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Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps , (Farr Laboratories)
Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps , (Farr Laboratories)
Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps , (Farr Laboratories)
Cysta Q -
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Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

Cysta Q is a proprietary blend of specially formulated bioflavonoids. Cysta Q is a patent-pending complex and is the only product that has been clinically tested and proven effective for the symptoms of Overactive Bladder and Interstitial Cystitis by leading academic urologists in major medical centers. These results have also been published in US medical journals, such as Urology, and presented at the American Urological Association (AUA) in 2001 and 2002. 
Cysta Q is a dietary supplement that was specifically developed to target the symptoms of patients with Interstitial Cystitis. Cysta Q is based on the unique beneficial effects of combining bioflavonoids, a group of well known anti-oxidant compounds, and other naturally occurring substances that are used to enhance bioavailability. 
Bioflavonoids have other well documented benefits: these include reduced risk of heart disease and anti-abnormal cell growth effects. 
Bioflavonoids have been shown to dramatically improve the symptoms in patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes, and now with the Cysta Q complex, patients with Interstitial Cystitis have shown equally dramatic benefits. Cysta Q has been shown to be the most effective bioflavonoid formulation available. 
If you have any of the following symptoms, you could be suffering from pain needlessly.
  • Overactive bladder
  • Frequent and urgent urination
  • Pelvic pain and burning on urination
  • Pain during intercourse
Cysta Q is the only product of its kind, a patent pending proprietary blend of bioflavinoids that has been clinically proven effective for the symptoms of Overactive Bladder and Interstitial Cystitis by Academic Clinical Uroligists at major medical institutions and published in major medical journals in the United States with presentations at the American Urological Association (AUA) in 2001 and 2002. 
With no reported side effects after millions of doses, Cysta-Q has been proven effective in double-blind clinical studies.
Take 1 capsule two times per day.
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Retail Price: $59.99
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Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

450mg Proprietary blend: 
Quercetin, bromalain, papain, cranberry powder, black cohosh (root), skullcap, wood betony (leaf) (stachys officinalis), passionflower (flower), valerian (root).
Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

Editor's rating: 7 out of 10
User's rating: 100% 0%


Dr. Daniel Shoskes, Director of Prostate Research at the Institute for Male Urology and Chief of renal Transplantation, chronic prostatitis and interstitial cystitis at the Cleveland Clinic, Florida.


Joyce  "A restroom every mile"
Every time I drank liquid, my bladder felt like I had swallowed a bowling ball that had been placed on a hot grill. Truly! If I drank one cup of coffee, I would have to find places to stop on the freeway about every 15 minutes. I would have to get out of my car at my child’s school (one mile away) and find a restroom before I could continue to my next destination. My life was directed by the pathway to the next restroom and I lived in constant pain. I must have taken antibiotics for 20 years and always returned to my original state. Constant pain, constant urination, constant depression over the whole ordeal!\\\" “After only 2 weeks on Cysta-Q, my pain started to cease. I soon noticed that I could go for longer periods of time without having to find a bathroom. Sometimes I’m afraid to talk about the positive achievements because I’m afraid it will all disappear if I talk about it. Call me superstitious! But I pray that my example will help others who have suffered the pain that I have suffered.

Alicia  "I can now function normally"
As a working parent with 2 teenage sons, husband, and ailing mother who all rely on me, the amount of stress was tremendous due to the pain and suffering caused by the interstitial cystitis being misdiagnosed for so many years. I received various treatments from urologists, which only made the pain and burning increase to the point where I would be in tears when I left the doctor’s office.\\\" “In just a matter of one month on Cysta-Q, I began to experience a major decrease in the amount of pain I have had to endure all of these years. I will continue to use Cysta-Q for the rest of my life based on the fact that I can now function normally, virtually pain-free.

Marcy  "No longer a prisoner of my home"
Since my first IC symptoms began nearly 10 years ago, I haven’t traveled more than maybe 30 miles from my house. I was so scared of not being able to find a bathroom when I needed one, and of being too far away from emergency care if the pain became unbearable. My husband would take our kids on the occasional vacation, and I felt guilty for not being there to share the responsibilities as well as upset and bitter at having to miss out on the fun.\" \"After just 2 months on Cysta-Q, my symptoms have diminished to the point that I feel I am no longer a prisoner of my home. I’m ready to plan a weekend trip to Los Angeles to see my husband’s family, and it’s exciting to finally be able to reciprocate their visits. I can’t thank the makers of Cysta-Q enough for helping to give my life back! I finally feel ‘normal’ again!

