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PeniSaver - Herbal Penis Booster & Curvature Fixer, 2 oz + 60 tabs+ 60 tabs , (Lin Institute)
PeniSaver - Herbal Penis Booster & Curvature Fixer, 2 oz + 60 tabs+ 60 tabs , (Lin Institute)
PeniSaver - Herbal Penis Booster & Curvature Fixer, 2 oz + 60 tabs+ 60 tabs , (Lin Institute)
Item Number:1045
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PeniSaver - Herbal Penis Booster & Curvature Fixer, 2 oz + 60 tabs+ 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

Many men don’t understand that their penises need maintenance. Circumcised men lose sensitivity in their glans as constant rubbing against clothing deadens the nerve endings. Injuries from Women-on-Top or forceful masturbation can also lead different degree of damages to your penis. Frequently ejaculating will also cause problems as the male orgasm drains your body and brain of important nutrients and hormones. For proper penis maintenance, PeniSaver was developed. A strong herbal combination, PeniSaver will do wonders for your sex life and keep your penis in good shape.
  • Promotes firmer, longer lasting erections
  • Promote natural healing process for Peyronie’s Disease
  • Increases stamina and vigor
  • Boosts sex drive 
  • Circulates blood more effectively
  • Aids in managing stress
  • Stimulates the mind for better concentration and memory
PeniSaver has been known to power brain/neuro-endocrine functions to generate the healing power for the damaged nerves and cells and dilate the penile arteries. It works great for people that suffered from Peyronie’s Disease and penis curvature problem. Basically, PeniSaver will promote healing of your penis from the inside of your body by improving the flow of the nutrients to it and promoting your body’s natural healing process.
Take 1 tablet of ViaGrowth III, PeniSOS, & Curculigo Power each in the morning. Take another tablet from ViaGrowth III, Curculigo Power, and PeniSOS each after dinner 
Keep tightly closed in a dry place. Or consult your healthcare practitioner on optimal dosage. Please do not expose the products to excessive heat.
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Lead Time: 0
Retail Price: $86.00
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PeniSaver - Herbal Penis Booster & Curvature Fixer, 2 oz + 60 tabs+ 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

PeniSaver - Herbal Penis Booster & Curvature Fixer, 2 oz + 60 tabs+ 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

Editor's rating: 9 out of 10
User's rating: 80% 20%


PeniSaver can do wonders for a man. Upon examining most men’s sexual dysfunctions, I realized that many of the problems are due to the fact that most men don’t realize that sex can be the source of their problems. Like a runner, the penis requires rest and rehabilitation in order to perform at its best. PeniSaver will help men keep their penises running at top speed. It will increase the quality of erections, help curb premature ejaculation, and it makes your penis more sensitive. It works by:
  • Increasing sexual hormone production for recharging your sexual system
  • Rejuvenating your sex life through improved blood circulation and increasing nitric oxide production
  • Balances hormones like the testosterone-estrogen ratio for controlling premature ejaculation and for removing DHT from tissue for faster recovery
  • Increasing sensitivity by channeling blood to the penis for maximum engorgement
After taking PeniSaver, you will also feel the positive effects in other areas of your life. You will find yourself having more energy, better concentration, more libido, and you will handle stress better. After it improves your sex life, it will improve other areas of your life. It does it all!


Valentino  "Like Magic!!"
Im young and didn't have any serious problems when it came to my se life. I decided to do some intense penis workouts. Manually and with a device. shortly after I noticed I noticed I couldn't get fully erect. I freaked out and researched like crazy. I purchased this product and within the same night I was getting erections in my sleep and in the morning. I found out the penis heals itself if harmed or overworked but this product sure did speed up the healing process by 100%. It even looks like I got more circulation when flaccid and veins look fuller. I just ordered the VIP cream to see if it aids with faster recovery. They say I should have a healthier penis then before. Well I wrote this to hopefully help anyone because this has been driving me crazy. Good Luck!!

Anonymous  "Just started taking this"
I injured my penis with a plastic ring. Nerve endings were definitely damaged, I'm not sure how bad, but I can't feel the glans of my penis anymore. At first it was even hard to get a full erection, the erection strength came back but the feeling is still not there, which is almost worse. It makes se and masturbation not pleasurable and so its been very depressing. Hopefully PeniSOS/Viagrowth and Ginseng stacked together will help heal the damaged tissue. I'm also taking benfotiamine, a multivitamin, and eercising regularly. I will let you guys know how i progress after the first month.

