out of reach of Children.
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Retail Price: $34.99
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Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs, (iSatori Technologies)

Tyrosine is a precursor to several important neurotransmitters. It appears to have potent stimulating effects on the brain and has been shown to help individuals perform better mentally—aiding in focus and alertness as well as inhibiting feelings of stress and fatigue.  
Octacosanol is the primary component of a natural extract called policosanol. In preliminary studies, octacosanol was found to have promising effects on endurance, reaction time, and other measures of exercise capacity. In another trial, octacosanol was found to improve grip strength and visual reaction time.  
Glucuronolactone is a naturally occurring metabolite, a carbohydrate produced by the human metabolic system, formed when glucose breaks down and is believed to be helpful in ridding the body of harmful substances and providing an instant energy boost.  
Theobromine is the primary methylxanthine found in the cocoa tree. It acts as a mild stimulant that does not affect the central nervous system. Recent evidence suggests that theobromine relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi in the lungs and elevates levels of a chemical in the brain called serotonin for enhanced mood.  
Natural Caffeine, in its purest form, has been used for centuries because of its natural stimulating effects, for a jolt of energy, to fight fatigue, and to delay muscle exhaustion. Caffeine also mobilizes fat for energy, which is ideal for those exercising and seeking to reduce bodyfat.  
Rhodiola—Building upon the clinical studies originally conducted in Scandinavian countries and the Soviet Union, rhodiola possesses well-documented qualities as an "adaptogen." In this capacity, it appears to counter the exhaustion that occurs from working the body too hard, either physically or mentally. With rhodiola, problems of fatigue- or exhaustion-related sleep or appetite disruption and headache may lift.  
Panax Ginseng, another "adaptogen," is revered all over the world for its abilities as an immune booster, mind enhancer, and veritable stress reliever. Ginseng is considered a "restorative" agent as it automatically travels wherever the body needs support.  
Vitamin & mineral cofactors. Essential Vitamins B1, B6, B12, folic acid, and other essential minerals, such as magnesium, are the body's most complex co-factors. They play many critical roles, including maintenance of our nervous systems, formation of red blood cells, energy metabolism, and the proper functioning of our brains. Their importance to our bodies' optimal performance defines the meaning of the word "essential." 
Other Ingredient: Cellulose Croscarmellose Sodium, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Modified Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Silica, Stearic Acid, and FD&C Blue #1
Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs, (iSatori Technologies)

Editor's rating: 7.5 out of 10
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Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs, (iSatori Technologies)


What is in Energize? 
Energize is composed of a combination of important vitamins and minerals, as well as a proprietary blend, which consists of L-tyrosine (an amino acid), glucoranolactone (a simple sugar), natural caffeine, theobromine (from cocoa trees), rhodiola, panax ginseng, and octacosanol. These premium ingredients work in tandem to help support safe, long-lasting energy.  
How do I use Energize for optimal results? 
Whenever you start to feel run down, tired, or need a boost of energy and mental clarity, simply take one dose of Energize (two tablets). You can take Energize with or without food. It's important to remember, however, to separate any two doses by at least four to five hours, and it's recommended that no one consume more than two doses within an eight-hour period. To use Energize as a pre-workout energy booster, or for those interested in increased performance or physique enhancement, one dose of Energize should be taken 30 minutes prior to exercise, a competition, or sporting event, and separated by at least four to five hours before the next dose is taken or prolonged energy is required.  
How often should I use Energize? 
Energize offers a safe and effective formulation that can be easily integrated into a regular diet on a daily basis. Basically, whenever you're feeling those unwanted symptoms of fatigue and exhaustion, one dose of Energize delivers a boost of energy to help get you through the day.  
What makes Energize different from energy drinks or coffee? 
These kinds of beverages and caffeinated drinks can only provide a temporary boost of energy; after an hour, your energy level will crash—leaving you more fatigued than you were before. Energize consists of a proprietary blend of natural, premium ingredients that work with your body's natural ability to help support safe, long-lasting energy. In fact, for most people, one dose of Energize in the morning keeps them Energized all day.  
What other supplements can I use with Energize? 
A great recommendation for those lacking energy is a high-quality multivitamin and mineral formula, because typically their diets can be deficient, and as such, these crucial nutrients need to be replaced. Customers using Energize for exercise or sport could also benefit from extra protein intake due to their increased energy output from using Energize; therefore, the recommendation of a quality protein powder supplement, like whey protein, would be suitable.  
Which supplements shouldn’t I use with Energize? 
There is no need to enhance the energy boost you get from Energize; therefore, we don't recommend taking Energize with any caffeinated energy drinks, beverages, or caffeine-containing supplements. You will find your energy level increases naturally, so you will likely not feel the urge to consume as many caffeinated substances anyway.  
Is Energize safe? 
Yes. Energize contains no ephedra, so it doesn't come with the risks associated with those types of stimulants. However, if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, nervous condition, or medical concern, you should always consult your doctor before taking any supplement, including Energize.  
Will increasing energy with Energize cause me to feel "jittery" or nervous? 
Not at all. Because Energize contains a patent-pending sustained delivery technology, the release of nutrients found in Energize are gradual—to provide safe, comfortable energy—for up to eight hours. In fact, according to our initial pilot study, by taking the recommended dosage (as found on the label), subjects did not experience any negative side effects, like increased blood pressure, heart rate, anxiety, or other unwanted feelings such as nervousness. Of course, you should always seek the advice of your physician before using any supplements. And please, read the label thoroughly.  
Are there any other benefits I can expect from Energize? 
Yes. Additional benefits of the patent-pending, key compounds in Energize include improved sense of well-being, cognitive and memory enhancement, and mild weight loss.  
How is Energize packaged? 
Each bottle contains 84 sustained-release, easy-to-swallow tablets (about a four-week supply) and is carefully packaged to meet only the highest quality and purity standards. What's more, Energize consists of the highest pharmaceutical-grade compounds available and is produced under a U.S. patent-pending.  
Can I use Energize with my prescription medications? 
Before using any supplements, if you take a prescription medication, it's always a good idea to check with your primary doctor.
Energize - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Energize - All Day Energy Pill, 84 tabs, (iSatori Technologies)