Mark  "Able to keep my job"
I really noticed the extent to which IC was ruining my life when my boss asked me to resign from my job of 4 years. I had been spending more time in the restroom than in my office, and I was missing important meetings because I was too embarrassed to attend, then have to run out every 20 minutes. I was constantly inventing excuses to leave during the day for countless doctor appointments and my boss and my staff were fed up.\\\" \\\"Although I had been on medications that helped control the pain, Cysta-Q was the first product I tried that actually helped with both the pain and the frequency of urination. After several weeks, my job performance improved (I had been trying to hang on to my position) because I could go for over an hour without running to the restroom. More importantly, my stress and embarrassment over my situation were diminishing. Cysta-Q has truly given me my life back and I’m grateful every day.

A.M.  "Escaping surgery"
After suffering from Interstitial Cystitis for half my life, I’ve tried dozens of medications. I was becoming hopeless and was contemplating surgery, even though the thought of a difficult recovery period and huge hospital bill terrified me, especially since it wasn’t guaranteed that my urethral pain and urgency would go away. “Then my doctor heard about Cysta-Q and recommended it to me. Desperate, I tried it because it was pretty much the only thing I hadn’t tried yet. To my amazement, it has worked very well. Although I am not one-hundred percent better, my pain and frequency have diminished to where most days I feel like I am a normal person. I am so thankful I tried Cysta-Q before going through the long ordeal of bladder surgery!
Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

What is Intestinal Cystits (IC)? Interstital cystitis (IC) is complex, chronic disorder characterized by an inflamed or irritated bladder wall. It can lead to scarring and stiffening of the bladder, decreased bladder capacity, ad glomerulations (pinpoint bleeding). 
What are the sypmtoms of IC?
  • Frequent urination
  • Feelings of pressure, pain, and tenderness around the bladder, pelvis, and perineum (the area between the anus and vaginal or anus and scrotum)
  • Painful intercourse
  • In men, discomfort or pain in the penis and scrotum
  • In most women, symptoms may worsens around the menstrual cycle
What is Cysta-Q? Cysta-Q is a proprietary blend of specially formulated bioflavonoid Quercetin and a group of other well-known antioxidants that enhance bioavailability. 
What is Quercetin? Quercetin is a natural substance, known as a bioflavonoid, that's found in red wine, onions, apples, and green tea. It's been clinically shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 
How do you use Cysta-Q? I recommend 1 capsule taken two times per day. Most patients feel relief within the first 3 monts of treatment although, like all treatment options, not all patients respond to Cysta Q. 
When do you select Cysta-Q for your patients? I use Cysta-Q in patients with clinical symptoms consistent with Intersititial Cystitis. I first rule out other causes of urinary frequency and pain such as infection, stones, cancer or primary bladder instability. I have used Cysta-Q successfully as first line therapy or in patients who have failed other multiple conventional therapies (Elmiro, DMSO, Elavil, Atarax, hydrodistension). 
Are there any contraindications to using Cysta-Q? There is a theoretical risk that use of Cysta-Q will interfere with the action of quinolone antibiotics (Cipro, Floxin, Levaquin). Therefore, don't take these antibiotics with Cysta-Q. It is known that bioflavonoids cross the placenta and in fact are found in higher concentrations in the fetal blood than in the mother's. I recommend that patients taking Cysta-Q avoid becoming pregnant while taking the product. 
What side effects have you seen? Some patients who take the product on an empty stomach report mild nausea. Some patients have reported slight tingling in the extremities shortly after their first dose. 
How long will it tak for Cysta-Q to work? Some patients notice improvement after the first few doses. Others find that they must take it for at least 1 month to see any benefit. 
Can I combine Cysta-Q with other natural treatments? I don't recommend it. There is no way of knowing how ingredients in other natural supplements or treatments will interact with Cysta-Q. Even if the other therapy is considered "safe", it may interfere with the absorption of Cysta-Q, or block its actions in other ways. Futhermore, very high doses of antioxidants can lead to pro-oxidant effects. By combining high doses of multiple supplements, you may actually be producing the opposite of the intended effect and may be potentially harmful. 
Are ther any other beneficial effects of Cysta-Q? Long-term use of bioflavonoids has been associated with decreased mortality from heart disease and lower cholesterol. There is preliminary evidence that bioflavonoids may prevent and/or treat some forms of cancers.
Cysta Q is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.
Cysta Q - Promote Your Health & Well Being, 60 caps, (Farr Laboratories)

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