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All Flora - Beet Fiber, 2.1 oz , (New Chapter)
All Flora - Beet Fiber, 2.1 oz , (New Chapter)
All Flora - Beet Fiber, 2.1 oz , (New Chapter)
Item Number:13957
Product Code:discontinued
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Probiotics

All Flora - Beet Fiber, 2.1 oz, (New Chapter)

Probiotic All-Flora is a live probiotic for optimal digestive and immune system function. All-Flora is available in 60 and 120 Vcap® sizes and 2.1 ounce (60 gm) powder
  • Nine live probiotic strains delivered in whole-food media 
  • Apples and Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin provide prebiotic nourishment to enhance probiotic benefits* 
  • Non-Dairy Base
Probiotics with a Purpose 
Live Probiotics for Optimal Digestive and Immune System Function* 
Probiotic All-Flora contains nine strains of live probiotics cultured together on a non- dairy whole-food medium and then combined with growth-stimulating prebiotic Organic Apples, and Organic Inulin sourced from Organic Jerusalem Artichokes. 
The live probiotics in Probiotic All-Flora, including revered probiotic strains such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Lactobacillus helveticus, help support optimal digestive and immune system function.* 
When the culturing of Probiotic All-Flora is complete, the synbiotic-rich whole-food medium and live probiotics are freeze-dried together, a process that preserves their potency until consumed. Once consumed, the cultured whole-food medium and prebiotic whole foods activate the probiotics and enhance their effects. Both are part of the synergistic whole that benefits the entire digestive tract and immune system.* 
Whole-Food Probiotics for Digestive Health and Immune Support* 
The Medium is the Message! Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that occur naturally in the human intestinal tract. Foods “cultured” with beneficial strains of probiotics such as yogurt and kefir have been used throughout history to improve overall health and vitality, and today, there are many studies reinforcing their ability to balance and promote digestive health.* Probiotics also play an important role in modulating the immune system, 70% of which is located in the gut.* 
To make a probiotic supplement, selected strains of beneficial bacteria must first be cultured on a food medium, such as milk or soy. Since each strain of probiotics has an affinity for a different part of the digestive tract, and a unique mechanism of action, a product that delivers multiple strains is preferable to single strain products. As the probiotics replicate, they biotransform the food medium, breaking down nutrients and making them more bioavailable while secreting beneficial compounds into the medium called “synbiotics.” Research suggests that synbiotics are largely responsible for the benefits of probiotics. In other words, “the medium is the message.” 
Most probiotic supplement manufacturers separate the probiotics from their food medium once the desired number of cultures is achieved, and therefore fail to deliver the full range of health benefits associated with eating probiotic foods. New Chapter ’s Probiotics with a Purpose line, however, uniquely offers multi- species blends of live probiotics with the synbiotic-rich organic growth medium intact.
Powder As an addition to the diet, take 1/2 teaspoon alone or mixed with water or juice, once a day. At the time of manufacture, there are 8 billion probiotic live cells in 1/2 teaspoon of All-Flora.
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Retail Price: $29.95
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All Flora - Beet Fiber, 2.1 oz, (New Chapter)

Serving size 1 Teaspoon (2g) 
% Daily Value  
One Teaspoon (2g) contains  
Organic Fermented Soy 1500 mg •  
Organic Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin (tuber) 250 mg •  
Organic Apple (fruit) 180 mg •  
Proprietary Probiotic Blend** S. thermophilus; L. rhamnosus; B. breve; L. acidophilus; B. infantis; B. longum; L. plantarum; L. salivarius; L. helveticus) 70 mg •  
• Daily value not established 
** At the time of manufacture, there are 16 billion probiotic live cells in 1 teaspoon of All-Flora.
Other ingredients: Organic rice flour and sunflower lecithin. 
Contains: Fermented soy. 
Naturally gluten free. 
100% vegetarian; no artificial flavors or colors. 
