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Wellness Cold & Flu - Bio-Aligned Homeopathic Formula, 48 tabs , (Source Naturals)
Wellness Cold & Flu - Bio-Aligned Homeopathic Formula, 48 tabs , (Source Naturals)
Wellness Cold & Flu - Bio-Aligned Homeopathic Formula, 48 tabs , (Source Naturals)
Item Number:11255
Product Code:SN1164
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Wellness Cold & Flu - Bio-Aligned Homeopathic Formula, 48 tabs, (Source Naturals)

Wellness Cold & Flu is a Bio-Aligned Formula that is a quick, safe, natural alternative to the conventional medical approach. Wellness Cold & Flu uses specific homeopathic remedies to address multiple body systems related to colds and flu: the sinuses, throat, upper respiratory tract and lungs, and the musculoskeletal and immune systems. These remedies relieve the fever and chills, sore throat, sinusitis, sneezing, runny nose, body aches and pains, and chest congestion that may accompany a cold or flu. 
Wellness Cold & Flu Homeopathic Formula  
When dealing with winter colds and flu, there is a quick, safe, natural alternative to the conventional medical approach. Wellness Cold & Flu uses specific homeopathic remedies to address multiple body systems related to colds and flu: the sinuses, throat, upper respiratory tract and lungs, and the musculoskeletal and immune systems.
  • Sinuses Over 100 viruses have been identified that cause the common cold. This ailment, although far from life threatening, can be one of the world's most uncomfortable experiences, with symptoms lasting from 4-10 days. The indicated remedies can relieve sinus congestion and headache, runny nose, sneezing, loss of smell and taste, and other manifestations of upper respiratory distress.
  • Throat The throat is one of the primary areas where cold and flu viruses replicate. Wellness Cold & Flu contains homeo-pathic medicines that alleviate redness, inflammation, soreness, dryness, burning, tickling, hoarseness and swollen glands.
  • Upper Respiratory Tract & Lungs Wellness Cold & Flu helps the immune system respond to upper respiratory symptoms, including dry cough, bronchial cough, respiratory congestion, irritation of the lungs and difficult respiration.
  • Musculoskeletal System When aching in the muscles and bones is part of the flu picture, these remedies will assist in restoring homeostasis.
  • Immune System Systemic manifestations of colds and flu include symptoms of immune response, such as fever, chills, and exhaustion. These remedies support a balanced immune response that will speed recovery and minimize discomfort. The remedy influenzinum, prepared from flu vaccine, stimulates the body's natural defense mechanisms prior to, or in the early stages of exposure to the flu.

1 Wellness Cold & Flu tablet every 2 to 4 hours until symptoms improve, then as needed. For optimal results, a maximum of 6 doses per day is recommended. Children ages 2 to 12 years - 1/2 the adult dosage. Children under the age of 2 years - consult your health care professional. 
Warning: A persistent cough or high fever may be the sign of a serious health condition. If fever persists for more than 3 days, consult a physician. If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician. Do not take this product for consistent or chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma, or emphysema, or if cough is accompanied by excessive phlegm (mucus) unless directed by a physician. As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health care professional before using this product.
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Retail Price: $9.98
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Wellness Cold & Flu - Bio-Aligned Homeopathic Formula, 48 tabs, (Source Naturals)

Serving Size: 1 tablet  
Echinacea angustifolia 3X, Allium cepa 4X (red onion), Bryonia alba 4X (white bryony), Eupatorium perfoliatum 4X (boneset), Gelsemium sempervirens 4X (yellow jasmine), Sanguinaria canadensis 4X (blood root), Kali Bichromicum 6X (potassium dichromate), Phosphorus 6X, Aconitum napellus 12X (monkshead), Influenzinum 12X (homeopathic flu vaccine).  
Other Ingredients: Lactose and Magnesium Stearate.
Wellness Cold & Flu - Bio-Aligned Homeopathic Formula, 48 tabs, (Source Naturals)

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Wellness Cold & Flu - Bio-Aligned Homeopathic Formula, 48 tabs, (Source Naturals)

Wellness Cold & Flu is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party.