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Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg - 100 tabs , (Yerba Prima)
Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg - 100 tabs , (Yerba Prima)
Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg - 100 tabs , (Yerba Prima)
Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg -
Item Number:12643
Product Code:YP0012
Amazon ASIN:
Category: Body Cleansing

Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg - 100 tabs, (Yerba Prima)

Kalenite® is part of a long tradition of herbal internal cleansing that has been part of many cultures throughout history. Cultures as diverse as Native American, traditional Russian, ancient Roman and modern European have all valued internal cleansing. In addition to using herbs, they have used methods such as sweat lodges, mud baths, skin rubdowns, fasting and enemas. The goal in all of these methods was to help the body in its natural process of removing toxins and waste through the various channels of elimination.  
Yerba Prima developed the Kalenite cleansing program to address the modern need to promote good health by removing toxins and waste. By using herbs and fiber together, the Kalenite program provides a simple way to maintain health in the midst of our busy lives. No fasting, enemas or sweat lodges are needed, though they can be incorporated into the program if desired.  
Kalenite is a blend of eight herbs known for their ability to support proper elimination through the colon, liver, kidneys and lymphatic system, as well as helping to tone these organs of elimination so they can function more efficiently. Kalenite was the first internal cleansing program to have an independent study confirming objective benefits of the cleansing process.
These guidelines have been designed to give optimum benefits for most people. However, some people are more sensitive and need to follow the program at less than the recommended levels; it will still provide excellent results. A few people who want even stronger activity may want to increase the Kalenite to as much as 4 tablets 4 times a day. We suggest following these guidelines for two or three months and then continuing with Colon Care Formula, or one of Yerba Prima's other fiber formulas, to help maintain regularity, ongoing colon cleansing and help provide the fiber experts recommend for good health.  
Week One: Take once a day
  • 1 or 2 Kalenite tabs with 8 oz of liquid
  • 1 heaping teaspoon of Colon Care Formula with 8 oz of liquid
For best results, take between meals, unless using fiber capsules, which are best taken with meals. 
Week Two: Take 2 times a day
  • 1 or 2 Kalenite tabs with 8 oz of liquid
  • 1 heaping teaspoon of Colon Care Formula with 8 oz of liquid
Week Three: Take 3 times a day
  • 2 Kalenite tabs with 8 oz of liquid
  • 1 heaping teaspoo of Colon Care Formula with 8 oz of liquid
After Week Three: Take 3 times a day
  • 3 Kalenite tabs with 8 oz of liquid
  • 1 heaping teaspoon of Colon Care Formula with 8 oz of liquid
  • The Kalenite cleansing program can be performed once or twice a year for 4 to 8 weeks at a time as part of a healthy lifestyle. For more in-depth results, especially the first time cleansing is performed, use for 2 to 6 months.
After stopping the Kalenite tabs, continue with Colon Care for at least two weeks, 1 to 3 times a day, as needed. Colon Care can then be taken daily as long as desired. 
  • Begin gradually when starting a cleansing program.
  • Drink plenty of fluids while using Kalenite and a Yerba Prima fiber formula.
  • If minor gas or bloating occurs, reduce the amounts you take until your system adjusts.
  • Do not follow a cleansing program if pregnant.
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Retail Price: $13.99
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Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg - 100 tabs, (Yerba Prima)

Cleansing herb blend 777 mg  
Acacia gum, plantain leaf, blessed thistle herb, cloves, corn silk extract 4:1, yellow dock root extract 4:1, red clover tops extract 4:1, buckthorn bark extract 15% glucofrangulin 
Ingredients: Acacia gum, plantain leaf, blessed thistle herb, cloves, corn silk extract 4:1, yellow dock root extract 4:1, red clover tops extract 4:1, buckthorn bark extract 15% glucofrangulin. Natural source excipients: maltodextrin, vegetable stearine, silicon dioxide.
Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg - 100 tabs, (Yerba Prima)

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Kalenite Herbal Formula 788mg - 100 tabs, (Yerba Prima)

Kalenite Herbal Formula - is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.