Caution: As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your healthcare practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your healthcare practitioner prior to using this product.
All Flora - Beet Fiber, 2.1 oz, (New Chapter)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%

All Flora - Beet Fiber, 2.1 oz, (New Chapter)

All New Chapter Supplements 
Q. What makes your whole food vitamins and minerals better than conventional supplements?  
New Chapter’s Probiotic Nutrients™ deliver vitamins and minerals in the form of probiotically cultured whole food rather than the chemical forms found in conventional vitamin and mineral supplements. Research has shown that nutrients from cultured foods are more potent, bioavailable, and safer than the synthesized or isolated forms. Probiotic Nutrients are also the only line of nutritional supplements made with at least 70% organic ingredients and certified by a third party to the USDA’s National Organics Program. 
Q. Vitamins usually upset my stomach; will I have this difficulty with New Chapter's vitamins and minerals?  
Unlike conventional vitamins and minerals, New Chapter’s vitamins and minerals are food. Better yet, they are pre-digested, organic cultured food. So when you take New Chapter vitamins your stomach is NOT empty: it has inside it a good friend – cultured organic food – waiting to be comfortably digested. New Chapter’s Organic Probiotic Nutrients are also rich in ferment metabolites, bacteriocins and plant enzymes, and they are thus soothing to the entire gastrointestinal tract and promote digestion, detoxification and elimination. 
Q. How does New Chapter ensure the quality, purity and potency of their products?  
New Chapter’s Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Regulatory Compliance team have over 47 years combined experience divided equally between New Chapter and related industry experience. From Paul Schulick, New Chapter’s Founder & Chairman, down through the organization, all New Chapter Associates share in our commitment to quality. 
New Chapter requires that all lots of raw materials used for the manufacture of our products are tested for potency markers, heavy metal contamination and/or microbiological content. Our co-processors forward this information on a Certificate of Analysis for our approval prior to use or shipping. We randomly verify information contained on C of A’s through third-party laboratory analysis.
New Chapter does finished product testing on weights, potency, marker assays, micro and heavy metals. We also do expiration date testing on a random basis for the duration of declared shelf life: 18 months to 3 years. 
Q. Why are New Chapter's potencies lower than conventional pharmaceutical supplements?  
Short answer: they are not. We reject the theory that supplementation must be taken in huge doses of inert or bi-phasic isolated vitamins. It is a common misunderstanding that milligrams measure potency. They do not! Milligrams measure only weight and do not reflect cellular activity. New Chapter’s Organic Probiotic Nutrients™ deliver biotransformed vitamins and minerals in their finest cultured form, much in the same way as miso, kefir, tempeh, and yogurt. Research consistently demonstrates that New Chapter’s Organic Probiotic Nutrients are more active than conventional isolated or synthetic vitamins. 
Q. Does New Chapter offer supplements for children?  
New Chapter currently offers one product specifically designed for children called Immunity Take Care™ for Kids. Other products that were not specifically designed for children but may be safely administered under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner include: Wholemega™, Ginger Honey Tonic, All-Flora™ and Berry Green®. 
Q. Do you have a specific protocol for…  
All of New Chapter's products are formulated to support the nutritional needs of the body and maintain its healthy function and structure. The FDA prohibits us from recommending or prescribing products to individuals for disease conditions, however, we can suggest that you speak with a licensed healthcare provider familiar with nutritional supplements to see if one or more New Chapter supplements may be appropriate to optimize your health. Additionally, on our website you may view specific health support protocols by utilizing our Vitamin and Supplement Advisor designed by New Chapter’s Director of Medical Education, Dr. Taryn Forrelli. 
Q. Can I give New Chapter’s products to my pet?  
All of our New Chapter products are formulated for adult human beings. Please consult with a veterinarian who specializes in holistic and complimentary care to see if and at what suggested usage you may use an herbal, mushroom, or nutritional supplement product for your pet's specific needs. 