Anonymous  "dont work"
thus stuff does not work took foir a month no change made my dick numb, doeas make you horney thoe.

limp dick  "numb"
dont use this stuff, i took it for 4 days and my dick is limp.

gettin hung  
does anybody know if you can take male inhancment pills with this stuff

mube  "A must use"
I surely have this embarrasing curve,and want to get it away,so that i can live to tell the story to my many friends and enjoy life to it's fullest.But the difficult thing is that buying it is difficult.fear to send my money by the visa/debt/master cards which i have never used before.assure me plz, am in iraq-fallujah.And i dear want the herb.

dave  "...."
anyone sure if this works??

Anonymous  "JOHN"
I am using it from past 1 month but it didnt work yet..i duno it will work or not

Penisbudy  "Did great first time"
Penisaver healed my penis after a bad masterbation injury. for about 8 months my penis didn't erect, i felt nothing when seeing girls. but took Penisaver and did sexual exercises and i could erect again. Doctors can't even figure out what i have they say Peyronies' even thuogh i don't have any bend, and they say there is nothing i can't take but Vitamin E. so if they don't have answers or help, then why not try this.

jeff  "worked"
My hormone balance is slowly regained. Caveat for Australian customers make sure you order VitaLife 1 and VitaLife 3.

Anonymous  "Straight as an Arrow"
There was pain in the beginning but later my penis started to improve. It nearly straight as an arrow, just about half a degree off! A few more weeks and it will be perfect.

Just testing.

Anonymous  "WORKS FOR SURE "
Alright every 1 .. I tried it and I can actually say that it works for sure. BUT you have to follow the freaken directions. No Wacking anymore.. Cut it out. Take the stuff until its gone !!! Dont stop half way through.. Use all of it not a little bit or else you'll be back here complaining like all of these thumbs down people .. Told you I was going to be back to attack it :)

curve  "going to test"
im going to buy this and see if it work. My penis curve so much i can't even bend it down :(

CATS [email protected]  "The present modernity of Swimmingpool near you"
Appreciates as for me in you! I are the quite good very great now have the cloudy stem! You and do not have masturbate or the essential characteristic by I migration! For second appreciation!

jo  "CURES"
Fear not for Joe Chin is here! My penis has gotten much better since I began using this wondruous product! It had turned pussy with a gaping gash in the middle! NOW IT IS BACK TO NORMAL! I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH! GET OUT OF MY WAY PARAPPA!

I freaked out when I saw PURPLE AND BLACK spots on my penis. I couldn't believe it! I DAMAGED MY PENIS! How in the world did I do that?! I just had to fix it right away. I tried the first thing I saw and it was this. It fixed my problem after about 2 weeks. Thank god! I thought it was screwed

Just the thought of damaging the penis makes me cringe. As much as you try to avoid it, it'll eventually happen. When it happened to me, I found this product it healed my penis after taking for about 2 months. It's a long time but any injury takes awhile and it does it's job.Thanks!

Bob  "works great!"
Excellent product!

sensitivepenis  "This stuff doesnt work"
somethings wrong cuz i put this stuff on my dick and now i only get boners around old people.
PeniSaver - Herbal Penis Booster & Curvature Fixer, 2 oz + 60 tabs+ 60 tabs, (Lin Institute)

PeniSaver is shipped in a discrete, unmarked package. Orders are processed immediately and usually take about 3 to 5 working days to be received. We do ask that you try it for 2 to 3 weeks to feel the full effects. Any information received is used only for order processing and shipping purposes. Your information, such as e-mail address, will never be disclosed to a third party. 
Note to All International Customer (From Dr. Lin): 
Although our natural products are classified as dietary (food) supplements in the USA according to the US 1994 DSHEA (Dietary Supplements and Health Education Act) Law, some herbs may be classified as prescription drugs in your country. To resolve the custom restriction and conflict, ViataLife 1 will be sending out instead of PeniSOS and ViataLife 3 will be sending out instead of ViaGrowth III VitaLife 1’s and effects are identical to PeniSOS and ViataLife 3’s effects are identical to ViaGrowth III. If you are concerned with this issue, please email to us.