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HDL Booster - 120 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
HDL Booster - 120 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
HDL Booster - 120 tabs , (Enzymatic Therapy)
Item Number:15659
Product Code:discontinued
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Cholesterol

HDL Booster - 120 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

HDL Booster 
Clinically shown to increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels up to 23% 
  • Increases good cholesterol (HDL) levels.
  • Provides powerful antioxidant protection.
  • Helps restore the CoQ10 depleted by cholesterol medications like Zocor, Mevacor and Lipitor.
Key Features
  • Developed & Recommended by Dennis Goodman, M.D., Chief of Cardiology at Scripps Memorial Hospital.
Boost your good cholesterol (HDL) levels naturally! This clinically-studied combination of herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, CoQ10 and policosanol naturally increases good cholesterol levels by up to 23%, reduces homocysteine, and supports healthy blood circulation.
Two tablets in the morning and two tablets in the evening.
Chinese Name:
Item Weight:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $39.95
Other Spec:
HDL Booster - 120 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

Total Carbohydrate <1 g 
Dietary Fiber <1 g 
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 148 mg 
Vitamin E (as natural mixed tocopherols) 35 IU 
Niacin (as niacinamide) 20 mg 
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 3 mg 
Folic acid 300 mcg 
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 20 mcg 
Magnesium (from magnesium amino acid chelate) 10 mg 
Selenium (as L-selenomethionine) 49 mcg 
Proprietary Blend 388 mg 
hawthorn (Crategus oxyacantha) berry extract, taurine, garlic (Allium sativum), grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract, grape (Vitis vinifera) skin extract, N-acetylcysteine, soy (Glycine max) isoflavones, alpha lipoic acid, and tocotrienols 
L-Arginine (from L-arginine HCl) 153 mg 
L-Carnitine (from L-carnitine L-tartrate) 50 mg 
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) (ubiquinone 10) 25 mg 
Policosanol 7 mg 
Other Ingredients 
cellulose, stearic acid, modified cellulose, modified cellulose gum, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, vegetable glycerin, carnauba wax, soybean oil, and soy protein. 
Contains No 
sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, dairy products, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring or preservatives. This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal. 
If pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practioner prior to use.
HDL Booster - 120 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)

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HDL Booster - 120 tabs, (Enzymatic Therapy)


Why is L-arginine included in HDL Booster? I've heard that there was a recent study showing that L-arginine can cause heart attacks. 
HDL Booster has been clinically shown to increase good (HDL) cholesterol levels by up to 23%. The formula combines essential vitamins and minerals, at levels recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA), with key amino acids, including L-arginine, antioxidants, and traditional herbal extracts to provide superior support for cardiovascular health. 
Dr. Dennis Goodman, the Chief of Cardiology at Scripps Memorial Hospital and the formulator of HDL Booster, chose to include a low dose of L-arginine (~300 mg/day) because of its history of cardiovascular support - in particular, because L-arginine can positively influence lipid profiles. In one randomized, clinical trial, an L-arginine-enriched diet supported healthy cholesterol levels. 
L-arginine is an important amino acid found in many dietary sources including walnuts, peanuts, sesame and sunflower seeds, raisons, meats and dairy products. The basis for its support of cardiovascular health is that it is a precursor to nitric oxide (NO), a compound which causes blood vessel relaxation. Multiple clinical studies suggest that arginine may be useful to several aspects of cardiovascular health. 
For example, studies show that arginine supplementation can support exercise tolerance and blood flow in arteries of the heart. One small randomized, controlled clinical trial studied the cardiovascular effects of a medical food bar enriched with L-arginine and a combination of other nutrients. The study revealed the arginine-enriched medical bar helped to improve vascular function, exercise capacity, and quality of life. 
Another small, prospective, crossover clinical trial, performed in the General Clinical Research Center, suggests that arginine supports healthy arterial function and healthy blood pressure levels already within normal limits. 
While these studies summarize a few of the benefits of arginine supplementation in cardiovascular health, a recent study published in the January 4th issue of Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggests that L-arginine may be harmful for heart attack patients. The double-blind, randomized study involved 153 patients who had previously had a heart attack. The patients were given 9 grams of L-arginine daily (3 g, three times daily) or placebo. During the six-month period, of the patients (8.6%) in the L-arginine group died. While this outcome raises serious concerns about high-dose arginine supplementation in heart attack sufferers, the finding suggests a trend, but is not statistically significant. 
Therefore, we do not believe that this study and its findings are an indication that the L-arginine dose provided in HDL Booster is unsafe. The level is far below that which is utilized in the study (0.3 g vs. 9 g daily). In addition, L-arginine has a history of safe use in multiple clinical studies. 
However, both Dr. Goodman and Enzymatic Therapy would strongly encourage heart attack patients to discuss the use of this and any dietary supplement with their health care practitioner prior to use. 
What is HDL or high density lipoprotein cholesterol? 
Cholesterol is a soft, waxy, fat-like substance found in every cell of the body. HDL is responsible for carrying cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver where it is eventually processed and eliminated from the body. HDL levels are important indicators of healthy cardiovascular function.† In fact, even as little as a 1% increase in HDL levels can significantly support heart health. For optimal heart health, it is recommended to have HDL levels above 60 mg/dL.
HDL Booster is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.