Q. Are any of your products made in China?  
Q. Are New Chapter's products gluten-free?  
Yes. All New Chapter products are naturally gluten-free. 
Q. Should I be concerned about products containing maltodextrin if I have a food allergy or sensitivity to corn?  
Generally, corn allergies or sensitivities are a response to the protein portion of the grain, and since maltodextrin is derived from corn starch, it rarely creates immune responses in individuals sensitive to corn protein. However, trace amounts of the protein may be present and we recommend that individuals speak with their health care practitioners about their personal experience with products containing maltodextrin to determine if they are appropriate.  
Q. Do any of your products contain dairy?  
The only New Chapter product that contains dairy is Probiotic Immunity™. The form of dairy in this product is probiotically cultured organic milk which is similar to yogurt or kefir. 
Q. I don't do well with soy foods. Since New Chapter's Probiotic Nutrients™ are cultured in a soy media, will they agree with me?  
Although true soy allergies are very rare, many people have difficulty digesting unfermented soy. Whole, unprocessed soy contains nutrient blocking factors, such as phytate, which interfere with its potential benefits. Fermented soy, on the other hand, agrees with almost everyone, even people with soy sensitivities. Probiosis of soy also changes isoflavones from inert forms into their activated aglycone genestein, dadzein, and glycitein forms. 
Q. Is the soy in your Probiotic Nutrient™ formulas safe for someone at high risk for breast cancer?  
Yes. New Chapter's Probiotics deliver non-GMO organic soy in its fermented whole-food form, similar to miso, tempeh and natto. Unlike unfermented soy or isolated soy components, these traditional soy foods have been consumed for thousands of years and are associated with the health and longevity of traditional Asian cultures. Many research studies suggest that regular consumption of fermented soy is associated with numerous health benefits, including the maintenance of normal cell growth in breast tissue.* 
Q. Is the soy in your Probiotic Nutrient™ formulas safe for someone at with a sluggish or hypofunctioning thyroid?  
Yes. A recent peer-reviewed scientific review of fourteen clinical trials examining the effects of soy on the thyroid concluded that in the absence of an iodine deficiency, there is little evidence that soy foods or soy isoflavones adversely affect thyroid function and that “hypothyroid individuals need not avoid soy foods.” In fact, some studies suggest that soy may actually promote normal thyroid cell growth. To help ensure healthy thyroid function, our Probiotic Nutrients™ contain a whole-food form of iodine. 
Product Usage 
Q. Can I take New Chapter products if I am also taking prescription medications?  
New Chapter® cannot provide information about combining prescription medicines with herbal or nutritional supplements. We suggest you always advise your prescribing physician or pharmacist about the use of dietary or herbal supplements. Only he or she can determine the risk for herb-drug interactions and supervise your response to the prescribed therapy*. You may also want to consider consulting with a qualified expert in herbal and nutritional therapy on this matter. For a referral database of licensed Naturopathic Physicians and Holistic Medical Doctors in your area, please visit: www.naturopathic.org or www.holisticmedicine.org.
Herb-drug interactions have been identified with respect to a handful of herbs and vitamins, however the vast majority of this information remains unknown. While herbal medicine has experienced a long history of safe use, this history has not included many of the modern pharmaceutical medications that are frequently used today. By making your health care provider aware of your supplement regimen, you are protecting yourself from any known potential interactions and allowing for any future information on this topic to come to light. 
Q. Can I take New Chapter products if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?  
Perfect Prenatal™, Wholemega® Prenatal, Ginger Honey Tonic, Berry Green®, Probiotic All-Flora®, Immunity Take Care®, and Bone Strength Take Care® are the only products New Chapter recommends for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Although many herbs and nourishing whole foods have long been used to promote health and comfort during pregnancy, the majority have simply not been thoroughly evaluated in clinical studies for safety during this cherished phase in a woman's life. Therefore, we suggest that pregnant or breastfeeding women use any of our products only after consulting with their health care provider or qualified expert in herbal and nutritional medicine. 
