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Zero Nicotine Patches - Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally, 10 patches , (EyeFive)
Zero Nicotine Patches - Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally, 10 patches , (EyeFive)
Zero Nicotine Patches - Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally, 10 patches , (EyeFive)
Zero Nicotine Patches -
Item Number:14268
Product Code:discontinued
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Zero Nicotine Patches - Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally, 10 patches, (EyeFive)

Zero Nicotine is an innovative stop smoking patch designed to help you give up smoking naturally. With its unique blend of ingredients, Zero Nicotine offers you the best possible chance to finally kick the habit for good! If you are serious about your decision to quit, you’ve come to the right place.  
We offer only the highest quality in transdermal technology. Our patches are very high end. They are much thicker than other "band-aid" patches and the adhesive on them is incredibly strong. You can shower, exercise, sleep and they will not come off. Our patches have a polyeurothane base with a multi-layer laminate, compressed cotton gauze comfort pad and a quilted membrane. Trust only the best, trust ZeroNicotine.  
Why Zero Nicotine Really Works 
Zero Nicotine is easy to use. Each patch contains a dose of the most effective herbal ingredients, formulated to alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal while cleansing the system of all smoking-related toxins. To break free from smoking, you need to break free from nicotine. Unlike other stop smoking patches, Zero Nicotine’s all-natural formula eliminates, rather than replenishes, the level of nicotine in your body, helping you break the habit.  
Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally 
It is a well-known fact that withdrawal from nicotine is very unpleasant. In fact, it is the single thing that causes even the most committed quitters to go back to smoking. What makes the Zero Nicotine patch so amazing is that it combines the all-natural healing properties of a unique variety of traditional herbal formulas to completely and naturally eliminate your body’s need for nicotine. Try Zero Nicotine, and take the first step to claiming your life back. Order the stop smoking patch today!  
Consider the Benefits of Quitting 
Aren’t you tired of being a slave to cigarettes? Below is a list of health benefits you can receive from quitting smoking for good:  
Stroke risk is reduced to that of a person who never smoked after 5 to 15 years of not smoking. Abnormal cell growth of the mouth, throat, and esophagus risks are halved 5 years after quitting. Abnormal cell growth of the larynx risk is reduced after quitting. Coronary heart disease risk is cut by half 1 year after quitting and is nearly the same as someone who never smoked 15 years after quitting. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk of death is reduced after you quit abnormal cell growth of the Lungs risk drops by as much as half 10 years after quitting. Ulcer risk drops after quitting. Abnormal cell growth of the bladder risk is halved a few years after quitting. Peripheral artery disease goes down after quitting. Abnormal cell growth of the cervical risk is reduced a few years after quitting. Low birth weight baby risk drops to normal if you quit before pregnancy or during your first trimester the benefits of quitting.
Place one patch in a different place on the skin every three days. It is recommended that the patch be placed on a hair-free area, if at all possible to avoid irritation when removing the patch. Do not place the patch on the genitals or the face.
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Retail Price: $59.95
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Zero Nicotine Patches - Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally, 10 patches, (EyeFive)

Gotu Kola, Hops, Skullcap, Oat, Peppermint, Ginger Root, Gentian, Myrrh, Safflower, Eucalyptus, Slippery Elm, Licorice Root, Alfalfa, Passion Flower, Sarsaparilla, Bayberry, Echinacea Powder.
Zero Nicotine Patches - Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally, 10 patches, (EyeFive)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


debbie  "I love this product"
I havnt quit yet..but its not because this product doesnt do what it claims. I just havnt tried to quit cold turky. I havnt turned into the raving lunitic i thought i would from ctting down 13 packs a week to 3 packs in two weeks.
Zero Nicotine Patches - Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally, 10 patches, (EyeFive)

