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BoozEase - 60 caps , (Bodyonics)
BoozEase - 60 caps , (Bodyonics)
BoozEase - 60 caps , (Bodyonics)
Item Number:17066
Product Code:2120057
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Hangover

BoozEase - 60 caps, (Bodyonics)

Pinnacle BoozEase is a hangover prevention formula. The ingredients found in BoozEze may absorb harmful elements in alcohol, may help prevent hangover symptoms, and may support the body’s ability to promote detoxification.

Clinical research has demonstrated that a dietary supplement combination of calcium carbonate and cellulose (aka, vegetable carbon) is ten times more effective than a placebo in helping to prevent hangover symptoms; specifically headaches and nausea. The concept is that these natural ingredients work in your stomach by absorbing the harmful elements in beer, wine and spirits before they can do their damage. These elements, called congeners, are byproducts of the fermentation process. These ingredients attract congeners and soaks them up like a sponge. BoozEze not only provides this same calcium carbonate and cellulose (as well as silica, another natural absorptive substance), but also provides Spirulina, Aralia mandshurica, and Neem, which may additionally help prevent hangover symptoms. The Spirulina contains Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has been traditionally used to neutralize certain toxins in the blood; hence its value for preventing hangovers. Aralia mandshurica is an adaptogenic herb which helps increase resistance, immunity, physical strength, and vital lung capacity, as well protecting the human body against various chemical impacts. Traditionally, it facilitates sobering after intoxication with alcohol. In fact, adaptogens in general are considered to possess an anti-alcohol action, decreasing the desire for alcohol. Finally, many have traditionally used the herb Neem to relieve the headaches, upset stomach and general ill feeling of a hangover. Neem is said to help balance the blood glucose levels, promote healthy circulation and counteracts the body's reaction to the alcohol. Anecdotal reports seem to indicate that taking neem in advance works very well as a preventative.
Take two capsules with your first drink and take an additional two with every subsequent drink

PLEASE NOTE: Boozease will not prevent intoxication and is not intended to treat and prevent the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. Please drink responsibly and never drink and drive. Do not drink alcohol if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult a physician if you believe you have a dependence on alcohol. To prevent dehydration from alcohol drink plenty of water, juice or sports drinks
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $17.99
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BoozEase - 60 caps, (Bodyonics)

BoozEase - 60 caps, (Bodyonics)

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BoozEase - 60 caps, (Bodyonics)

BoozEase is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.