Specific Products 
Q. Is the 770 mg of calcium provided in a serving in Bone Strength Take Care enough to meet my body’s daily calcium needs?  
The recommended calcium intake for adults is 1000-1300 milligrams per day and is inclusive of both dietary and supplemental calcium. Since the average diet supplies roughly 500-600 mg of calcium a day, it is only necessary to supplement the remaining 500-800 mg per day. A serving of New Chapter's Bone Strength Take Care provides 770 mg of elemental calcium from Lithothamnium, a sea plant rich in bioavailable calcium. Therefore, combined with dietary calcium, one serving of Bone Strength Take Care (3 tablets) a day allows one to meet the calcium recommendations being made by their physician and other health authorities. 
Sourcing, Certification & Organics 
Q. Are all of your products organic?  
Not yet! Currently, over half of our products are either certified organic or made with at least 70% organic ingredients. As a certified organic company New Chapter is committed to the organic movement and will continue to source the finest organic ingredients whenever possible. Please refer to the product label or catalog information for the organic status of individual products. 
Q. Are your products GMO-free?  
Approximately 75% of all New Chapter products have been verified as fully compliant to the Non-GMO Project Standard. To date, New Chapter is the only supplement company to have achieved this breadth of compliance. For more information on the Non-GMO project and the complete list of verified New Chapter products, please visit: http://www.nongmoproject.org/consumers/search-participating-products/search/?brandId=322. 
Q. Are New Chapter's products vegan?  
All of the following New Chapter products are considered vegan: Daily Ginger®, Baikal Skullcap, Broccolive® Plus, Berry Green™, Supercritical Diet & Energy™, Green & White Tea Force, Aloe Vera Force™, Probiotic All-Flora®, Chlorella Regularis, Rhodiolaforce 100 & 300™, Holy Basil, Smooth Food 2™, CoffeeBerry™, Probiotic Anti-Aging, and Probiotic Colon™, Candida Take Care™, Histamine Take Care™, Immunity Take Care™, Urinary Take Care™, LycoPom, and Zyflamend Vcaps, and E and Selenium. 
New Chapter’s Probiotic Nutrients™ Made with Organic Ingredients do not meet strict vegan standards as the vitamin D utilized for culturing with organic whole food ingredients in our vitamin D-containing products is derived from wool wax. 
The following Probiotic Nutrient formulas contain vitamin D: Every Man®, Every Man® II, Every Man®’s One Daily, Every Woman®, Every Woman® II, Every Woman®’s One Daily, Every Woman®’s Inner Beauty, Only One™, Perfect Prenatal™, and Tiny Tabs Multi™ and Bone Strength Take Care™. 
Q. Is New Chapter certified by a third-party?  
Yes, New Chapter is certified by several third parties. We are GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) registered by NSF International, the world's leading expert in independent GMP audits and product safety. Additionally, New Chapter and many of its co-processors are certified to the standards of the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP), as well as, in certain instances, the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) and the European Organic Standard (EEC 2092/91). The third party agency providing New Chapter's limited organic certification is by International Certification Services (ICS). Luna Nueva, our organic ginger and turmeric farm in Costa Rica, is certified biodynamic by Demeter International, the largest certification organization for biodynamic agriculture and the oldest traditional organic certification in Europe. New Chapter follows all GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) protocols for GMP compliance and is currently operating under the FDA's guidelines as mandated in 21 CFR for the food industry Parts 100 - 169. We also have a certified Site License with Health Canada's Natural Health Products Directorate, which we renew every year. 
Q. Why do you use animal-based softgels instead of vegetarian capsules in many of your supercritical herbals?  
Because supercritical extracts are so highly concentrated, they will dissolve most vegetarian capsules. However, we are working with a technology that allows us to offer Zyflamend®, our best-selling supercritical herbal formula, in a vegetarian capsule.
All Flora is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.