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ThermaZan - Burn Stored Fat & Release Energy, 30 caps , (ThermaZan)
ThermaZan - Burn Stored Fat & Release Energy, 30 caps , (ThermaZan)
ThermaZan - Burn Stored Fat & Release Energy, 30 caps , (ThermaZan)
ThermaZan -
Item Number:13232
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Category: Fat Burner

ThermaZan - Burn Stored Fat & Release Energy, 30 caps, (ThermaZan)

"New diet pill literally melts the fat off your body by releasing energy in stored fat improving your metabolism and fiercely burn calories away - even after your worst meals." 
ThermaZan is a brand-new Ephedra-free diet pill which attacks your weight problem on 2 fronts.
  • 1. It burns calories and stored fat cells. You start losing weight even when you're not on a diet by breaking down and melting off excess fat.
  • 2. It releases energy from your burned fat so you aren't as hungry. Never again will you be waiting for your next meal starved, mentally drained and trembling with lack of energy.
Independent studies have shown that the clinically proven ingredients in ThermaZan reduced body fat and induced significant weight loss over 45 days. This means you can lose weight using nothing but safe, natural and clinically proven ingredients – easily and effortlessly! 
In just a few months you’re thinner, healthier and feel confident in your own body again. Think of how attractive this makes you to your partner and peers, and how liberating it is to finally be able to wear whatever you want to wear. Even if nobody thought you could do it, now you can amaze them all and prove that you can look good, feel great and achieve what you put your mind to. 
Act now and choose to look better than you’ve looked in years. You can expect to see results even in your first week and look back on this moment as one of the best decisions you’ve made in a long, long time.

Scientifically Proven: 
The core of ThermaZan’s unique solution to your weight problem is its effective mix of quality ingredients. Combined, these ingredients burn off stored fat cells, increase your metabolism, and release energy from calories to suppress your appetite during the entire day. 
After years of scientific research into hundreds of weight loss ingredients, we’ve discovered exactly what is needed to lose weight quickly, safely and effectively – even if you have the worst eating habits! Clinical tests on the ingredients in ThermaZan have proven that you can consistently and safely lose weight, reduce cravings, and put a stop to endless dieting and starvation! 
It’s worked for thousands of people from all walks of life and will work for you too! Safely but most of all highly effectively, thanks to these ingredients: 
Guarana is very promising as a fat burner. Guarana contains, among many other things, a high concentration of a compound called tetra methylxanthine. This substance is nearly identical to caffeine. Now, the really interesting property of this herb is that its caffeine-like compound is released slowly, over the course of many hours, thereby producing an enduring energy boost, which continues to escalate over that time. 
It’s what keeps the body’s metabolism burning at an elevated rate over time, leading to greater fat burning effects and weight loss. 
Yerba mate 
For many years now, physicians in Europe have been incorporating yerba mate in treatments for obesity. 
In 1999, researchers at a Swiss University studied various commercially-available plant preparations that have claimed to possess anti-obesity action. No significant increase in energy expenditure (EE) was noted after treatment with any of the preparations. In addition, no exchange of respiratory quotient (RQ) was shown, except after treatment with yerba mate extract, where a drop in RQ was observed, indicating a rise in the proportion of fat oxidized. 
In 2000, a research team studying obesity, at the Charlottenlund Medical Center in Denmark tested an herbal preparation of Yerba Mate, Guarana, and Damiana (YGD) for gastric emptying and subsequent weight loss. They concluded that the herbal preparation, (YGD) significantly delayed gastric emptying, reduced the time to perceived gastric fullness and induced significant weight loss over 45 days in overweight patients treated in a primary health care context. In addition, maintenance treatment given in an uncontrolled context resulted in no further weight loss, nor weight regain in the group as a whole. 
Cayenne fruit 
The effects of dietary hot red pepper (cayenne) on energy metabolism at rest and during exercise were examined in long distance male runners 18-23 yr of age.  
A standardized meal was given on the evening prior to the experiment. The subjects had a meal (2720 kJ) with or without 10g of hot red pepper for breakfast. During rest (2.5 h after meal) and exercise (pedaling for 1 h at 150 W, about 60% VO2max, using cycling ergometry), expired gasses and venous blood were collected. The meal with hot red pepper significantly elevated respiratory quotient and blood lactate levels at rest and during exercise. 
Oxygen consumption at rest was slightly but nonsignificantly higher in the hot red pepper meal at 30 min after the meal. Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels were significantly higher in. those who had only hot red pepper at 30 min after the meal. These results suggest that hot red pepper ingestion stimulates carbohydrate oxidation at rest and during exercise.

