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MindCare Jr./Mentat - 120 vcaps , (Himalaya)
MindCare Jr./Mentat - 120 vcaps , (Himalaya)
MindCare Jr./Mentat - 120 vcaps , (Himalaya)
MindCare Jr./Mentat -
Item Number:14106
Product Code:n/a
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Brain Health

MindCare Jr./Mentat - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

MindCare Jr. is a mental fitness formula that supports brain function in both normal and pressure situations in children. It has been shown that MindCare Jr. can help students improve their learning abilities and academic performance through better concentration and increased attention span. MindCare Jr. has been found particularly effective in helping children maintain appropriate classroom conduct. 
MindCare Jr. is an herbal formulation of several plants which have been categorized in traditional Indian medicine as “Medhyarasayanas” and used to regulate behavior and improve memory.
It is now widely accepted, based on extensive clinical and experimental data, that learning and memory are closely associated with the functional status of the central cholinergic system.  
According to this model, MindCare (Mentat) was evaluated and the results, published in an Italian journal, Fitoterapia (Vol. LXVI, No. 3 pp. 216-222, 1995), indicate that MindCare (Mentat) actively promotes cholinergic system and mechanisms, which explains MindCare’s (Mentat) effectiveness in promoting mental alertness.

Take 1 to 3 tablets twice daily with meals. 
Dosage may be adjusted due to weight or age.
Chinese Name:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $19.95
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MindCare Jr./Mentat - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

Salep Orchid 
Salep Orchid has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac: "Witches were supposed to use the tubers in their philtres, the fresh tuber being given to promote true love, and the withered one to check wrong passions." It was tested recently for cases of nervous debility and has been shown to be a nerve stimulant and revigorating tonic, effective in cases of age-related sexual weakness.  
Mucuna or Cow-Itch Plant  
Mucuna has been reported to be a very effective nervine tonic and aphrodisiac. Studies have demonstrated its usefulness in maintaining optimum performance of the nervous system.  
Guduchi is an important part of the ayurvedic category of Rasayanas, or rejuvenative tonics. Human studies conducted on Guduchi's immune-boosting ability show it to be linked to enhancing the function of protective cells called macrophages. 
A cornerstone of Ayurvedic health, Triphala is a traditional combination of three myrobalan fruits: Amla, Haritaki and Vibhitaki. It rejuvenates the membrane lining of the digestive tract and contributes to effective cleansing of the colon, a key condition in Ayurveda to maintaining optimum health. 
Indian Valerian 
Indian Valerian has been traditionally used for its calming benefits. It is practically identical in its composition with the well-studied European variety. In both species, Valepotriates have been shown very useful for common behavioral concerns and as support of mental function.  
Mushk Root 
Musk Root is in the same botanical family as Valerian, a relaxing plant with established effectiveness in promoting mental health. It has been shown effective in helping maintain a restful sleep and in coping with many menopausal symptoms.  
Gotu Kola 
Gotu Kola or Indian Pennywort  
Gotu Kola is famous for supporting vein structure thereby improving memory and attention through support of the brain's micro-capillaries. French researchers found evidence that Gotu Kola significantly increases the production of collagen, the key to the synthesis of the connective tissues surrounding the veins and to its usefulness for wound healing. 
Morning Glory 
Morning Glory has been traditionally used as a "Rasayana" or anti-aging rejuvenative tonic and to improve memory and intellect. 
Ashwagandha improves the body's ability to maintain physical effort and helps the body adapt to various types of stress. Perhaps the most famous ayurvedic rejuvenative botanical, Ashwagandha is used in many tonics and formulas. 
A classic brain and nervine tonic, Bacopa is included in the "Brahmi" category of ayurvedic herbs, which are those that benefit both the mind and spirit and improve the intellect and consciousness. Bacopa assists in heightening mental acuity and supports the physiological processes involved in relaxation.
MindCare Jr./Mentat - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

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MindCare Jr./Mentat - 120 vcaps, (Himalaya)

MindCare Jr. is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.