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eLongate - Male Erectile Enhancement Forumla, 60 caps , (Spectrum Partners)
eLongate - Male Erectile Enhancement Forumla, 60 caps , (Spectrum Partners)
eLongate - Male Erectile Enhancement Forumla, 60 caps , (Spectrum Partners)
Item Number:13328
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eLongate -Male Erectile Enhancement Forumla, 60 caps, (Spectrum Partners)

This product enlarges your two erectile tissue chambers in your penis to hold more blood during an erection. 
Male enlargement formula, build confidence and self esteem! 
Without any effort on your part, without any exercising, stretching or pumping. E-Long-Ate will expand the erectile tissues longer and wider and fill the erectile tissues with a larger supply of blood so that your penis will gain up to 3 inches! It sounds like Elongate, which gives you a hint as to what it does. 
E-Long-Ate is a 100% safe and natural formula that results are safe and permanent! 
Benefits of Elongate enlargement:
  • Better functionality of the penis
  • Added sensitivity and sensation, due to increased blood circulation and expansion of the capillary tissue in the head region
  • Healthier nerves and skin, due to increased blood flow carrying more oxygen and nutrients to the penis
  • Longer lasting and easier to achieve erections without the side effects of prescription drugs
  • A very large, rock hard appearance, which will give you increased confidence and a feeling of manhood when your penis is visually exposed
  • Improved sex drive
  • Improved erectile capacity and size
  • Increased stamina and staying power and overall size
  • Improved control over ejaculation
  • Increased subjective enjoyment and sensitivity
  • Significantly improved climax and orgasm

Take 2 capsules daily.
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Pack Quantity: 0
Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $58.99
Other Spec:
eLongate -Male Erectile Enhancement Forumla, 60 caps, (Spectrum Partners)

Serving size: 2 capsules 
Serving per container: 30 
Zinc (as zinc oxide): 50mg, Yohimbe extract (15:1) (bark) (pausinystalia yohimbe): 500mg, Maca extract (6:1) (root) (lepidium peruvianum): 250mg,  
Proprietary blend 742mg: Oat straw (avena sativa), catuaba (bark) (juniperis brasiliensis), muira pauma (root) (ptychopetalum olacoides), nettle (leaf) (urtica dioica), oyster meat, orchic substance, cayenne (fruit) (capsicum frutescens), tribulis (wole) (tribulus terresteris), sarsaparill (root) (smilax officinalis), astragalus (root) (aqstragallus membranaceous), pumpkin (seed) (cucurbita pepo), licorice root, boron (as boron citrate), ginseng blend 125mg, 
Ginseng blend consisting of: siberian ginseng (root) (eleutherococcus senticosus), american ginseng (root) (panax quinquefolius) and korean ginseng (root) (panax ginseng). 
Other ingredients: gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and whey.
eLongate -Male Erectile Enhancement Forumla, 60 caps, (Spectrum Partners)

Editor's rating: 8.5 out of 10
User's rating: 0% 0%

eLongate -Male Erectile Enhancement Forumla, 60 caps, (Spectrum Partners)

How It Works
The corpa cavernosa are the two spongy bodies of erectile tissue on either side of the penis. An erection is caused by blood filling the erectile tissues. But what if the erectile tissues were made larger? What if you could somehow expand the size of the erectile tissues? Then, of course, the erectile tissues would hold more blood and you would have a larger penis. 
Blow up a balloon with more air and you have a larger balloon. Fill the erectile tissues with more blood and you have a larger penis. Without any effort on your part, without any exercising, pumping or stretching, elongate can expand the erectile tissues longer and wider and fill the erectile tissues with a larger supply of blood so that your penis can gain in size. 
Week 1-3  
Elongate Penis Enlargement can make your penis experience greater and longer lasting erections and an increase in thickness. 
Week 4-8  
Elongate Penis Enlargement can make your penis grow in length and can possess more thickness in both erect and flaccid states. 
Week 9+ 
Elongate Penis Enlargement can make your penis take on a new body, not just longer and thicker, but harder and healthier. 
The corpora cavernosa is the structure of the penis that limits width or girth. Elongate Penis Enlargement increases blood flow within the spaces of the corpora cavernosa and this helps to stretch and enlarge. The excess stretching helps the corpora cavernosa to expand over time, thus leading to increased girth. Over the course of time, it is our experience that the penis will gain added thickness and girth. 
After using the Elongate penis enlargement, your penis will be thicker, harder, more vascular (larger veins), and easier to control. It stays hard longer and will feel better during intercourse. This is because it will be touching more surface area inside your partner.
e LONG ate is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.