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GastriCare - Liquid Formula, 200 ml , (Himalaya)
GastriCare - Liquid Formula, 200 ml , (Himalaya)
GastriCare - Liquid Formula, 200 ml , (Himalaya)
GastriCare -
Item Number:14072
Product Code:discontinued
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Heartburn

GastriCare - Liquid Formula, 200 ml, (Himalaya)

GastriCare Liquid is a unique complex herbal formula that provides overall support for the digestive function, relieving the discomfort associated with flatulence or gaseous distension and occasional acid indigestion or heartburn.
Two teaspoons.
Chinese Name:
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Case Quantity: 0
Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $9.95
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GastriCare - Liquid Formula, 200 ml, (Himalaya)

Crowfoot (Bikhma)  
Crowfoot (Bikhma) is a bitter tonic that is generally used in conjunction with pepper and is a known support for bowel function.  
Black Pepper  
Black Pepper is one of the most renowned culinary spices and has been used for centuries as a gastro-intestinal stimulant as much as it has been used as a condiment to improve the flavor of food. As a carminative, many have utilized Black Pepper to reduce occasional flatulence. Black Pepper contains the alkaloid Piperine, which has been linked to increasing the body's ability to absorb nutrients contained in food and aid in the digestive process.  
Ginger is the delicious common spice used traditionally to improve digestion and prevent nausea. These properties result from helping bowel movements and relaxing the muscles controlling the digestive system. Ginger is considered an adjuvant in many Ayurvedic formulas that enhance absorption and prevent gastrointestinal side effects.  
A cornerstone of Ayurvedic health, Triphala is a traditional combination of three myrobalan fruits: Amla, Haritaki and Vibhitaki. It rejuvenates the membrane lining of the digestive tract and contributes to effective cleansing of the colon, a key condition in Ayurveda to maintaining optimum health.  
Also known as Indian Gooseberry or Amalaki, it has one of the highest concentrations of natural Vitamin C of any edible plant. It is an essential component of Chyavanprash, a rejuvenative tonic, and of Triphala, a digestive formula. Not surprisingly, Amla's reputation is supported by scientific studies showing it boosts immunity.  
Haritaki or Chebulic myrobalam  
Haritaki is a safe and effective purgative, expectorant and tonic. It is a component of the classic Ayurvedic combination called 'Triphala' or 'three fruits' (see also Amalaki and Vibhitaki.) The use of Triphala is at the heart of Ayurvedic medicine, which often promotes health through successive steps of purification and tonification. In Sanskrit, Haritaki literally means 'carries away' (all diseases.) It is known to have strong anti-mutagenic activity.  
Vibhitaki, also spelled Bibhitaki, is one of the three constituents of Triphala. It is a very common and effective support of the liver function (it's a cleansing herb for detoxification.) Vibhitaki also supports the gastrointestinal tract through its effect on the membrane linings. Studies have also shown Vibhitaki helps with vision and has expectorant properties.  
False Black Pepper  
False Black Pepper has been traditionally used to help maintain healthy skin and to support the digestive function as a mild laxative.
GastriCare - Liquid Formula, 200 ml, (Himalaya)

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GastriCare - Liquid Formula, 200 ml, (Himalaya)

GastriCare is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.