How It Works
Each time you puff on a cigarette, you introduce not only nicotine (a drug) into your body, but also hundreds of other toxic chemicals and carcinogens (some that can kill insects on contact, others that are used to embalm dead bodies). You probably know that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health, increasing your risk for heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke, but did you know that cigarette smoking is one of the main killers in the world? According to the Center for Disease Control, cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death, accounting for approximately 1 of every 5 deaths (440,000 people) in the United States each year (2003).  
Why then do so many people still smoke? Nicotine is the substance responsible for fooling your brain into releasing a “pleasure” chemical called dopamine. Nicotine receptors on your nerve endings receive the dopamine and create “happy” nerve cells. The dopamine gives you a false sense of well-being and soon the body wants more and more on a regular basis. This is the beginning of the physical addiction. ZERO NICOTINE’s amazing formula mimics the properties of nicotine. It acts on the “nicotine receptors” in your body and effectively fools it into thinking it’s getting more nicotine, while keeping you calm and relaxed during nicotine withdrawal. ZERO NICOTINE will help you quit smoking for life, forever. 
ZERO NICOTINE Patch fights the three major factors that inhibit smoking cessation efforts:
  • Nicotine addiction
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Nicotine intoxication
The proprietary herbal formulation in ZERO NICOTINE Patch contains ingredients that act as natural substitutes for nicotine; thereby satisfying the body’s craving for this substance, without all the negative side effects of patches containing the actual drug, nicotine. The all-natural ingredients will make you crave fewer cigarettes each day. This gradual process allows you to quit with no withdrawal symptoms and requires less willpower and effort on your part. 
After analyzing many applicable studies and products currently sold on the market, we have developed a revolutionary formula, found in ZERO NICOTINE Patch, which guarantees smoking cessation in a very short period. Withdrawal symptoms will be milder due to the all-natural nicotine substitute, which helps you shake the nicotine habit gradually, with less physical and emotional stress. Furthermore, to help you through the process, ZERO NICOTINE’s herbal formulation helps decrease the anxiety and depression that affect most people who are trying to quit smoking. 
The nicotine content in your system will gradually decrease as you continue to wear the patch. To help you speed up this important process, ZERO NICOTINE contains ingredients with distinctive antioxidant properties, to detoxify your body and eliminate the nicotine stored in your cells. Most of the harmful effects of smoking will start to disappear once you stop smoking completely. 
The patch application method allows the active ingredients to penetrate the skin and reach the bloodstream faster and more conveniently than any other method. Other methods, such as pills or lozenges, must be taken several times per day, since they lose many of their active ingredients as they are processed by stomach acid, minimizing their effectiveness. The revolutionary patch system eliminates the need to remember to take pills. Simply apply a new ZERO NICOTINE Patch every three days. It’s that easy!

What Does Zero Nicotine Patch Do? 
The Zero Nicotine formula is primarily based around our proprietary herbal blend. It is safe and non-addictive, and it can provide your "nicotine receptor cells" with the same sensation provided by nicotine. The difference is that you won't crave the sensation anymore after finishing the Zero Nicotine formula.  
Remember, patches and gums simply feed you more nicotine. That's NOT the way to break an addictive habit. 
How long does it take for Zero Nicotine to start working?  
Most people feel the cravings for Nicotine dramatically reduce within the first 10-15 days. We do suggest however you purchase at least a 30-day supply should you feel the need to stay on the program a bit longer. 
What are the Ingredients of the Zero Nicotine Patch Formula?  
Zero Nicotine contains Gotu Kola, Hops, Skullcap, Oat, Peppermint, Ginger Root, Gentian, Myrrh, Safflower, Eucalyptus, Slippery Elm, Licorice Root, Alfalfa, Passion Flower, Sarsaparilla, Bayberry, Echinacea Powder. 
How long will one box last?  
Each box contains 10 powerful patches. Each patch is to be worn for three days. One box contains a one month supply of patches. 
What is transdermal delivery?  
Transdermal delivery is absorption through the skin. Products absorbed this way go directly into the bloodstream instead of being filtered through the liver. 
Are there any side effects?  
If you decide to cheat and try to smoke while on the program, you may experience some mild nausea and dizziness. That's your signal that Zero Nicotine is working exactly as intended. No side effects should appear if you remain off nicotine for the duration of the program. When you finish the program, you will no longer have cravings for nicotine.  
We are not aware of any drug interactions. Zero Nicotine contains no nicotine or other drugs. The formula is completely herbal and all-natural. If you have any medical concerns you may review the ingredients with your doctor or healthcare professional. For more information regarding the use of Herbal Supplements please visit our Herbal Safety Guidelines. 
Can I shower with the patch?  
Yes. The unique application and adhesive technology of this patch allows you to shower, swim, workout and sleep with the patch without ever having to worry about it coming off.
Zero Nicotine Patches - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.