As a dietary supplement, adults take one capsule in the morning, preferably with a meal and water or as directed by your physician. 
Caution: this product is for adults only. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or have the following conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, glaucoma, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement, or if your are now taking a prescription monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) (certain drugs for depression, psychlatric or emotional conditions, or Parkinson's disease), or for two (2) weeks after stopping the MAOI drug.  
If you are uncertain whether your prescription drug contains an MAOI, consult your physician before taking this product. Do not exceed recommended dosage.
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Retail Price: $49.99
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ThermaZan - Burn Stored Fat & Release Energy, 30 caps, (ThermaZan)

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 30

Amount per serving

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 1.5 mg 75%
Proprietary Blend: 718 mg *
Contains 142 milligrams of naturally occurring caffeine from Yerba Mate Leaf Extract (Camellia sinensis), Guarana fruit extract (Paullinia cupana), White willow bark extract (standardized to contain 15% salicylic acid) (Salix species), Cayenne fruit (Capsicum annum).
*Daily Value not yet established.
Other Ingredients: gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, rice flour, water. 
All of the ingredients in ThermaZan are 100% natural, safe and proven to be effective. They’re mixed in exact proportions to get the best increase in metabolism, thermogenesis (the burning of stored fat cells by the production of heat) and the release of energy to get you through the day without starving.
ThermaZan - Burn Stored Fat & Release Energy, 30 caps, (ThermaZan)

Editor's rating: 8 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Dr. Douglas Simpson 
"Discover how over 2,600 people, 30 lbs. over weight or more, their excess pounds without starving, without strong will power and without gaining it all back - in just 4 months!"


Adam  "Wonderful product"
Weight loss has always been an issue for me. I have a high stress job and sometimes snack more than I should. With ThermaZan I’ve been able to curb my cravings and prevent that starved feeling when I cut back on foods. Thanks for making such a wonderful product.

Kelly  "Wow! I'm impressed"
Wow! I’m impressed with this product. No caffeine jitters like my other diet products, and I’m much less hungry during the day. I’ve tried a lot of weight loss supplements, and this one really works! Thanks guys!

Brea  "Great product"
3 months ago I nearly gave up on losing my extra weight. Then I saw ThermaZan on the web. I liked the open, honest money back guarantee so I decided to try “one last diet product”. I must say I’m impressed! Not only have I got my diet back into shape, but the bonus e-book has helped me A LOT. Such simple tips that I’ve never thought of trying. Thanks for the knowledge and a great product!

Even  "Love it!"
I’ve always known diet and exercise helps me lose weight. But the problem was I kept eating the wrong kinds of foods. Since I’ve started taking ThermaZan I’ve been fresher, more alert and less hungry, even when eat a “bad” meal. I know that the ingredients in ThermaZan are burning my stored body fat even when I’m eating fattening foods. Love it!
ThermaZan - Burn Stored Fat & Release Energy, 30 caps, (ThermaZan)

How It Works
If you have a weight problem that just won’t go away because you take in more calories than your losing, ThermaZan is for you. Whether the cause is a busy lifestyle, lack of exercise or occasional “very bad meals”, ThermaZan attacks your weight problem on 2 sides and helps to literally melt off your excess fat 
Stage 1 
A process called “thermogenesis” (or the production of heat as a by product of a healthy metabolism) fiercely burns fat, calories and stored fat cells. The ingredients in ThermaZan are geared to the release of energy in these fat cells and is actively burning them off, even when you’re not exercising. 
Stage 2 
The released energy increases your metabolism and helps to reduce your appetite. Because you already use energy stored in fat cells, you don’t need as much from food intake. You eat less without getting that starved, completely drained feeling you get from dieting. 
ThermaZan is a completely natural product made out of ancient ingredients used by modern medicine. It doesn’t contain the potentially harmful Ephedra supplement, but instead is successful by these three primary ingredients:
  • Yerba mate: controls appetite, increases metabolism & reduces fat.
  • Guarana: releases energy out of stored fat to lose weight and reduce craving.
  • Cayenne: reduces appetite by releasing energy from dietary fats.
Because these ingredients burn fat out of your body, and making sure  
you don’t put as much into your body, you solve both sides of the problem and lose your excess weight faster than with any other product.

What is ThermaZan? 
ThermaZan is an all-natural weight loss pill supplement that decreases hunger, burns energy from stored fat, and increases thermogenisis (fat loss). 
How does ThermaZan work? 
The ThermaZan formula fiercely burns fat, calories and stored fat cells, using a process called “thermogenesis”. ThermaZan is also an appetite suppressant. This means you eat less without getting that starved, completely drained feeling you get from dieting. 
What are the ingredients of ThermaZan?  
ThermaZan consists of Vitamin B6, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract (similar to caffeine), (liex paraguariensis), Green Tea Leaf Extract, White willow bark extract, Salicylic acid, Cayenne Fruit. Other ingredients include Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Rice Flour, and water. 
What results can I expect? 
Individual results may vary, but significant weight loss results can be noticed within the first 45 days or less 
How long should I take ThermaZan? 
We recommend taking the pills for a minimum of 3 months for maximum effectiveness. Some individuals see significant results earlier than others. The time it takes to see results depend on your body type, eating habits, overall health, genetics, and exercise patterns. 
Are there any negative side effects? 
While there are no negative side effects, it is recommended that you follow the dosage instructions and never take more than the recommended amount. Taking more than the recommended amount will not increase or speed up your fat loss results. If you have a medical condition that prevents you from taking vitamins or supplements, you should first consult your doctor before taking the ThermaZan pills. 
How many ThermaZan capsules should I take each day? 
There is no set time you should take ThermaZan. Take only one (1) capsule per day with a meal. You find the best time that works for you.
ThermaZan is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.